D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 990 - 990 Chapter 990 More Thoughts with Sue

Chapter 990 - 990 Chapter 990 More Thoughts with Sue

990 Chapter 990 More Thoughts with Sue

Sue is still in the driver’s seat


Sue took some time to rest. She was going to be busy this evening and seeing just how tired Kat was… well Sue felt a bit lazy herself. It didn’t last all that long though. She needed to be prepped to go at Bodier’s convenience. As lovely as it would be to call for whatever extra time she might require as a woman… she knew Bodeir was a bit of a dullard and would take it the wrong way if she called for more time. Thus, she had to be ready to leave, and arrive, at the party as soon as it was open just in case.

Sue called for a maid to help with her hair and sat down at the vanity. When Sue unwound all of her hair and let it fall down her back the maid was mentally cursing. Sure Sue was a Succubus and thus her hair was much less prone to getting knots then a human or mountain elf… but Sue had an exceptional amount of hair. It was going to take some time to get through. The poor maid didn’t think she could do it all herself in a timely manner. She decided to call for reinforcements.

Sue wasn’t going to complain about the extra help. She had been intending to do half of the work herself. She might’ve relied on several Hub products to unknot her hair normally, but Sue’s mother taught her well. If the situation called for it Sue was more than capable of brushing out her own hair. It took forever, but she was capable of it. Still, being pampered was nice and she’d never turn the chance down. Especially if they were basically volunteering.

As the brushing continued, Sue relaxed and thought back to what she’d considered early. *I think… that while I love sex, and I don’t mind being the sexpot nymphomaniac… I don’t want to be JUST that. The question is, what else can I do? Unlike Kamiko who clearly kept up with her weapons training I’m surprised I managed to do as well as I did fighting those rats off. I mean, I love my hammer and the fact that it’s a bit fancy means I can really pack a punch with it…

But I neglected that training horribly after I left school. I mean, I didn’t exactly try my best during school either but at least I was training regularly during those years. I… I don’t know if I want to focus on that sort of thing. Demons are strong enough without training that I don’t really NEED combat. It’s something I’d have to want and… I just don’t think that’s my calling. My blood doesn’t sing at the thought of a thrilling fight. Honestly a proper fight? That gets really gross really fast… and I’m aware of how hypocritical that is to say considering what I get up to in the bedroom but I’m trying to understand myself damn it, not criticise.

Besides, that one time I tried blood play it just got everywhere and it didn’t add anything to the experience for me. Crazy fucker had some impressive regeneration though. Just as potent as Kat’s… if you ignore the fact that the fool still scarred. God he was more scars than clean flesh everywhere except his face. Which also really isn’t my thing. Scars CAN be cool, in small amounts but not everywhere. I certainly wouldn’t want to develop any myself. So that’s enough to count out combat as somewhere to start.*

Sue’s train of thought paused as one of the maids found a particularly tough knot in her hair. Instead of gently teasing it though, Sue could feel the maid just gearing up to try and rip straight through it. Which was never going to work. Sue took good care of her hair… and used a number of products to increase its durability. A little maid wasn’t going to be able to break her hair with a hairbrush and a bit of effort. Sue decided to play a bit of a joke on the maid.


When the maid slammed her hand down on the knot, yanking Sue’s head back, instead of pretending to feel pain… she let out the most sensual moan she could manage, drawing on her experience with masochists and the slightly different tones they liked to use for that sort of thing. The maid jumped back, dropping the brush as if it’d been set on fire. “What’s wrong dear? Now the hair brush has been on the floor you’ll have to clean it. Then again, you were having a bit of trouble with that knot. Brute force is all well and good for some things but not for hair. Though… I’m not really complaining about it either,”

Sue grinned into the mirror, watching the clearly less experience maid go bright red and attempt to stammer out something resembling words. It was not working. The older maid just rolled her eyes and pulled another hairbrush from the pocket in the front of her dress and handed it over to the younger maid. Sue flashed a cheeky grin at the older maid who returned the grin before the younger could recover and realise they were messing with her.

*Right. Where was I? Combat. Yup, not interested in that. Too bloody, not an adrenaline junky and I’m not a masochist. Sue was fully aware of the irony in insisting on that last point after what she’d just done but Sue wasn’t a masochist. Not a physical one anyway, possibly worth testing at some point. I guess I’ll have to look into something intellectual then. Ugh… I don’t know if I want to be a nerd though. Then again… it would be a good excuse to dress up as a sexy nurse or librarian wouldn’t it?

No, not nurse. For the same reasons as combat really. I do not want to be covered in blood and healing really isn’t what I want to do in life. Then again… maybe therapy? No… I’m not sure I could trust myself not to sleep with my patients. But… but it actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Might be something I could get Kat interested in as well… we could take the courses together? Honestly that’s a pleasing idea…

But yeah… I’d be constantly tempted to sleep with everyone even remotely attractive that walk through my doors and I just can’t think that’s a good idea. Sure most therapists work at Lust but those guys have some of the harshest punishments for sexual misconduct. I did ask Mum why that was once and it makes sense really. With so many willing demons around, a lot of them Succubi like myself, going after someone unwilling is a massive no-no.

Which makes Sloth and Greed look kinda sad in comparison. Greed lets you actively proposition your co-workers because ‘everyone has a price’ and as long as you’re not actively forcing anything physical they’ll let you get away with so much shit. Though if they do catch you most contracts enforce indentured servitude. Still less harsh then Lust, but not fun. josei

Sloth barely even has any regulations because a lot of the workers just don’t care and can’t be bothered to file it to HR. Mum and Dad like to laugh at all the times people have called them out for being inappropriate and then saying ‘Fill in the required forms and hand them to HR and we’ll accept their response’. Apparently only one person has ever taken my parents up on their offer… and HR dismissed the claims anyway because deepthroating bananas in the breakroom, while strange, isn’t against company policy and there were other breakrooms the complainer could’ve used.*

*What was I thinking about again?* Sue realised she’d gotten quite far off course. Ah, future careers. Therapist… still sounds alright. We’ll put that in the maybe column with learning how to do proper massages. Though at least if I chose to work at a massage pallor I could pick one where it’s expected you sleep with the customers at some point during the treatment. That sounds nice… but perhaps not really helping me do something that isn’t sex. Plus… I feel like I’d get bored working a job like that.

*What about diplomacy? That could be interesting. I could use my natural charms, my wit and whatever extra stuff they shove into my head to get good at diplomacy and start locking down deals for whoever Contracts me. Hmm… though I’ve heard that sort of contract negotiation can be really boring from Mum and Dad. I don’t know if I could keep myself interested for days at a time. And diplomat is widely considered one of the toughest courses to complete.

Ugh… why is everything so hard? Sex is easy and fun but trying to branch out to other interesting things just seems to lead me back to more sex. Though… I am starting to realise that I might have a problem.*

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