D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 991 - 991 Chapter 991 Getting Ready to Mess with Some Bitches!

Chapter 991 - 991 Chapter 991 Getting Ready to Mess with Some Bitches!

991 Chapter 991 Getting Ready to Mess with Some Bitches!

Sue’s taking the wheel


Sue was ready. A slight touch of lipstick, a nice dress, hair perfectly combed and a reasonable amount of magical tape. That last item might seem a bit weird, but when you’re wearing a dress that’s designed for people with a cup size two less then you own? That tape is going to save you from flashing everyone. Which of course, to Sue meant it wasn’t a necessary item most of the time, but this was supposed to be a high society party and randomly flashing guests would be a bit too much for their poor delicate noble sensibilities.

*Still, it was hilarious the first time I pulled that off. Three ladies actually FAINTED. The men were barely any better, one knocked over the buffet table, another fell through the window, and two smacked into each other… right on the lips too. There was much screeching. It was so funny when I left because the person who hired me paid me extra for that little performance while requesting I never do something like that ever again.

Of course, I only agreed not to do such a thing on their world… but I’ve never been back to that dimension so it’s all good. Ah, memories. I also can’t wait till someone makes a snide comment about ‘being too poor to fit into my dress’ or something. Those sorts of setups are always the best. Hopefully whoever asks me is nearly flat. I’ve got the perfect retort all lined up for them.*

“Please inform Bodeir that I am ready to leave at his convenience… or more likely please inform Hromdir that I am ready to leave and that I should be notified five minutes in advance of departure,” said Sue as she posed slightly in front of the mirror, watching with a wicked smile as the fabric of her dress strained against her assets. The poor younger maid was bright red. The older maid was way too used to this type of shit.

The outfit Sue had chosen was completely indecent on someone of her build. It was designed for someone with a slim build and decently sized breasts. B cup at the absolute most, C cup if you were feeling brave. Sue of course, was very brave and had no shame so she outsized it be a considerable margin. The thin triangles of fabric that reached up to cover her breasts were really only hiding her nipples from show. Luckily it wasn’t strapless, with said straps going up from the triangles and wrapping around her neck.

Her back was mostly exposed with only a few strings of fabric keeping the dress together at the back. The sides were split just above the knees revealing a decent amount of leg, and the sleeves travelled all the way down to her elbows, with a good bit of excess fabric hanging off the bottom of her wrists to emphasis her movements. Her ass barely fit into the dress but it was at least completely hidden unlike her top. It wasn’t all that comfortable, being ‘compressed’ like she was, but Sue had pulled of this trick so often that it was a negligible amount of effort to just ignore.

Her hair was tied off into two sections starting at her shoulders, allowing it to flow behind her shoulders then wrap around her waist as a makeshift belt before continuing down to frame her legs. Her hair actually wrapped around her waist twice over to prevent her hair from being too close to the floor. No sense in giving people an excuse to ‘accidentally’ step on her hair. Sure it wouldn’t do any damage to it, not really… but that didn’t mean the sensation was pleasant. Plus, with a large number of cultivators amongst guests they could probably make it painful.


Sue was just about to do a small ‘stress test’ on the dress to make sure that if she had to move it wouldn’t just tear itself to pieces when there was a knock at the door. “Come in, I’m decent,”

The door opened to reveal Hromdir who took one look at Sue and retorted, “I hardly consider that ‘decent'”

“Well everything is covered isn’t it? They can’t see anything I’d rather keep private either,” Sue shot back.

“I suspect there isn’t much you’d rather keep private when it comes to your body. Alas, you do technically meet the regulations for such parties even if socially what you are wearing is completely indecent. I suspect that is at least partially the point considering there was no way for you to notice the outfit is… ill fitting,” grumbled Hromdir.

“Ah, it’ll be a good way to get under everyone’s skin, don’t worry about me Hromdir. I’ll make sure that we come out on top,” said Sue.

“Understood Miss. I’ve come to inform you that as a demon yourself you can choose to sit with the cultivators when they eat, or with the civilian dates, as technically you are not a fighter yourself,” said Hromdir.

“Which one will give me more chances to fuck with people?” asked Sue.

Hromdir grimaced… but he was just a butler and decided that it was his duty to answer the question. Hopefully the patriarch knew what he was doing sending a girl like this to keep his son in line. “Probably the cultivators. While the civilian dates will take considerably more offence at your… state of dress and general existence they are less likely to complain about it if they realise you are a demon, something I suspect will be spread around quite quickly,” josei

Sue shrugged, “It’s no trouble. I’m sure I can make my own fun wherever I go!”

“Of course Miss. Bodeir is prepared for the event… but has not decided to leave just yet. I will retrieve you when it is time,” said Bodeir.

Sue nodded as the butler walked out and then used this as a chance to test just how robust her outfit was. A twist here and there, a twirl… and cartwheel revealed that they didn’t skimp on the construction of the dress. It did mess up her hair a bit though, so Sue along with the maids spent some time fixing that up after completing all her tests.

Eventually, Hromdir called her to attention and Sue slid over to Kat’s room. Sue was glad she didn’t send a maid to wake the two up. Not only was Lily currently in human form… but it was such an adorable sight. Lily and Kat were hugging each other tightly with their tails wrapping around each other tightly. Kat was of course having more success with that, having a considerably longer tail. With Kat on her side, she had the top wing extended over to cover most of Lily as well.

Sue could hear that even in her sleep, Lily was purring, clearly having a grand time cuddle up against Kat. Her ears would twitch occasionally and Lily would shift slightly whenever Kat did to make sure her face was pressed against some part of Kat’s body. Probably for the extra bit of Kat’s scent. On Kat’s end, it seemed that even in her sleep she couldn’t resist petting Lily a bit. Kat’s fingers slowly rubbed the sides of Lily’s ears, causing them to twitch occasionally, but rarely away from Kat’s wondering fingers.

Honestly I should’ve come in here to watch these two adorable muffins sleep. They’re so cute together. Though… the temptation to divebomb on top of them is strong. I’d definitely do it if I had time to fix my hair and dress again after I made the attempt. Alas, it is time to leave. Sue walked up to the pair and shook them roughly to no avail. Shrugging at that, Sue slapped Kat on the ass. This too, did nothing.

That’s when Sue made a minor mistake in judgement. This time, Sue slapped Lily on the ass. There was a slight shriek and then a moment later, before Sue could process anything she was pinned against the wall with a hand crushing her throat. *FUCK! Note to self. DO NOT WAKE THEM UP THAT WAY EVER AGAIN.*

Kat blinked, eyes widening in shock as she took note of what she was actually doing. Leaping back as if she was burned, “I’m so sorry Sue… I don’t know what came over me…” whispered Kat, slightly horrified by what she’d done.

“No no, that was my bad. I chose a poor way to wake you both up. It’s understandable you’d react badly. If I also bring up the fact that you were up all night fending off attackers then I feel silly for going about it this way,” said Sue, carefully phrasing things to imply it was only that Kat was wound up from all the ambushes.

“Still… um… I’m sorry…” mumbled Kat.

“Eh, it’s fine. I don’t bruise too easily and you’re grip wasn’t too bad,” said Sue. *But only because I’ve experience a few people who are a bit rough on the throat during sex. Honestly I was scared enough to activate my barrier on myself. Sure it was a bit late on that, but if Kat had kept going I would’ve been safe. Not amused, but safe.*

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