D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 278

Chapter 278: The Painter

Chapter 278: The Painter

As Kat left the building she turned and headed further into town. Except, she was stopped instantly when she ran into a small girl. Kat, being a strong as she was, hardly felt the impact but the girl was already falling backwards.

Kat's perception slowed as her tail started to move trying to grab onto the girl and prevent her from falling. Kat stared, taking in every detail of the poor person she'd run into. The girl was young, she looked to be around six or seven. She had a large sunhat that had a few small holes in it that let her hair been seen. Said hair was bright red, similar to Kat's own, though it was a bit darker, and looked more natural than Kat's own. Her eyes were a dark blue, and they were wide open in shock. Her mouth was clenched shut, and she was currently wearing what amounted to little more than a grey tarp with sleeves in it. Kat was initially concerned, until she noticed further details.

The tarp was covered in paint splatters, clearly unintentional and built up over time with use. In the girl's left hand was a bucket of paint, and in the other was a paintbrush and a second bucket, clueing Kat into the fact that the garment was likely to prevent other clothes being covered in paint.

*What am I going to do now? I can't just wrap her up in my tail, or at least, I might not be able to do it safely without spilling the paint. I could move at max speed and grab both buckets but… would that break her fingers? I can 'take it easy' but if I'm moving so fast that alone might be too much for her joints.*

*Hmm, could I move behind and slide my tail around her hands, keeping them… straight enough? Maybe…* Kat looked at the handles, and saw it would be close. Her tail was very flexible even at the tip… but she wasn't sure if it would bend before it cut into the girl's hands.

*Why is this decision so hard! I mean… I guess I can just let the paint spill a bit?* Kat started moving, shifting herself to the side before moving forward and around to the girl's back, Kat was careful not to make any too sudden movements directly in the girl's direction, moving at odd angles so that the air she displaced wouldn't cause the girl any problems.

*Is my tail long enough to wrap around both buckets maybe?* Kat measured with her eyes and found she should be able to make it. The girl wasn't exactly wide, so she should be able to manage it. Moving her hands into position to support the girl from the shoulders, Kat let her tail wrap around the paint buckets, taking care not to touch the girl.

Finally, time returned to normal and air exploded around Kat, ruffling the tarp the girl she was holding but doing her no damage. The paint stayed firmly locked in place and the girl fell into her arms stunned.

"Sorry about that" said Kat.

The painter girl whipped her head back and stared Kat in the eyes. The painters glazed over for a split second before returning to normal and saying "Thank you pretty Nee-san"

Kat smiled and lifted the girl completely back on her own two feet. As Kat took a step back though her own eyes went wide. She hadn't noticed, so focused was she on helping the girl she had accidentally run into, but above her was a faint figure.

Despite looking faint, Kat could physically feel the power radiating off it. *Well if that isn't an angel, I sure as heck ain't a demon.* And Kat was right. The figure before her had long golden hair that simply disappeared at knee height on it. Its hair didn't so much end, as it phased out of existence, giving the impression it went somewhere else. The figure had three sets of pure white wings flaring out from its back that happily stretched into the wall of the building beside her.

The rest of the outfit the angel wore was the same colour as its hair. The figures face was completely obscured, there was a faint haze around it preventing Kat from seeing it. *What! I have true sight… why can't I see it?* Oh, and it had completely blue skin. A pale blue that looked like the sky behind her.

"Ah- ah, yeah no problem" said Kat addressing the girl, as her brain restarted. Kat's gaze couldn't help flicking to the figure above the girl. "Can I ask for your name?" asked Kat, using her increased perception speed to move her eyes to the figure above the painter when she started the words 'your' and 'name'

"Oooh? The little demon can see them then?" said the angelic figure. Its? Her? voices were strange and somewhat distorted. It was like the echo of a choir Kat could only remember hearing.?"Come find me later. You will know when"

The angelic figure spoke the instant Kat flicked her eyes at 'name' so that she could hear the voice during her slowed perception. Kat paled slightly, but with her already porcelain skin, it wasn't noticeable as the painter said "My name is Kikuchi, what's yours?"

"Kat. My name is Kat" said Kat (obviously) in response.

"Interesting. To see a demon, give its true name so freely in my presence. I suppose it is of no real consequence but it is a surprise to be sure" said the angel. At the same time as Kikuchi responded with "That's a nice name. You even saved my paint. Thank you very much"

Kat felt the overwhelming urge to pat the girl's head… but wasn't sure if she should, considering the angel that sat above it. That was until said angel gave a firm nod. Kikuchi smiled as Kat rubbed her head, then pouted for a split second before putting her paint buckets down and taking off her hat.

"Now you can pat my head properly" said Kikuchi.

*I feel like I missed something but whatever.* Thought Kat as she patted the girls head as requested. After about thirty seconds Kikuchi smiled, jumped at Kat to give her a hug, before grabbing her paint and taking off. "See you around!" shouted Kikuchi as she ran.

"Yes indeed" echoed the choir of the angel as it disappeared as well stuck above Kikuchi's head.

*Well that was… something.* Kat looked at the place Kikuchi had just been standing. She was unsure why she didn't take the time to think things through before the girl ran off around the corner, presumably to work on her half-finished mural.

*I kind of want to watch her paint while I wait for whatever time that angel was telling me I should wait for but… It was clear they didn't want to talk NOW and I'm unsure if that means I shouldn't watch. Hmm, I'm going to get Lily's opinion. This is already crazy, and I can wait for a response.*

"Hey Lily, I managed to find someone with… well I think it was an angel… it's super weird… I don't… honestly I don't understand what it was. I'm not sure if I should talk to it later. It's sounds like a church choir when it speaks and it's super weird."

Kat pushed the system to send the message off but…

Error. D.E.M.O.N.S cannot allow for the messaging of Angel locations. josei

*Excuse me what? So you can confirm that was an angel?*

D.E.M.O.N.S cannot confirm that was an Angel.

*But… but you just said I couldn't send it because it was an 'Angel' so I mean… isn't that confirmation.*

D.E.M.O.N.S must uphold The Treaty. What information User Kat gains from obeying it is no relevant to D.E.M.O.N.S.

*Right… could I ask it for permission to send that letter then?*


Analysing Treaty of @#@!#($*%


Consideration being given…

Upon review, if User Kat request permission from the entity User Kat suspects is an Angel, and receives permission, the message may be sent.

*Right…* Kat moved off between the buildings and off into the plains away from the town. She looked over in the direction of the painter and whispered. "Can I tell me friends that I met you? I don't really know what I am doing"

Kat was somewhat hopeful she wouldn't receive an answer. She was a good distance away and hardly made any noise when she spoke. Alas, a response was quickly given "That is acceptable Kat"

*Great. The super ghost angel has great hearing. Of course it does. So does that suffice to send the message?*

Yes. Sending Message.

*Thanks system.* Thought Kat as she sent off the message. She just realised… there was a minor problem. *Lily won't be able to respond will she? She won't have permission to tell ME about the angel so it won't send.*

User Kat is correct.

Kat groaned and put her head in her hands.

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