D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 279

Chapter 279: Painter

Chapter 279: Painter

Kat did eventually get a reply from Lily, but not until it was much darker outside. It also didn't really contain anything she didn't know, and cited that she was in fact prevented from discussing the angel in question as Kat had guessed. There was however, a bit of unique information that she provided.

Angels are one of the only things that don't show up on the list at all. Demons are another one, and maybe some stuff I've never heard of, but when I asked, it was explained that anything that transformed someone into a demon unnaturally would drive them insane and then kill them. It did worry me a little, but apparently your transformation was natural? So… that worry was dealt with quickly. Anyway, unlike some races that only have halves or quarters listed, or just full blood races, there is nothing about angels.

I asked D.E.M.O.N.S expecting it to say that it couldn't tell me that. But it just said it was impossible to make anything into an angel. So… be careful? I guess is what I'm saying. If demons are real, and clearly so are angels, I have to imagine they are strong in similar ways. I don't know how strong exactly, but you can't take them lightly.

*Hmm, that is rather interesting to note. So system, just to confirm you can't make an angel right?*

It is impossible to turn anything else into an Angel.

*Right. Ok fair enough. Now… should I go to this meeting… I mean probably… and I wasn't really thinking about it before but… is that angel a good person? I mean… she? Let's go with she, seemed to have the matching assets anyway. She, didn't seem hostile, and she sounds… nice if a bit weird… but I'm not some evil soul stealing demon.*

*So what does that say about angels? Are they actually the bad guys? Nah, I doubt it. Imagine, a whole race of endless monsters. That would be horrible.* These were the thoughts running through Kat's head immediately after she received Lily's message. None the less, Kat decided it was worth going. The worst that could happen was a bit of banishment, and she wasn't too scared.

There was a bit of idle wonder, if getting banished still lead you to being paid, but Kat didn't pursue that logic for long. Shortly after Lily's message, the darkness came in full, and Kat was left to admire the moon while she sat on top of the inn and waited for whatever signal the angel was going to give out.

It wasn't until exactly midnight, or near enough that it didn't matter, that Kat thought she understood the signal. The sound of a series of church organs was coming from one of the rooms in that other building across from her.

As Kat turned her gaze back to the ground, she saw a glowing light coming out of one of the windows. Giving her wings a light flap, Kat let herself glide over to the window in question and look in. Inside, she found a very small bedroom. It contained nothing more than a bed and a closet. On the bed in question was Kikuchi. She was sprawled out, taking up as much space as humanly possible on the bed.

The angel was sitting nearby on thin air and looking out the window at Kat. "Please come in. The window shouldn't be an obstacle, as it is not real at the moment" said the angel in all her choir's glory.

Kat looked at it strangely, but listened anyway. Stopping her wings, Kat grabbed onto the window sill and pulled herself in, going right through the bars as promised. She was secretly very grateful for that fact because if the window crossbars were still in place, she would have smashed right through them with her strength and momentum.

Once safely inside, Kat stood up and brushed herself off, despite the fact no dust would cling to her, it just felt right somehow. "Hello. Thank you for inviting me here, I think?" said Kat

"Please lower you voice. I do not wish to wake Kikuchi. Also, for the purpose of this… please call me Heshi" said Heshi with the slight giggling of church bells.

*Well that's weird.* Kat could feel the name resting upon her mind. She could feel her translation ability trying to make it into another word to let Kat in on the joke, but it was as if something was preventing her. *Then again, with the an- I mean Heshi in front of me, that might not be too farfetched.*

"Sure thing Heshi" said Kat more quietly.

Heshi nodded. As she did so her hair somehow remained a constant length, disappearing more at the end as her head was lowered, and returning when it was raised. "I have called you here to ascertain your mission, and potentially provide help" said Heshi.

Kat's eyes threatened to narrow but she forced her perception to speed up and silenced the motion. Nonetheless, in that brief moment of stopped time Kat was certain she saw an even briefer smile flicker across Heshi's face. "Why help so readily?" asked Kat

Heshi tilted her head, as if not expecting that answer. "Very strange… hmmm… yes I see. All right then. I shall bless you with this small piece of knowledge. I am an Angel" when she said the word, the choir seemed to double in voices, but not in volume "and yet I am more limited than even yourself. The power we wield is simply too great. As such, we split off fragments, of which I am one. These fragments assist certain individuals in certain tasks to help maintain the stability of dimensions" explained Heshi.

Kat further tried to suppress her reaction but found herself gulping anyway. *That's… that's rather impressive.* "So… why does that mean I'm allowed to get help from you?" asked Kat

"I have ascertained that your presence will be a boon to this dimension. Only in a small way of course, but it takes me almost no effort to speak to someone who can gaze upon me without additional effort. The fact you aren't a quivering mess on the floor is testament to that" said Heshi.

*Wait what! I… why am I fine? System why am I fine?*

User Kat's true sight is likely responsible. Further study would be required. Further study cannot be authorised. Answer cannot be authorised.

*Well… just great.* "Ok… thanks? I think? But how do you know that whatever I'm going to do is beneficial?" asked Kat

"While I am not capable of truly seeing the future, even as my full self. This fragment is more than enough to take in the information nearby and ascertain what actions you will take in the future" said Heshi.

"Um… if you know what I'm going to do in the future why didn't you know I'd be here? Because that's sorta what it sounds like" said Kat before she could convince herself to hold her tongue.

Heshi smiled. "That is a simple matter, and… well perhaps it is not common knowledge. Hmmm" Heshi stopped speaking to stare at Kat. Seconds passed, but they felt like minutes, and were perhaps an eternity from Heshi's perspective. "Right, it seems it will be fine to tell you. That system of yours is greater than this fragment. I cannot deduce who will be summoned from a ritual. I knew that one would happen, but it was hard to plan around, as I did not know what or who would answer"

"Oh… um… right… thank you? I think…" said Kat.

"It is of no consequence. Now, the information you seek. If you continue passed this town for three further days at walking pace, when you stop for camp at the end of the third day, you should then head directly east. At this point, you will decide to run, and make it to the compound that you are looking for in only one day. Inside will be… no it seems that is all I can tell you" said Heshi

"What do you mean?" asked Kat

"I mean to say that I must say no more for the ideal outcome of this arrangement. I apologise as calculating the actions of demons is hard, especially when they are capable of speaking to me directly. Every word I say changes the calculations a bit" said Heshi.

"So… is that all the future is? A set of predestined calculations?" asked Kat

Heshi shook her head "Of course not. However, with sufficient enough data it can be plotted out exceptionally reliably especially if you can take additional outcomes into account and plan for them as well. It is easier when working in broad strokes of course, or when working within the very immediate future. For example, a human might what decide to eat breakfast, but in many ways the choice was made before they went to sleep. These things can easily be changed though" explained Heshijosei

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