D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 349

Chapter 349: Kamiko Time!

Chapter 349: Kamiko Time!

The following chapter is from Kamiko's perspective and starts just as Kat's match ends. Any thoughts are hers and hers alone, not Kat's.


*Oh, I hope everyone is alright.* Kamiko looked over her new friend and the beautiful Lamia as their match ended. *Kat was so cool. Even when she was trapped she still managed to find a way out. She was bleeding everywhere but didn't even let it slow her down after she was launched off to the side…

I wonder how that happened? She told me about all her abilities and I don't think she ever said she could turn into mist… was she lying to me? No… Kat wouldn't do that right…? I mean… we're friends right? Wait, no we can't lie, and she said it. She said we were friends!

Oh… wait she also said she'd told me all of her abilities… hmm, does that mean it's part of something else? Is she part mist wraith or something? No that doesn't make any sense. She doesn't seem to have any wraith blood in her…

Could it be one that she already mentioned? I mean it has to be… Oh? Could that have been part of her dream walking ability? I don't really know how that one works but… I think it's the only one it could be…

That's really cool though if it is, she's able to get so much mileage out of just a few abilities. I don't think I'd have thought to train up my dream walking for use in combat if I had it. And she didn't even bring a weapon.

Fighting a Lamia with just her fists is so badass. I'm not sure I can ever be THAT cool. And she WON too. I mean, it wasn't even close. Well, except for that one lock, but I mean, Kat got out of that easy! I'd probably have lost then and there but Kat managed to get out. Heal all her wounds and then go on the offensive!

She started cracking Seralina's scales really efficiently too. I don't think I'd have thought to use my whole arm to break most of her tail. I'd have probably only intercepted with the tip of my staff… It shows I still have a lot to learn.

I wonder if Kat would teach me? No, bad Kamiko. You don't ask favours from friends you just met. Especially if they're nice enough to actually agree. Then you're just being a bad person. We should wait… hang out a bit first. Maybe add each other as contacts…

Noooo, I can't ask for that. But… she's my friend already… so maybe it's fine?* Kamiko was jolted out of her thoughts when Kat flew down next to her and put an arm on her shoulder. "Hey you alright Kamiko? You seem nervous… are you alright to fight next?" asked Kat's voice.

Kamiko wailed internally. *No, dammit, bad Kamiko, don't worry your new friend. Say something reassuring. It's no big deal of course. I mean, I'm not extremely happy that you're showing me concern… wait no I am. Channel that happiness Kamiko. Shine a bright smile back at her and tell her things are ok.* "I'm doing great!" said Kamiko, fully embracing her happiness.

Kat raised an eyebrow. *Did I do it right? Can she see how happy I am she talked to me? Did I do it right? Why is she raising her eyebrow like that?* "Well, if you're sure. I think you'll do well. I don't actually have any proper combat abilities if you don't count my fire" said Kat.

*Well that's just stupid. Why would someone as cool as you even need other combat abilities? I need more of them all the time because I'm just not that good. I could never fight someone bare handed, and Kat even has fans in sash! I bet she's not using them so that the Rank 1 guys have a chance.

That sort of attitude is so cool. I bet the others didn't even notice she was hiding her weapon, so she can treat it like she's going all out for them, and they don't have to feel bad for fighting her unarmed. I wish I had the confidence to do that. Oh, and she didn't even flinch when all those wounds opened up!

I forgot about that, all the pain that must have caused… I don't even want to think about it. I'm not sure I'd have been able to keep fighting. I'll have to be careful when it comes to whoever I fight…

I don't really care who that is. I kinda want Kat to fight Rock again so that she can prove how cool she is to the stubborn girl… but I don't know if I want to force Kat into that fight. She already beat Rock once… would it be rude of me to make Kat fight Rock again… well, that would be humiliating to Rock if she lost again…*

Kamiko was pulled from her thoughts when Uncle started to move. And when he started to move you paid attention of course. Kat might have been super cool and ultra powerful for her level, but Uncle was clearly in a class of his own. *He might not be as awesome as Kat but I need to pay attention to what he does.*

And pay attention she did. Once Seralina made it back to the platform, Uncle lowered it so she didn't need to climb in her injured state and let her back on. Once Seralina made it to the platform, Uncle didn't even have to give a second command for it to move back up.

"Would you like me to heal you Seralina?" asked Uncle.

"Yesh ples" managed Seralina the best she could. *Ooh, yeah that broken jaw has to be nasty. I'm really glad Kat and I just did a small contest of strength. Even though she thrashed me she wasn't rude about it, and made sure I was alright afterwards. She was also probably really careful with Seralina but I mean, how else can you take down a Lamia?*

Uncle nodded when he heard Seralina's confirmation, and his beard started to grow. It bloomed out seemingly from nowhere and started to cover the platform as it snaked its way over to Seralina. She seemed unconcerned when it started to wrap up her body.

Around and around, again and again, Uncle's beard wrapped all of Seralina's tail up first before moving on to her upper body. It seemed like the wrapping wasn't that tight, because when it covered Seralina's top section, it was simply a flat curve, showing no sign of the Lamia's body shape behind it.

The grey hair slowly morphed until it was a pure white, and then it seemed to retreat and not. Some of the hair turned grey and slid back to Uncle, but his beard didn't seem to actually lose any hair as it retracted, eventually becoming that long, but not ridiculously long beard everyone knew and… appreciated.

Kamiko could see that once Uncle's beard was retracted the cocoon around Seralina started to pulse. It started at the top of the head and worked its way down all the way across her exceptionally large body before shrinking down to nothing at the end of her tail. josei

"Now, Seralina can still hear us and I want go over her match a bit. Seralina, you can ask me questions once you're out, but first I want the others to give their opinions, so this also doubles as a way to ensure you don't spoil any of the answers" said Uncle. "So, who won that fight?"

"Kat obviously" said Kamiko, before covering her mouth with her hands. *WHAT ARE YOU DOING KAMIKO! Why would you say that! Kat was so humble about the whole thing, declaring it a good match and you had to be an idiot and say that. I'm so sorry Kat, Seri, it was a great match.*

Uncle smiled, as if he saw the inner turmoil of Kamiko laid bare before him. Of course he also chose to ignore it and said. "So… Kat. Obviously. Does anyone else have another opinion?"

"Well," said Sekron, the blue and gold brother. "I think that Seralina probably had the win when Kat was completely restrained. She had immobilised her target and was going for the kill, but let's all be honest she was never really going to complete that strike, this is not that kind of match. Instead, Kat clearly used some kind of risky technique to get away causing herself a large number of dangerous injuries instead of just forfeiting as this is a spar."

Kamiko gave him a confused look. *What nonsense is he talking about? Of course, she took more damage then if she'd forfeited but she'd have lost if she did that? She also has such awesome regeneration so why wouldn't she take advantage of that? I mean, that's like saying that Seralina shouldn't have used her snake form because 'this is just a spar'. Nobody really put any limits on either of those things. I think Sekron, you might just be jealous you don't have cool mist powers.*

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