D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 350

Chapter 350: Kamiko’s Choice

Chapter 350: Kamiko’s Choice

"I can see what you're thinking Kamiko, would you like to share with the rest of the class why you think Sekron is wrong?" asked Uncle.

Kamiko awkwardly turned away from the crowd. *I didn't realise he could READ MINDS. That's really weird. I mean… that's also kind of rude? Wait, Kamiko don't think that, if he can read minds you're basically insulting him to his face. Quick, say something!* "Well, unlike Seralina who sustained damage slowly over the course of the fight, Kat was able to heal up completely from her injuries."

Uncle nodded. "Yes, very good. While you all shouldn't attempt to emulate Kat, as for you triplets, your regeneration isn't certain not to scar if you don't take proper care of it. Only Rock should even consider doing something similar, but her regeneration is more complete if still very costly, so using that trick many times isn't great.

"Still, I think despite the fact Kat made the right call, in many ways Seralina did actually win the match when she cornered Kat." *What! How could he think that?* "Kat had to use her Rank 2 ability to escape, and while technically that is the purpose of today, fighting stronger opponents, without that ability to escape Seralina would have won right there.

"Kat deserves some credit too of course. She managed to realise the best course of action and how to subdue her opponent, but Seralina figured it out much faster and was nearly successful. I doubt anyone else here could manage a similar feet" said Uncle

"No way!" shouted Rock. *Here she goes again. Why can't she be nice to us? I mean I'm kind of used to it at this point but Kat doesn't deserve the harassment! And she actually fought so why are you mad? Kamiko then noticed Kat was glancing at her, and her worries vanished, smile returning. Even though Rock's being rude again, she's still paying attention to me. Oh it's great to have a friend!*

"Would you care to elaborate Ms Boulder?" said Uncle

*Wait her name is Rock Boulder? You've got to be kidding me.* "No. No I do not." Said Rock. *Her name IS Rock Boulder!* Kamiko felt her jaw drop.

"And why is that?" asked Uncle.

"Well, I can't be giving my secrets away before the fight now can I? I'm going to win and prove just how weak those slu-" Rock was stopped when a regenerated Seralina burst out of her cocoon to slam Rock in the back of the head again.

"Thank you Seralina." said Uncle, before turning his gaze back to Rock. "Now Rock, you've been rude, and now you aren't thinking properly. Even if you won your match, if it was against Kat, then you still would be inferior to Seralina. She managed an exceptionally close match blind. You now know how Kat fights, what abilities she has, and are no doubt thinking of strategies for that.

"There's nothing wrong with being prepared, but being rude to your sparring partners and belittling them is a sign of complete disrespect. In fact, Kamiko" said Uncle turning to her. *Oh…?* "Would you like to fight Rock now?"

"Wait but I haven't recovered!" shouted Rock.

"It doesn't matter. You chose to pick a fight. Well I'm giving it to you." said Uncle as if the answer was simple.

Rock glared at him, and if looks could kill, there would be a beard drifting down to the floor right about now. Of course, looks can kill when you have laser eyes. Shame that only Kamiko possessed that ability.

*Oh, what do I do? Uncle has given me direct challenge. I can't really say no to him… and Rock is very rude. If I could beat her maybe that would shut her up but… I don't know if I can beat her. I mean she looks really scary… I don't know if I'm ready to fight her…

Oooh, but she's weak right now for some reason. I mean she looks fine but… clearly based on their reaction it must be true. Maybe she's down on demonic energy? Or… or maybe she needs to eat a certain amount of rocks for her regeneration? I heard that's a thing for some races… I guess… maybe now is the best time…

Would Kat be happy with this though? She dealt with her the first time… maybe she wants to finish her off? Some demons are weird like that… but Kat's so nice. She wouldn't hold a grudge against me for fighting right?*

Kamiko, let her gaze drift to Kat, who just smiled and patted her shoulder. *OK! I CAN DO IT.* "I accept."

Rock just scoffed at her answer, and jumped into the arena with a scowl on her face. She landed with a super hero landing and Kamiko frowned. *Isn't that horrible on your knees? Why would you do that.* She glanced at Uncle, who nodded in confirmation.

Ok then. Kamiko jumped down after Rock, making sure to land properly and roll afterwards, tucking her head in properly to avoid scraping her horns on the floor just like she'd been taught, before hopping to her feet and walking to the unoccupied circle.

Kamiko pulled on the air and her double sided naginata sprung into her hand. A glance over at Rock's physique though… *It's also a training match so I should probably… not use the blades.* Twisting the centre, there was a click and the blades folded into themselves leaving both ends with a smooth metallic sheen that was slightly rounded but not quite a true cylinder.

Ok, what have I got? Poison? Yes apply poison first Kamiko quickly got to work, and started to leak paralysis poison over both ends and watched it seep into her weapon. As she swapped to the other end she considered… *should I use other poison? Hmm, no probably not. I need to incapacitate her… this is to first blood right?*

"This is to first blood right?" asked Kamiko to make sure.

Before Uncle could say anything, Rock yelled. "YES! It is to first blood!" with an odd smirk on her face. Uncle looked displeased at the answer but Kamiko was already back to preparing her weapon and missed it.

*Hmm, ok so… maybe I should use the blades then? That… no that might be a bit mean… then again… she is still made of rock so the blunt edge is probably better. I imagine it acts as sort of a natural armour… could just blast her with my eyes a few times… but honestly that's so weak.* josei

Swinging her naginata around Kamiko felt herself warming up, letting the demonic energy flow through her. A chill started to burn through her arms as a soft mist of pink gathered around her body. Kamiko's eyes flashed and started to rotate in preparation for the fight.

On Rock's side, she punched her hands together twice and then they doubled in size. Growing until it looked like she was wearing gloves. Her fingers still moved dexterously but eventually she settled on clenching them shut and entering a sprinter's pose.

*You can do this Kamiko. You've been in fights before. You've gotten very good at dodging. You had to. Now use some of that knowledge. Show off in front of Kat. No wait don't show off. Kat was really calm and humble in her fight. Don't act like an idiot. Um… calm and flowing like a river or something?*

3. Kamiko swallowed the worries down her throat and got ready, staff in both hands out front, to meet Rock's very clearly telegraphed charge.

2. Behind Rock two small stones grew up from the ground, elevating her feet slightly as if they were sprinters blocks, while her stony form seemed to pulse with power.

1. Rock kicked off, and started running already before the alarm went to zero. She was still building speed and didn't cross the line until…

0, the match started. *Dammit, she's already being a bad sport about it*. Kamiko eyed the charge, readied her stance, and just as Rock was about to reach her, Kamiko slammed her staff into the ground using it as a vault to fly over Rock. Rock, seeing this, grabbed onto Kamiko's staff and tried to hold her in place.

Kamiko grinned, and using the full strength of her upper body threw herself down slamming into Rock's back, with a cracking sound, causing the staff to be freed and Kamiko to jump off to safety.

Yes! I got her! Kamiko turned to see Rock getting up, back clearly caved in slightly… but no blood soaked the shirt? What's going on? I heard her back crack… why is she still moving and why doesn't she seem injured? I only went for such a dangerous strike because Uncle can heal but…

As Rock stood up, small chipped pieces of her fell from her shirt and Kamiko's eyes went wide as she realised the problem. That cheating BITCH! She doesn't have BLOOD!

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