D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 351

Chapter 351: Kamiko Punching Rock in the Face

Chapter 351: Kamiko Punching Rock in the Face

Rock grinned. "Was that supposed to hurt, little wench in training?"

Kamiko smiled back. *She can't get to me. Don't worry about the fact that she's a cheating bitch.* Kamiko's eyes whirled, the stars blurring into one stretched shape. *She's not worth the anger… but hurting her for real. Now that might help me get over it.* "No! This is!" shouted Kamiko.

A brilliant pink laser shot form both her eyes and met in the middle, it took not even a blink to reach Rock and it slammed into her and started to burn a hole in the golem's 'flesh'. Rock grit her teeth and threw her hands up, taking the impact on the overly large appendages. Pieces of Rock's hands flew off in every direction as Kamiko felt her eyes starting to scream at her.

*Can't keep this up much longer. The energy isn't that much but my eyes can't handle it. Dammit I need to practice more… but I already practice so much… Dammit, I have to stop this.* Kamiko, tried to shut of her eyes, but found her anger was fuelling the beam. Forcing her eyelids closed was all she could to do.

That shut off the energy, but it left her blind. *Dammit, I can feel that if I open my eyes they'll keep going. Dammit. If only I wasn't quite so angry at Rock.* Her thoughts were cut short by a punch to her face. Kamiko took the blow hard… but it wasn't enough to get through her defences. Kamiko turned her face back into the punch and willed her eyes to open again.

Good thing too, because a kick was flying towards her face as a follow up, which promptly got blasted away causing rock to stumble. Not willing to let the chance go, Kamiko followed that up by letting go of her naginata with her left hand and punching Rock right back in the face.

As she did so, she let her poison leak out of her nails and made sure to spread it across after the punch had landed. Still, Kamiko was taking no chances with the cheater. Once the strike landed and the poison was spread, she jumped backwards, to get some distance and placed a tender hand on her face.

Kamiko winced at the touch, just thankful that her eyes hadn't continued shooting lasers after that brief burst to get rid of Rock's oncoming kick. *Hmm, not good. That's actually pretty close to my eyes. I'm not sure how safe it will be to shoot any more lasers. It might just make the injury worse.*

Kamiko put her hand back to her weapon, and watched as Rock charged her once again. Deciding that what wasn't broke, didn't need fixing, Kamiko leaped over Rock's charge once again, using her staff, which caused Rock to grab it again, this time, trying to force her to land. Kamiko wasn't having it though, and used the extra momentum to alter her target and slam into Rock's head.

Just before her feet made contact though, Rock's short hair transformed, ballooning out into additional stone, which easily broke under Kamiko's heel. This slammed Rock straight into the ground, but elicited no expected grunt of pain. Kamiko, realising something was wrong, got ready to jump off but when she tugged on her feet, she found them stuck.

Kamiko could practically feel Rock's stupid grin as she realised, she'd been caught. Rock's hair growing around to encapsulate her feet and hold her in place. *Dammit… lasers again I guess.* Not willing to allow Rock to have her way, Kamiko forced her eyes to shoot once again, aiming for the spot between her feet.

As soon as the blast left her eyes, Kamiko jumped up and away, leaving her staff behind. As Kamiko landed on her feet, she felt a stabbing pain in her ankles. Glancing down, she saw that her outfit had been burnt through and there was an angry red mark on her foot. *At least is isn't bleeding. Still hurts though.*

"Aw, did the wittle trainee freak lose her staff? Guess it happens to every one of you at one point or another picking up the wrong rod. Still, your kind never cared about that did they?" said Rock.

Kamiko just tilted her head and stared at Rock. *Is… is that the best she had? Like… ok I was annoyed, and probably took her teasing too seriously but… now that I listen to what's she saying… I mean… it isn't even that bad? She… she does know that sex jokes are very common in succubi families, right? This isn't even in the top ten worst things… should I just… throw it back at her?*

"I mean, you're the one who took it off me. Clearly, you're just begging for a staff of your own. That ones a bit used, but I suppose if that's your thing I'm not going to judge" said Kamiko with a cheeky grin.

Rock's eyes bulged, as she took a step forward and hurled the staff like a javelin straight at Kamiko's face. It was hardly dangerous though, and Kamiko easily caught in her hand. "Aw, you were so kind to return it. I know how hard it must be for someone as pent up as yourself. Maybe you think I'll give you a treat in return?"

*Blegh. I'm going to hurl. I hate telling these jokes. It's just so crass… but it is getting to her. Maybe I should have come up with a better plan and keep my dignity? Oh no. Especially in front of Kat… wait she's also a succubus. I'm probably fine.* Kamiko despite her supposed inner disgust was trying very hard not to laugh. Rock had veins of stone pulsing all across her head making it look more like a snake's nest then a face.

Rock released an inhuman scream and charged blindly straight at Kamiko. It was then, a rather simple thing to twist her staff and release the blades once again. Feeding energy into the weapon, Kamiko's pink glow wrapped around it.

Kamiko met Rock's charge by ducking down and allowing Rock's momentum to carry her straight onto the end of her naginata. The blade slid easily into Rock's chest. "Yield" said Kamiko.

"Nope. It's 'till first blood" quipped Rock gritting her teeth and pushing forward, grinding along the edge of Kamiko's blade to get in striking distance.

*Is she mad?* Kamiko looked to Uncle hoping for a resolution but he just shook his heard slowly. *What the heck? That… that can't be ok? Right…?*

Kamiko grit her teeth and twisted the blade, causing Rock's chest to crack and groan as the weapon scraped around her body. Still, this didn't seem to deter Rock at all, who wound up to punch Kamiko once more. Kamiko jumped back to avoid it, more than willing to abandon her weapon in Rock to avoid another strike to the face. She wasn't willing to risk it starting to bleed. josei

Instead though, Rock just… followed through until she fell over. As Rock collapsed, a heap of dust was thrown up from the dust that had gathered on the floor due to her injuries. "MATCH OVER!" shouted Uncle.

Kamiko gulped. Rock wasn't moving. Edging closer to the body Kamiko lightly tapped Rock on the side. *Is… is she ok? She better not be dead… wait, she would have been pulled if she was about to die… what the heck is going on?*

No sooner had Kamiko asked that question that a cracking sound split the silence. The source was obviously Rock, and Kamiko looked over at her confused. The cracking sound continued for a few moments before a small figure jumped out of Rock's torso.

"NEVER! I haven't lost yet!" shouted Rock…

Though she was much changed. Rock was now only knee height to Kamiko and her voice was much higher pitched. Kamiko couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it. "None shall laugh at me!" squeaked the tiny rock, who 'ran' over and kicked Kamiko in the shin. It didn't hurt.

Kamiko continued laughing, as Rock kept kicking her in the shin over and over. "I. I'm sorry but. Oh this is so funny" said Kamiko in between giggles.

Rock growled, and marched over to her body. Rock placed a hand on it, and then suddenly it transformed into a small normal looking rock. Rock stood on her rock, before kicking it once, and launching herself over to the platform. Kamiko took this chance to pick up her weapon and dust it off.

"Make me big again Gramps!" shouted the tiny Rock.

Uncle smiled down at her. "No."

"Why not!" said Rock.

"This is your punishment for not only being rude, but also trying to get a cheap victory against your opponent. You knew you couldn't bleed so that condition favoured you ridiculously. You still lost though, and then had the gall to continue while you were impaled.

"I think you need a time out for the rest of these matches" said Uncle with a smug grin.

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