D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: Not So Crazy Ideas


Chapter 359: Not So Crazy Ideas

This chapter is still Kamiko's perspective. All thoughts in italics are hers.


Kamiko started to outline the various battle ideas she'd come up with in her end, and explained how she'd come to the decision that it was best she sit on Kat's shoulders. Kamiko was smiling when Kat seemed to support her idea. *Oh I'm very happy. I didn't know if Kat would be comfortable being in such close proximity to someone else… though she does seem to be a very huggy person, which has been great… but I wonder if that's normal or if she's treating me like some lost puppy… wait, no, she's going along with my plan. I can take confidence in that right?*

"So… just one problem" said Kat. In that brief moment before Kat actually elaborated on the problem, Kamiko's mind seemed to be a series of endless alarms all blaring out warning. "What are you going to do about your dress?"

All the alarms screeched to a halt. *What?* "What?" said Kamiko

Kat gestured down at Kamiko's outfit. "Well, either you have to pull your skirt up a ridiculous amount of you have to… well I guess not wear it? I mean… I'm just… this is a bit embarrassing for me to point out…"

Kamiko looked down at her dress as it starts dawning on her what Kat was talking about. *That's sweet… but doesn't she know how to edit her demonic attire? The again, she has such a lovely outfit I doubt she really sees the need for it. Plus… mum did say it was actually pretty hard to learn.*

"Watch this" said Kamiko, as she summoned her weapon, swinging down, she sliced through the centre of her dress up till just before it would show her undergarments. Then, dismissing the weapon, she bent down and pressed the frayed edges together, pinching them carefully and apply a very specific mix of aura and demonic energy every time she pressed down.

Once repeated on the other side, Kamiko had separated her dress into trousers that were… well the edges weren't exactly pretty but they were functional. The seam was very apparent and the edges weren't perfectly even but for just a bit of work Kamiko was rather happy. *It won't survive a dismissal but I don't need it for anything more.*

"How did you do that?" asked Kat

*Ah, it seems like she doesn't know how to to modify her attire.* "Well… it's normally something your mother would teach you. Tradition you know?" Kat's eye twitched just faintly at that. Kamiko only noticed it at all because her eyes were trained on Kat and was abusing her great eyesight to look for any clues to see if she was doing right by Kat that she noticed it at all. "Um… did I say something wrong?" asked Kamiko.

"No, not really. I'm an orphan see, and the person in charge of the orphanage, Gramps, didn't know how. He wasn't a demon at all see" said Kat.

*Stupid Kamiko stupid! You already heard the man who raised Kat was called Gramps when she refused the nickname for Uncle. Dammit, how could you forget that! Obviously he wasn't her real grandfather otherwise it wouldn't have been such a big deal. She did tell me though… and that makes me feel wanted… no Kamiko bad. Having your friends tell you about horrible life experiences is not something to be happy about… wait? No, you can be happy they told you, and sad it happened. Ok, deep breaths.*

"Omygodi'msosorryIdidn'tmeantosaythat" is what Kamiko managed to blurt out.

Kat smiled softly and said, "It really is alright. I never knew my parents, but Gramps is great. A bunch of other kids got adopted, but I never really resented them for it. The orphanage was my home, and I loved it there"

Despite Kat's words, and smile, Kamiko couldn't help but notice the past tense in her final sentence. "Was?" asked Kamiko somewhat afraid to ask.

"Oh, it's… well it's a little complex and simple at the same time. I was getting old enough that I soon wouldn't be able to stay, but I did get adopted because of some strange circumstances. If I wasn't going to be forced out I probably wouldn't have been willing to go along with it. The person who adopted me, Vivian, is great, but I mean, I've known Gramps all my life.

"This dress actually, used to belong to his wife. He doesn't really get us proper birthday gifts, too many of us for that really, but he actually gave me this and it means more to me than anything else I've received." Said Kat a somewhat wistful expression on her face.

*I have no idea how the hell I'm supposed to take this. I didn't plan for this! It sounds like she really likes this Gramps guy… but no presents? But then again… her kimono is top quality and if it was his late wife's… that's one hell of a gift… but he was kicking her out? No, it seems like it probably wasn't his fault, just something that had to happen… hmmm… ok let's just think about this another time. Deflect… ah… what were we talking about… Demonic Attire!*

"Right… well, I guess I can tell you. I'm not really good enough to teach it, but I can explain how it works? If you want?" said Kamiko and when Kat nodded, her heart sored. "Right so, to edit your demonic attire temporarily, which is what I did because I'm not good enough to make it permanent, you need to mix your demonic energy and your aura onto your finger.

"Different mixtures produce different results and some things have really tiny ranges. One of the easiest is mostly demonic energy with a hint of aura, and you can use that to... staple pieces together, for lack of a better word.

"It isn't super useful once you get more powerful, because even MY outfit repairs itself at Rank 2 and I have no regeneration. However, it's a really good starting point and it can't really hurt your attire long term because it only works for that summon so most people leave it.

"Um, I can't exactly show you… that requires way more control than I have to demonstrate but… maybe once the punishments are over, I can ask my mum?" said Kamiko smiling while fiddling with her feet.

Kat nodded. "That sounds great. Um… how would we get in touch for that?"

*Oh… she doesn't know about that one either? Wait, she said she wasn't raised by a demon… that's… actually now that I think about it, that's super weird. I… won't ask about it though, I'll just tell her.* "We just share… well they aren't proper beacons but she sort of pushes the idea into your energies and then lock hands. It then lets our systems communicate with each other" said Kamiko.

Kat instantly held out her hand, with a smile on her face, and Kamiko could feel her own face light up. The girls clapped their hands together and a burning, 'Contact Added' came from D.E.M.O.N.S.

"Awesome" said Kamiko, not really noticing that in her happiness the stars in her eyes were spinning around slowly and twinkling slightly. When Kat saw this, she was forced to look away and hide her giggles. Kamiko, luckily was much too happy about learning she had a friend who wanted to come and visit to care about Kat's strange change in attitude.

"So, are you ready to get on my shoulders?" asked Kat

"Hmm" murmured Kamiko. *Well, yes obviously but…* Kamiko glanced over and saw that the other six were having a rather animated argument at the current time. It seemed like there wasn't anyone who wasn't speaking. *I sure am glad I'm not in that mess…*

*Still, as fun as it would be to spend the rest of the wait time sitting on Kat's shoulders… I'm not sure I want to reveal our strategy.* "Not that I'm opposed Kat, because I think it'll be great fun on your shoulders… but I don't think we should reveal it just yet." Said Kamiko as she gestured over at the other group.

"They all look like they aren't having a good time, and I'd hate to do give them something to focus on. If I jumped on your shoulders, I'm certain at least Seralina would notice and probably Rock too. Despite her arrogance, she does actually pay attention somewhat, and they might be able to claw back their conversation to the realms of usefulness if we did something they could focus on." Kamiko elaborated.

Kat poked her chin with her tail a few times before nodding. "Yeah, that seems like a good idea actually. I hadn't noticed how rowdy they were because I can't hear them."

And so, the pair of succubi calmly started to watch the increasingly wild gestures the other team was making, sometimes having some additional fun by putting words in the other contestants' mouths.

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