D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 360

Chapter 360: The Battle Begins… Mostly as Planned

Chapter 360: The Battle Begins… Mostly as Planned

Kamiko's the protagonist now. Just kidding, but it is still from her perspective for this chapter.


Skipping ahead a bit in time, Kat and Kamiko found a slight problem to their plans. They each had their own circle they needed to stand in. The other side, had similar restrictions and the pair of succubi were wondering what to do.

*Hmm, dammit. Should I run straight for Kat? We can meet in the middle and charge people? Or should we use this chance to pick off someone on the edges before meeting up? Like, I could try and poison… nope that person on the far left with me is Percy, I'll never get through his armour.*

"Meet in the middle? I can't do anything to my side." Said Kamiko quietly, hoping that the others weren't paying that much attention and Kat could hear.

When she saw her friend nodding along, Kamiko got ready as well. They both mirrored each other in their preparations. They'd turned so that they were actually in line with Seralina, who had taken the centre position and largest circle. For the other side, it looked like they were going to charge straight for the Lamia.

Beside Seralina, was the brothers on one side, and Meron and Rock on the other. It was a little weird. Seralina wasn't… exactly in the middle, but her circle extended into it somewhat so that Rock and Percy could be in roughly the same place on either side. Nobody on their team looked especially happy.

It wasn't clear to Kat and Kamiko what exactly had gone on, but eventually, Uncle had said "Enough!" and sent them all down to fight. Kamiko did wonder if it was because they were running out of time, or if Uncle was sick of listening to them argue, but suspected it was a combination of both.

The only people in somewhat good spirits was Meron, who looked happy just to have another chance in the ring, and Seralina who… well, she didn't look anything actually. Being a giant snake made it rather hard to tell how pleased she was, but the lack of hissing was something Kamiko was taking as a good sign.

3. Kamiko and Kat confirmed their bearings, and had them both angled for 'Seralina' when in actuality they were aiming for the centre of the arena right where the tent post had been. Kamiko's stomach was churning, as she prayed that the manoeuvre would succeed, especially with Kat looking so calm to her eyes. Of course, Kat was internally screaming praying for the exact same thing, and noticing Kamiko also seemed confident.

2. The other side readied their weapons, well those that had weapons. Meron and Seralina weren't doing much just yet. Percy actually had a large tower shield that equalled him in height Kamiko hadn't seen before. Sekron and Krekron had their weapons, while Rock had opted for smaller gloves that had large spikes on them this time.

1. Meron turned his body completely to face Seralina, while Rock got into her sprinters pose. It was a little awkward with the spiked gloves, but she managed. The brothers had all turned and looked ready to run to Seralina as well. josei

0. It all started, Kat and Kamiko wasted no time, with purple and pink respectively coating them both as they rushed for the centre. Meron didn't waste any time either. Morphing his beard into a spring he launched himself onto Seralina's head with a bounce. Rock of course, charged at Kat, angling herself slightly to try and catch her in the middle but she wasn't going to be fast enough… if they'd just charged through.

The three brothers first formed up with Percy in the front and one brother on either side, before moving off to put Seralina against their backs. While that was happening, Kamiko and Kat were making their play.

The girls met in the middle as planned, but Kamiko realised something. *How the heck am I supposed to get on Kat's shoulders?* Kat was faster than Kamiko, and had ended up slightly ahead of her. *Dang, do I have to just try and make the jump?* Kamiko grit her teeth and made the attempt.

Kicking off the ground, she flew straight at Kat, however it was very clear as soon as she left the ground, she didn't have the height needed for her jump. She was going to make it to Kat's upper back at best, and crash into her wings. Luckily, Kat was keeping an eye on Kamiko, and turned herself so that instead, Kamiko ended up in her arms.

Before Kamiko could start moving again, Kat let the momentum continue through, and had swung her arms around to settle Kamiko on her shoulders. *Yes! Kat's on the ball to make up for my mistakes.*

However, Kat's pause, combined with her additional effort to get Kamiko to her shoulders, had given Rock enough to time reach the pair. Rock pulled back a gloved fist and aimed it for Kat's head. "Two whores for the price of one!" shouted the golem.

Kamiko felt rage bubbling up in her, and didn't even realise she'd shot a laser straight into Rock's face until she felt the pressure leaving her eyes. Rock saw the attack coming, recognising what the spinning stars meant, and managed to raise her other arm in time to block and slam her other fist into Kat's face.

Kat wasn't idle though, with Kamiko secured on her shoulders, Kat brought an empowered tail around to block Rock's oncoming fist. The two collided with a boom. The impact threatened to throw both demons back, but the extra weight from Kamiko and the pressure from the strike kept Kat in place for a follow up, while Rock had turned her feet into larger stones that clung to the floor.

It didn't help her when Kat's fist collided with the side of her head. Kat may have been more than fed up with Rock's antics already, and had charged a full powered strike straight to the temple, which shattered Rock's head and neck to nothing, sending the rest of her body flying away regardless of the trickery with her feet.

Rock's body bounced several times before colliding with the wall and shattering into smaller pieces. *Woah! Kat's so cool! I wish I did that well against Rock!* Was what she was thinking when Kamiko noticed that one of Rock's legs was transforming into a small body for the golem.

*Hmm, I wonder if she's not out just yet… I'll have to keep it in mind.* Swapping her focus back to the front, she saw that the others seemed to like her idea. The three brothers had tried to get on Seralina's back but they were in the process of jumping off as the pair of succubi turned their attentions to them.

Seralina was large yes, larger than any other competitor… but the three pit fiends all together was just a bit much for her. It would have limited her mobility quite a lot and it wasn't like there was any good spot to sit other than the flat area on her head. Her spine wasn't all that flat and most of her back was at an angle so she could deflect attacks. The brothers would have been able to stand with at most one foot on her, and it was deemed unacceptable.

*At least they liked our idea if they tried to copy it. Well, the Meron stuff was probably planned but even the brothers tried to get in on it.* While Kamiko was thinking, Kat was already acting. Seeing that the brothers were on the back foot, Kat charged at the closest one, which happened to be Sekron.

Kamiko pulled herself together long enough to summon her weapon and make a mostly coordinated strike at Sekron, but he easily sidestepped the swing, while intercepting Kat's own punch. Krekron too, had been watching his brother, and easily imposed his hammer between Sekron and Kat's tail that she'd tried to use as a follow up.

Kamiko kept her naginata spinning, trying to come back around for another swipe, but it wasn't quite as long as she'd been hoping, allowing for the pit fiend to dodge her with precise movements, while Kat was being held down.

Suddenly Kat jumped backwards, forcing Kamiko to hold onto her stomach as they swiftly moved backwards away from the place Seralina's head had just smashed into. *Urgh… I don't know why I even feel sick! Get yourself together Kamiko, Kat isn't even moving that fast. You've moved faster before!*

Of course, she'd not moved this far under someone else's power, and the sudden motion had thrown her off… but she wouldn't recognise this for what it was, instead throwing more power around her stomach to try and combat the effects of it instead.

The three brothers used Seralina's opening to set themselves up properly next to her again. They'd accepted that they'd need to stick to the ground, while Seralina had decided not to use her full speed so that they could stay together. Meron had wrapped his beard around Seralina's… neck? So that he could hold himself on in the event of sudden movements. Rock… was mostly forgotten.

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