D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 368

Chapter 368: Sibling Details

Chapter 368: Sibling Details

"See, there is the next oldest, after Elmony, her name is Meradithna. I… don't really want to talk about her too much. Part of that is because I don't really know her and I've only really HEARD things… but apparently, she disowned Mum and Dad and claimed that she had no parents.

"I've never met her because of it though all of them except, Aslena, the second youngest have met her at one point or another. The Triplets, Erra, Merra, and Kerra, all think she's good, but everyone else kind of… says REALLY bad things about them, and the triplets actually don't contradict most of it so… I'm not sure what to think.

"Anyway, I'm skipping around a bit. Merdithna, second oldest sister and firstborn. She does actually still have a room here but it has been sealed. I'm not sure by who, nobody is willing to tell me. We do have a few pictures around the place and… one thing I'm not terribly comfortable with is the fact that she actually looks similar to me. It means so much to me that Mum and Dad have never treated me as if I was her but… the resemblance is rather uncanny.

"Sure, we have a few of them. Like her horns are angled differently to mine, and she has no tail, but… sometimes… never mind forget I ever said anything" trailed off Kamiko.

"So, the Triplets! Other than the fact that they look the same, they couldn't be more different. Er well, they also have similar abilities, but they ACT differently. So, the three of them look like little copies of Mum but with Dad's eyes. That's actually one thing they agree on, that missing out on Mum's eyes was a disappointment.

"Anyway, Merra is very sporty. She likes to pick up new physical hobbies like she's shopping for candy at the shops. She picks up a new one whenever it strikes her fancy and trains really hard, then challenges everyone with even a modicum of skill in the sport to match until she gets bored and picks something else.

"Sometimes that takes a while, especially if the people she plays against are competent, but she has a penchant for picking strange obscure sports without too many people that train in it and abusing her amazing reflexes and talent to beat people who have been playing whichever sport she happens to be on for years.

"Erra is a bookworm through and through. Her room, though that's another thing, the triplets hate sleeping apart, and Merra's room sort of belongs to all of them, anyway, Erra. Her room is filled with stacks and stacks of books. All of them have been read at least once, and she visits the library so often you'd think she was a librarian.

"One quirk of her though, is that she's not a fan of rereading books. This actually annoys Mum a lot because she KEEPS them all, even though she refuses to read them again. Still whenever this comes up, Erra compares it to keeping a garden of books and Mum just rolls her eyes and lets her have her way.

"Kerra… she's a little different in that she likes to paint, but her favourite subject is the other two triplets. She shadows them around for a while till she finds a worthwhile scene and then runs off back home to start drawing it up.

"She's really good at stealth, and even though Merra and Erra, know she follows them around they hardly ever find her. Kerra likes to get action shots of Merra primarily, and likes to read over Erra's shoulder and draw her in the scene of whatever book she's reading if it takes Kerra's interest.

"She also stores a bunch of paintings in her sort of room like Erra, but… she regularly sells her paintings. She does keep her favourites and family is always able to claim one if they want. I actually have a great picture of Erra in a ballgown dancing with, well I know in the story it was supposed to be a prince, but it's just Merra in a wig. I find it somewhat funny. Oh, and Kerra is ALL of the background dancers.

"They grumble a bit about the fact that I picked it out, but I'm almost certain those three worked on it together, and the fact they've never properly complained means I'm probably right." Kamiko finished letting out a long breath of air.

*Huh, Kamiko's siblings seem rather interesting. Though, she didn't really say what Elmony was actually LIKE aw well, we still have one more to go.*

"Sorry about that Kat" said Kamiko. "I sort of lose myself a bit when talking about things that interesting, and I really do love my family. Would you like to hear about Aslena?" asked Kamiko. josei

Kat nodded and said, "Well, that does sound good, but maybe we should actually go into your house instead of standing on the sidewalk?"

Kamiko blushed and nodded before saying. "Woops sorry. Yeah. Um… right this way"

Kamiko led Kat down the pathway up to her door and pushed it open to reveal a large kitchen and dining area. The table seemed designed to seat twelve, with five chairs on either side and one at either end of the table. This took up around half the area, while the rest was the kitchen.

To Kat, it looked rather similar to the kitchen back at the orphanage more so than Vivian, or really Callisto's kitchen. It had two large ovens side by side set into a central bench. The ovens took up the centre, with bench space on either side of the ovens. The back wall was filled with a number of cupboards across the top and a large window into the garden in the middle with more cupboards along the bottom.

It was as she was admiring the area that she realised. *This takes up a tonne of space. Actually it probably takes up eighty or ninety percent of the house… where does everyone sleep?* "Hey Kamiko?" asked Kat as she was led over to the table. Kamiko pulled out two chairs and faced them towards each other so they could keep speaking.


"I was just wondering… where does everyone sleep?" asked Kat, "I mean… and I hope this isn't some kind of major offence but… you just don't have the space for bedrooms if the kitchen is this large"

Kamiko nodded. "We do, but of course, it doesn't fit up here. See, Mum had the house for a lo… well, she had the house some time before she had any children, or even adopted Elmony. Originally, her and Dad just lived in the attic. It's not actually as small as it looks, but that is where they stayed and… when it came time to upgrade… instead of moving they renovated.

"It was actually really expensive apparently. This is because the rooms all needed to be a lot deeper than the house because of the garden. They did however, excavate basically the whole yard once they did get down there, and it's three levels of basement all together. So we have plenty of space." Said Kamiko

*Huh that's actually pretty cool. Natural lighting might be a problem, but I imagine demons have figured something out for that otherwise Kamiko's mother would have done something else. She doesn't seem like the kind of person to enjoy living underground if it's drab and dark unless lit by artificial lights.*

"That's really cool. I don't think I've ever been to a basement before. An underground temple once, but not a basement." Said Kat. "Would you like to finish up your siblings by talking about Aslena?"

Kamiko nodded. "Yeah, she's… well, I'm a lot of ways closest with her, and a lot of ways the furthest apart. See, the triplets are all A LOT older than I am, or well, comparatively anyway. So are the rest I guess, but Aslena actually grew up with me.

"However… she's always been obsessed with her looks. She's… she's kinda the succubus stereotype. She fits it all to a T. She doesn't even spend any time getting ready to Rank up. She could easily make Rank 2 now with like… maybe a week's worth of effort tops, but she just doesn't care.

"She spends most of her time outside of summoning picking clothes… and most of her time DURING them picking clothes as well. She surprisingly found a bit of a niche, in that her eyes allow her to see someone's exact measurements and she uses that talent to pick out outfits for them. She really loves her job and… I love her as well but…"

Kamiko gestured down at herself. "I was never 'cool' nor did I ever really like any of the outfits she suggested I wear and that… well, it weighed on her end of the relationship I'm sure. I still take every opportunity to spend time with her, but… she's never quite as happy about it as me I don't think."

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