D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 369

Chapter 369: Reminiscing

Chapter 369: Reminiscing

"Well, I guess I can sort of relate" said Kat slowly as she considered what Kamiko likely thought about the situation. "See, because I was one of the people that didn't get adopted out early, I actually spent the most time out of anyone I know in the orphanage I grew up in. This meant that, despite not always being older than some of the kids, I was still everyone's older sister somehow and I was the person you'd go to for help a lot of the time.

"Sure, some kids would still go to Gramps, the man who ran the orphanage, but for the little stuff it was almost always me, and, not to brag, but most of the kids really enjoyed spending time with me when they could. Except for a rare few who always seemed to have something against me and liked to cause trouble.

"The ones I have in mind were actually perfectly civil in school, or when Gramps was in charge, and a large part of me feels like they only made trouble specifically for me, but I'm not sure why. Some people said it was because they wanted more attention from me, but they probably got even less attention because of their actions so I don't really know"

Kamiko's eyes seemed to shine as she smiled. "That sounds so cool. I like having a big family, but I can't quite imagine having one that big. How do people normally feel when someone gets adopted? On both sides of things, the people leaving and the people staying behind."

Kat bit her lip as she thought about it for a few seconds. *Hmm, leaving is always a complicated fair, but for Gramps' orphanage it wasn't so bad…* "Well, I've heard this isn't terribly typical but we had a really high turnover rate, as in, kids that would come to the orphanage rarely stayed long. Most didn't even spend a year in the orphanage before being adopted, and almost all were gone before two years was up.

"It truly was odd that nobody tried to adopt me, but anyway. For most of us we were quite happy with the event. They were getting a home again with people that would care for them. Gramps did try, and I helped him when I was older but… for the kids who didn't stay long they'd always want to be adopted.

"The orphanage… I'm not sure it was ever really 'home' for them the same way it was for me, if that makes sense? Like… most of them had to deal with losing their family, and then by the time they got over that and started settling in, learning the ropes, they got adopted and suddenly they had a family again and a home to go to."

"Huh" said Kamiko. "Sorry Kat but I just… I can't really picture it. This" Kamiko gestured around the room, "is home, and it always has been. Apparently it's been remodelled a few times but I wasn't alive for any of them. So… I can kind of get an idea of what it might feel like not being at home from the few times we went and visited relatives but it's not really the same is it"

Kat shook her head. "Well, I'm not sure? I imagine not from what I've heard but obviously I don't have any relatives so I can't really compare."

"Oh, I'm sorry" said Kamiko, visibly wilting in place.

"No, it's fine really." Said Kat as she made placating gestures towards Kamiko "Unlike some kids I don't remember a time I wasn't in the orphanage. Gramps was my family, and so were a few of the kids that lived there. It never bothered me at all, don't worry."

Kamiko seemed to visibly brighten back up as she heard this but it didn't completely recover her shine, her smile just a slight bit smaller, but was more than noticeable when you had demonic eyesight. "That's good. Um… though it does sort of remind me. Did you want anything to eat? Do you need anything? I really only eat once a day at breakfast but the triplets have to eat two meals a day and Aslena only needs to eat once a week.

"Mum does grumble at her for that, and I personally think she sneaks a few extra bites of food in while she's out doing things with her friends or on a summoning trip, but nobody has ever caught her so we have to take her word for it" said Kamiko.

*Hmm… how long did I go without food? Eh, it's not that important.* "Don't worry too much about me, I can go a few days without it and feel no worse for wear. I'm not exactly sure how often, I'd need to think about it, and it's not really important so I won't bother." Said Kat.

"That's a little strange considering you have regeneration. Though I suppose yours is powered by your demonic energy which is less common than you'd think so maybe that is normal for people like you?" pondered Kamiko.

"No idea" said Kat "I've not really met other demons with a similar ability"

"Huh. That's fair enough I suppose. It is rather rare and you've not been exposed to too many demons just yet. Oh, that does remind me, would you like to talk about your summoning adventures? Not all of them are interesting from what I've heard but I bet you have some cool stories and I'd love to hear them." Said Kamiko.

*Oh shit. System, can I tell those? You didn't want me spreading around that I was human at the start right? And it's kind of hard to explain some of them without that particular bit of knowledge.* josei

User Kat may freely spread that knowledge amongst other Users. There is no problem. They will be asked not to spread the information with others if necessary.

*Oh, neat.*

"Ok, well I would like to talk about it, but before that I need to explain something so that my first summoning makes more sense. Then I'd like to hear some of your adventures if you don't mind" said Kat.

Kamiko nodded, practically bouncing in the chair. Kat grinned and wished for a brief moment her wings were smaller so she fit properly in chairs before realising that being able to fly was so worth the trade-off. "Right, so… this might sound weird, but I started out as a human. Or well, I'm not sure if that's totally true, but I didn't THINK I was a demon for a long time."

"How does that work?" asked Kamiko "I'm sure your tail or wings would be a big giveaway and it's not like you can hide them"

"Ah, see, that's the thing…" said Kat "They only started to pop up after my first summoning. I got a tail shortly afterwards. It was… well honestly most of the stages were not pleasant, but I got a tail, then my skin smoothed out… and… I think my eyes were done that time as well, oh and my hair to. That was a big week now that I think about it.

"Later on I got my wings, then finally my horns, a massive fever and I was Rank 1" said Kat.

"Weird. I didn't think we were allowed to go on any summonings before we became Rank 1 demons." said Kamiko.

Kat shrugged. "I know my situation is pretty rare so I'm not sure how possible it is for others. Anyway, you might enjoy what happened and appreciate the comedy. So, I was summoned by this apprentice and obviously, I showed up without any demonic features because I didn't have any, I was also half asleep at the time…"

"Oh. Oh they didn't!" said Kamiko eyes wide and already trying to stifle giggles.

Kat wiggled her eyebrows. "I think so. The old guy, the master, told the apprentice to send me back straight away, they were arguing about it though. The apprentice was so proud of finally summoning a demon.

"All the while…" Kat let herself trail off so Kamiko could fill it in.

"The Master guy was freaking out thinking you were a high rank demon" managed Kamiko between fits of giggles.

"Yup, got it in one" said Kat.

Kamiko continued to laugh for a little while longer before saying. "That is great. Oh, I can just imagine you, all stoic and cool, while actually being half asleep and just as confused as they are about what's going on. They misinterpret everything and send you straight back. Oh it's glorious."

Kat nodded, and Kamiko continued. "You know, it's funny you mention that, because my first summoning was also a bit of a mix up. Sure, I got the job done but… well it was a bit weird. Or, perhaps not weird, I'm not sure how common this kind of thing is, but there was also a rather large misunderstanding when I was summoned."

"Huh. Well I'd love to hear it" said Kat.

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