D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 370

Chapter 370: Ghost Stories

Chapter 370: Ghost Stories

Kamiko got straight into her story, "So, I actually had a few hugs with my family… well more than a few before leaving. Everyone was there, er, I mean, everyone except Meradithna was there. I was so happy they were all there to see me off. I gave everyone a hug or two… or three, and it was pretty good.

"I was… more than a little over eager so I had a backpack with me full of things I might need. I know now that there is no reason to do that unless you really want to, but I was panicking a little inside despite how happy I was to finally have my first summoning. Some people really dread it but I couldn't wait. I wanted to show people I could actually do things without tripping over myself.

"Granted, I had mostly grown out of that habit in the year before that once Mum started teaching me weapons but that didn't stop them from making fun of me for it afterwards. Anyway, in case you don't know. Despite my outfit, I'm no more effective against ghosts than the next demon. Actually, because my demonic fire is ice attuned I'm probably LESS effective than your average demon."

Kat felt the need to jump in here. "Um, why would you be good at fighting ghosts? Also, ghosts are real?"

Kamiko's eyes widened. "Oh. Um… sort of? Some ghosts are more real than others, and it depends on the world. It's hard to explain but um… would you rather hear about them or why people thought I'd be good at fighting ghosts?"

"Um… ghosts first outfit second, because I feel like that will better lead into the story again" said Kat.

"Yeah… yeah I guess it does" mused Kamiko. "Right so ghosts. There are quite a few different types of ghostly spirits and it really is a pain to categorise all of them. So, first off are the ghosts that have actually been people. Depending on how they are made, and how powerful they are, it's sometimes true that they are the same person.

"See, if they were never that strong, and it was more of a coincidence than anything else, or ghosts are supressed in that realm for whatever reason, they aren't actually the soul of the person who died, more of…? a complicated mana of qi construct that LOOKS like a person. These are the weakest sentient ghosts. They don't do much, most of them are impossible to hold a conversation with if it goes longer than a few sentences… and generally they don't actually do much.

"Now, the next similar type of ghost are ones that… are only in the strictest sense 'once a person'. These are your wraiths or spirits of vengeance. They… are more like a bundle of mana and anger. They can very rarely be made out of qi, apparently, but I've never met one. Then again, I've never met the other types of ghosts either so, I'm just going off what I've heard. Merra has actually dealt with them a few times and so has Dad.

"Anyway, anger, or sometimes another emotion like hatred or disgust or a few others, but it's normally anger, even the ones that seem like hatred are normally. These ghosts only look superficially like the person they were once supposed to be, and are just angry all the time. They don't always count as ghosts coming from people, but because they are still created when a person dies, they count.

"Um… after that it's true ghosts. These are the souls of people that are still bound to the world somehow. Normally it's a ritual of some kind, because other circumstances create the other kinds of ghosts instead. These aren't very common because the rituals are never easy to perform, and people don't actually last all that long as just a soul.

"Nothing is really meant to be just a soul. Even the other kinds of spirits aren't truly just a soul, they have other bits and pieces to them that keep them alive. Some people have tried to copy that but… it never works, you soul gets pushed out of reality if you try and you end up as another kind of ghost.

"See, for most of the nontrue ghosts, the higher energy creates a sort of shell… around isn't quite the right word because a soul isn't a three-dimensional construct, so what happens instead is that the soul gets tied into a three-dimensional construct that forms the 'body' of the ghost and shelters the soul from any direct damage.

"True ghosts have a similar shell, but they don't have a way to refresh it naturally. That's the main limitation on them and why they normally require an outside ritual to power them and keep them functioning. Liches can also come under that category if their body has been recently destroyed and they are being pulled back to their phylactery, but that only takes a few seconds anyway so it hardly counts."

Kamiko stopped to take in a long breath, before looking over at Kat who was still listening intently and gave her a small nod of acknowledgement. "Right so… the other kinds aren't actually ghosts, or not proper ghosts. Banshees for example, were never human and are things that pop up occasionally when a lot of mana is in the air and it has nothing else to go into.

"Another thing is sometimes people think elementals are spirits… on account of the whole… not having a solid body thing. Especially the humanoid looking ones that are more powerful, though because they can speak the issue gets cleared up pretty quickly… normally. I've been told by Aslena that sometimes they keep it going as a joke.

"Oh, and living shadow sloth demons. They also cause some confusion but they aren't actually made up of nothing they are… it's this really weird feeling substance… it's kind of like… tar and water and then nothing all at the same time. Trust me, you don't want to shake one of their hands, it's super disturbing. But yeah, despite looking like a shadow, and acting like a ghost… they do have a proper body so they don't count. Oh and they have demonic energy so they really don't count"

"Then there are a few other kinds of beings that… are just called spirits? They are fully solid beings that have some strange property or another and just somehow ended up with the label for one reason or another.

"Like fairies. In some places they are known as a kind of nature spirit even though they are part of the fae, and nobody in the know would say otherwise. Of course, that is exactly why they believe incorrectly, is that they aren't in the know… um…" Kamiko started to trail off. josei

"Honestly I don't know that much about other kinds of ghosts." Admitted Kamiko. "Wait, no, there is also holograms. But those are either horribly misinformed or liars because well… they are holograms."

"That's fine." Said Kat with a slight giggle "Can there be ghosts of demons? You said it took mana or qi, but you never mentioned demonic energy"

"Oh right. So, no, we just can't. I've heard a few conflicting reasons as to why and I'm personally not sure which one is true. The first one, is that we signed a thing with the angels to enforce the fact that we can't become ghosts. However,… the fact that demons can actually talk about this supposed contract freely leads me to believe it's just not true.

"Most angel stuff, other than just stating their existence, is really hush hush before you get to certain Ranks. Not sure what Ranks, but it does seem like the stronger demons are able to mention things offhandedly. Not much of course, and my memory is particularly hazy around the times it was mentioned near me, but yeah, that's what some people say.

"Other people say that D.E.M.O.N.S eats our souls after we die but, I don't really believe that one. If the system can stop as spreading information about angels, I don't see why it would let us spread rumours about it trying to eat our souls after we die if it was actually something it could do.

"Anyway, another thought is that it's something to do with demonic energy. It sort of has a mind of its own. We can see this because it corrupts other living things that try to absorb and assimilate it. To my knowledge, no ghost has ever been formed from a being that absorbed demonic energy like that so some people think that's why we don't become ghosts.

"Personally. I'm just not sure. None of those answers feel quite right to me, and some are rather… well not easily, but common sense lets you disprove them for the most part rather easily. Then again, demons don't exactly die often so it's rather a moot point I guess" finished Kamiko who seemed to decide it was finally time to take another breath.

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