D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 439

Chapter 439: Hi-Tech Cookin’ Part 1

Chapter 439: Hi-Tech Cookin’ Part 1


The following chapter is back to Kat's perspective


After Kamiko realising that the most well-adjusted members of her family, the triplets, probably needed therapy as well, Kamiko deciding to just enjoy the walk. She felt like she didn't need or deserve any more world-shattering thoughts that were completely changing the way she viewed her family. There was a small part of her that wanted to consider if this all happened because she met Kat, but once again, she was avoiding thinking about any further thoughts that could potentially destroy her world view.

Kat was in a similar position, not allowing her thoughts to form. She didn't want to consider them anymore. She felt like she'd done her due diligence and tried to work out the thoughts that had crept into her mind but they weren't going places she was fond of. The best she could work out was that maybe she should be going out of her way to try flirting with people or something, but the idea of going out to search for such left a foul taste in her mouth. She was surprised as well, that her internal energy also seemed to recoil at the idea, as if it was an antithesis to her nature.

And that was the state the pair was in when they finally arrived at the kitchen. Freddy himself gave no indication they'd reached their destination until he turned on a dime and headed for the door nearby. He didn't even say anything as he opened it and led them through a few corridors before stopping just a second outside of a white wooden door with a stamp that had been burned into the wood.

From what Kat could tell, the stamp actually gave out the details of the room. Each door had one, and most were similar in appearance with slight differences. The one the group seemed to be using was a square with a straight line down the centre splitting it in half. At the top was a set of dots all packed together leaving barely any space between them. Along the two sides was a mix of crosses and circles, alternating one after the other, with a triangle added in every six other shapes.

"Well, come on in. I'll explain what everythin does so you ain't confused. Thing will look different to the kitchen you're both used to. We got quite a few expensive pieces of equipment in here, but don't worry. It's all sturdy stuff you couldn't break if you tried so no worries." Freddy pushed on the door and led the way inside.

Before Freddy could even begin speaking, Kat could see the room was quite large for a kitchen. It looked like it would be good for a few more workers, but perhaps with the extra speed she'd gained from becoming a demon, the space would be more comfortable rather then feeling excessively large.

As Freddy walked towards the back he tapped the centre island. "I'll get back to this. It'll be last. It's a might complicated but don't worry." Continuing on, Freddy made his way to the back of the room where an appliance took up the entire back wall.

Kat couldn't instantly discern its purpose. It looked to be a cupboard really, with equally spaced cubes sectioned off every twenty-five or so centimetres. You could see this because the while whole thing did have four doors all evenly spaced across it that ran from the floor to ceiling they were made of a blue tinted see-through material. It also looked vaguely crystalline in nature made up of faint lattice structures that could only faintly be made out but were obvious when looking at it as a whole.

"So, this right here is your food stasis. Ya can keep things hot, cold, dry, whatever you need. It stops time on food basically. If ya want to get really technical, it doesn't actually use proper time magic, but that's mostly because that shit is expensive and there is no reason to waste energy like that.

"Now, you'll notice that all the sections are the same size? Well, what you can do is this," Freddy walked up to the cupboard, opening the centre left door and pulled it open before lightly placing his fingers on one of the walls that separated two boxes. His fingers flared with light for a second before he slowly pushed in the wall, doubling the width of the compartment. "You can do that to every solid piece you see back here.

"Just gotta channel a bit of energy into it to tell the thing it's not locked in place anymore. Ya can also do the same with the horizontal slats as well. You can make the space as big or as small as ya want" explained Freddy, "Though, do make sure to seal the door when you're done. It don't work unless it's completely sealed so push it closed with a bit of force. Don't worry, once again, at breaking anything cause…"

Freddy pulled his arm back, before it bulged, doubling in size. Red and gold fire erupted around it as well, and a slight wave of force rolled off him, though nothing compared to when Kat had called passata the same as sauce. Freddy then turned around slightly, legs bulging as he did so, before finally the muscles on his back expanded, becoming unwieldy notty things bulging with power. Freddy held himself in place for just a moment before brining his fist rocketing forward into the door.

Kat couldn't keep up with the movement in the slightest. Even when she instinctively put energy into her eyes it was still too much. All of a sudden, his fist was just in contact with the door now as if it had teleported. Wind whipped around the kitchen, blown about by the impact, but it was barely a gentle breeze. The strangest thing though, was that making contact with the door made no sound.

"See, sturdy construction. It absorbed all the force from me hand and them some. The wind was all from before I made contact that's the only reason ya got anything. Hopefully that gives ya both peace of mind to really slam it shut. Make sure ya do, I won't have you complainin about ingredients going off alright? It'd never happen if ya shut the door" said Freddy jovially as he deflated back to his normal appearance and splayed his fingers a few times.

I wonder if that hurt. On the one hand, he punched it as hard as he could and that should hurt. On the other, it didn't make any noise and the door apparently just… absorbed the energy from that punch. I'm pretty sure that's not how that's supposed to work, but I suppose physics isn't exactly a sure fire thing anymore, more of a vague guideline.

After seeing both Kat and Kamiko nodding in acceptance and trusting that they would shut the door properly, Freddy moved over to the right hand side bench, leading them around the centre island. The first station was a deep basin. It started at just above Kat's elbow height and sunk into the tabletop all the way down to her knees.

Above it, was a series of levers and two dials along with a seemingly normal looking tap. Even seemed to be made out of stainless steel. "Now, ya both probably won't use most of this here. In case you haven't realised. It's a sink. Currently, if you notice," Freddy tapped on the further left lever which was the only one pulled down "this lever is down. That's normal water. The two dials are for hot and cold water and how much. Hot water is just below boilin, and cold water is actually cold, just above freezin, so be careful about that. That will always be the case with whatever lever is down. Hottest the liquid can be and coldest and in whatever amounts.

"Now the rest of the levers, ya don't need to worry about today. Just for completeness sake though, I'll tell you. After the water lever, is the Biolen lever. It's a liquid mixture that acts basically as a water substitute but can go all the way up to about a thousand degrees. Lever after that is for Strained Lava, it's gritty and has an even higher upper limit on temperature. Mostly for cleaning really difficult dishes.

"On the other side, is, Icelin, which covers below zero to about negative a hundred, then Liquid Zero, which goes all the way down to nothing, and then a bit further. Don't ask how it works. Finally, that last tap on that side is also water, but we don't recommend you use that tap. It's water we use for sterilising wounds, so it's got a few other things mixed in. I don't know the whole list.

"Oh, and one more thing." Said Freddy tapping on floor of the basin. "If ya channel some demonic energy into the bottom and push or pull you can move the floor of it to accommodate ya. This makes sure that ya can fit as much dishes as ya need, or whatever. Also helps with gettin it into a comfortable position for ya arms"

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