D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 440

Chapter 440: Hi-Tech Cookin’ Part 2

Chapter 440: Hi-Tech Cookin’ Part 2

"Right" said Freddy, "Any questions about those two? I guess I didn't really give ya a chance, just made sure ya new to shut the doors."

Kat shrugged, considering the gadgets that Freddy had shown them. *I don't really think so. It's all rather intuitive. Even the levers make a lot of sense once you know what they do. Plus you can remember which is which easily once you do. The… stasis cupboard? I guess it isn't a fridge so that name works, is interesting and I'd love to know more about it, but I don't have any questions about how it works. I wonder if Freddy would appreciate me asking? It's a toss up. He might see it as wasting time, or he might appreciate the fact I'm taking an interest… bugger it let's ask.* "So the stasis cabinet does hot and cold food?" asked Kat

Freddy nodded, before throwing his hands sideways to gesture at the cabinet. "Yup yup. It keeps everything exactly as it was when ya put it inside. The tech is a little complicated, but still cheaper then fuc- er I mean, blasted time magic. It uses a bunch of other enchantments based on the food to keep it as is. Like, it cools down cold food just enough for it to stay at the same temp, and a warmin version for hot foods. Also bug repellent and a few other things like that. I won't waste time on the full specs."

"That makes sense thanks" said Kat josei

"Good good," said Freddy before glancing over at Kamiko, when he saw that she wasn't looking to ask any further questions of him, he moved over to the next item. This was another cabinet, stretching from floor to ceiling. The front was made of another type of crystal, this one more obviously crystalline with deep grooves which dug out a hexagonal shaped lattice across the front. It was tinted black making it somewhat hard to see inside, but Kat put some energy into her eyes to see a series of trays. "This is you're standard oven.

"Or well, it's a standard Gluttony oven, probably more complex then something either of you have seen." Kat didn't know how to reply to that. Obviously it was a more complex oven, but after spending two days sorting through stuff in Greed it wasn't the most impressive item. However, Kamiko did seem surprised at the number of dials and buttons that were set into the door, because she nodded along a bright smile on her face. Seeing this, Kat gave her own nod as well.

"Yes yes," continued Freddy "This here can do some rather extreme stuff. It can do everything from cakes to rotisseries and more!" Hearing this, Kat was torn between smiling at Freddy's honest seeming excitement and frowning at how much this was starting to sound like an infomercial. "Further, it has a number of cooking options such as a timer, a time reducer, cook mode, and of course cook type"

"What's the difference between cook mode and cook type?" asked Kamiko before Kat could get the chance.

Freddy was obviously waiting for that question because his smile doubled, which was also a little creepy because it started to split his face, as it opened up slightly to allow for the smile to continue up to his ears. "Well, you see. Remember how I mentioned this could cook a few things? Well, cook type changes up the configuration. You have, standard" Freddy waved his hand over the cabinet, "concentrated," Freddy turned the dial one stage and most of the metal racking disappeared leaving only two in the middle. "rotating" Freddy pressed the deal again retracting all the steel shelving. Once that was done, a large metal rod came down from the top of the oven and extended all the way to the bottom. "heck there's even a few more…"

Freddy pressed the button again and ten buzz saws filled the oven. Kat flinched back in surprise, going into slow motion trying to determine the threat. When she was fully cognisant of what it was… Kat really didn't know what to think. "Um… what?" said Kat

"Yeah I got no idea" said Freddy "It's not in the manual and whenever I ask the techs about it they laugh at me. I… I think I might know why it's there now though…" Freddy then proceeded to shake his head, cook's hat flailing from side to side as he did so. "Right, um… there's a few more settings." Freddy pushed a button on the faceplate and a hissing sound was released from the oven. "This is vacuum cooking. All the air has been removed.

"There's another one" Freddy pointed out a deep blue button he hadn't yet touched and wasn't on the dial for modes but next to it "it's for filling the oven with water to cook things. It's not… the most necessary. If you want to cook things all the way through the other dial has options for that, but if for whatever reason you need to, you can use the oven as a giant pot."

*You know what… that actually does sound kind of useful when cooking large meals. If you can do it concentrated mode you could maybe boil water as well. Still… maybe it's overkill? You could cook a person in that.* Kat stopped for a second. *Is it cannibalism if you're no longer human and would Gluttony do that?* Kat wasn't sure she wanted the answer so she asked. "So, that's cook mode, what's cook type?"

Freddy gestured over to another dial and smiled, "Well, that's mostly for directional based stuff. Do you want to cook your food from the top, bottom, the back and front, all over evenly?"

"How is that last one possible?" asked Kamiko, a curious look on her face, head slightly tilted to the side as if she was trying to uncover a deep secret.

It actually turned out to be the case because Freddy said. "Honestly, no idea. I did ask, that sort of things important to know when your cookin after all, but the explanation when over my head honestly. Tried to ask them to simplify it and he said to me 'Simplify it? Simplify over a hundred years of culinary science in a few sentences to someone who wouldn't know how to put together a desk with instructions let alone an advanced piece of tech like this!' so I punched him in the face. I was then banned from talkin to the techs, but I don't regret it."

*Oof. That's… well, actually that's a pretty fair reaction. Seeing how hard Freddy can punch he obviously held back, or only punched someone would could take it otherwise they'd be dead. So you know what, that might actually be a fair response. They insulted someone who wanted to know because of their love of cooking, which I've quickly found out is one of his buttons.*

"Oh, that's fine then" said Kamiko "I don't know anything about making artifacts so I guess I wouldn't understand either"

"Good good. Well, that's really all ya need to know about the oven. Moving on" Freddy said before stepping forward to the next contraption. It was the second last one, well second last type, from what Kat could see. There was quite a few more copies of the sink, the oven and whatever this device was lining the two walls. "This is you're stovetop.

"Now, I can already hear ya askin me 'Freddy, why isn't it atop the oven' well, that's because of these" Freddy said as he reached over to tap the thick piping lining the wall at the back of the stovetop. "These right here need a lot of space to work. Additionally, it helps stop the enchantments conflictin.

"Still, this is the most normal of the devices here. Just make sure that you point ya handles towards the back when you press this button here" said Freddy pointing to one of the buttons on the side, before gesturing to a set of eight buttons. "Now, those eight are to go up or down in increments of one, ten, one hundred, or one thousand degrees, which is simple.

"The button I pointed out before, the one ya need to be careful with raises the wall." Freddy pressed it and a red tinted crystalline wall reminiscent of the others came up. "This insulates you from the heat if you need, and it allows ya to use this other button" Freddy gestured to a dial right in the centre "to speed up the cooking process. Oh, right, the oven has one of those as well, the big red dial. It'll tell ya on the display above how much faster things are, but be careful never to take the cooking time below ten minutes. Some dishes don't need it or need a bit more to be perfect, but ten minutes is the golden rule. Remember that!"

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