D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 474

Chapter 474: Trading Barbs

Chapter 474: Trading Barbs

Despite the smile growing on her face and the feeling of elation, Kat was confused under it all. *How can she be so weak? My regeneration is strong, but it isn't that impressive physically speaking… er… is that right? Anyway, point is, I doubt I'd be able to pull this trick off with Kamiko, she'd be able to keep her fingers in I bet.*

Of course, the liberal use of her fear abilities was one of the main reasons Kamiko still disliked her sister. Even if they weren't being used, Kamiko still wouldn't attempt to fight back physically. For all her training, it wasn't her first instinct, and it was even less of a consideration against family.

"I'd love to say I'm shocked that Kamiko found somebody while being punished…" sneered Aslena, barely keeping the smile on her face as she tried to off balance Kat after feeling her fingers being pushed back "but I suppose it only makes sense that she'd end up with criminals"

*Oooh, you practically gave this one to me for free Aslena. Normally I'd feel a little bad about it, but I'll defend my friends with body or words. I've done it for years already and I'll do it for years to come.* "Well, I suppose you might be right. For, it is the action which are criminal and not the catching that makes it so. I have an appeal lined up as soon as I'm finished you see, what about you?" returned Kat

Aslena however, was much more prepared for a verbal barb then the physical one Kat had accidentally delivered. "Oh? I'm surprised to be accused by someone I hardly know. Has my sister perhaps been misrepresenting me? I'd hate for that to be the case" said Aslena easily.

Kat felt her eyebrows narrow, and decided not to stop them, as she thought over the words. *I'm honestly surprised Aslena can say she'd hate for Kamiko to misrepresent her. I've known her for less then a minute and I can already see she's a bully. Does that mean she doesn't actually believe herself to be one? Surely she is not so blind as that? Do I have a comeback? Yes actually*

"Oh? What were you thinking Kamiko had said? The most I'd heard about you was from your father, do you know something I do not? Why would Kamiko be speaking ill of you?" said Kat

In Aslena's left eye just a single star dimmed for a split second before returning to normal. Kat herself wasn't even certain she'd seen it, but it did remain in her memories of the event. "Father has an… overbearing idea of me I suppose. He likes to tell embarrassing stories of when I was younger. I suppose I must have assumed that you got them from Kamiko instead…" Aslena let herself trail off at the end.

*Hmm, interesting, another thing I wasn't sure she'd be able to say. Is it because she said 'I suppose' at the beginning of it? As she was supposing at that moment a lie? Is that something we can do? I'm honestly not quite sure, though based on Aslena's penchant for… misleading… let's say, her father, I find it likely that if anyone can do it, Aslena is the one who figured it out.*

"Yes, your father does indeed enjoy his stories of his children's youth" said Kat though she winced internally at not really having a better line to go with, "your mother is interesting as well, I've heard she's rather respected in her field just like yourself" *Perhaps a bit of flattery? I think I used all my good jabs already. I pretty much had the others preprepared, I've got no idea how I'm supposed to keep up the pressure.*

To Kat's surprise though, Aslena accepted the compliment well. "Thank you for that. I pride myself on my work, and while I hope to be as big a name in fashion as my mother is in medicine I highly doubt I'll actually reach such a level any time soon"

With that Aslena let go of Kat's hand, realising that she really wasn't getting anywhere, and headed back towards her tea. Kat strode in behind her, taking the seat next to Aslena on this side of the table, whereas Aslena was on the end. Kamiko decided to take the seat next to Kat instead of leaving Aslena in the middle, shielding herself somewhat from her sister.

Aslena hid a grin behind her teacup at that, disguising her smile with a long drink of the stuff now more certain that while Kamiko had an acquaintance at least, she was no more a danger than she was previously, no this new demon was the real issue. Aslena really took in Kat for the first time at this.

She let her eyes first flick up to Kat's strange horn type, and was unsure if she'd ever seen anything like them before. It was certainly not a common configuration, and this meant that whoever Kat was, she didn't live in the area, and was likely no friend of the family. This means she really had met Kamiko during the punishment.

Looking further, Kat's eyes revealed nothing interesting either. They were clear, and rather pretty yes, but a blind woman could tell Kat was a Succubus so that meant nothing. Aslena noticed Kat's outfit was of fine make, perhaps not top quality, but a large amount of skill had been invested into its construction, and, if she was honest with herself, unsure if she could match the level required to produce it. The materials were what brought it down mostly, but Aslena knew if it was Kat's demonic attire they didn't matter as much.

Kat of course, had the full wings that not all that many Succubi had these days, the trait tending to get lost over generations because the smaller wings gave magical flight regularly at early Ranks, and were much easier to keep in check. Kat's tail was standard, as far as Aslena could see, perhaps a little long for Kat's height, but that was unclear.

Kat's bearing also didn't really tell her anything. She had perfect posture and a nice figure, the first a thing Kat hadn't actually noticed properly was that her body tended to sit properly when it could, though she'd had rather good posture before so it was a minor improvement at best.

Aslena really didn't know what to think of Kat, truth be told, she didn't seem like she was all that remarkable at a glance, but her regeneration at least was formidable. Aslena was still slightly offput by that fact. Returning her 'attack' would have been considered rude because it was her family's home, and Kat acting either in spite of that, or unaware of it would have given her more information to work with. Alas, Kat's 'opening move' was even more effective then it seemed at a glance.

Putting the cup down, Aslena addressed Kamiko for the first time since the start of the conversation. "So, sister, what have you been up to during your Punishment? Nothing too difficult I hope?"

"Oh, um…" Kamiko was internally wincing at not having a ready reply. She'd hoped that Kat would have continued to take the pressure of. Kamiko did feel a little badly about that hope, but Kat had taken the role gladly, and Kamiko really wanted no part of a conversation with her sister as long as her parents weren't around, "no… it… um, nothing too bad really. Gluttony was a bit of work, but simple stuff none the less"

"Oh? Fancy yourself a chef now sister?" said Aslena.

Kat debated about stepping in there, but despite Kamiko's actual wishes, Kat believed the other girl would want to answer the questions directed at her. After a moment that let Kamiko realise she would have to be the one to answer, she responded with "Actually, the real cooking was done by Kat here, I just chopped the ingredients."

"So it's your new friend that's the chef?" Aslena said, turning her eyes towards Kat again, "That must have been imposing, Gluttony is known to be tough on their expert chefs"

Kat easily saw through the bait though. Expert chefs they may be hard on indeed, but quantity was just as much in demand. "It was only an old recipe Gramps taught me. I'm not from the Hub so I was able to make something Unique"

"Oh, an off-worlder? I suppose it makes sense you'd end up with Kamiko then, she and you must get along well I'm sure" said Aslena, making no move to hide that her words were intended as insults.

Kat really didn't know how to respond to that one though. *I mean, everything she said was true, and I give zero shits about peer pressure and social acceptance. I'm not even sure if people from outside the Hub are looked down on if you aren't Aslena. Hmm… guess I should speed up my though a bit to search for a good answer.*josei

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