D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 475

Chapter 475: Is that a bit of Humanity I see?

Chapter 475: Is that a bit of Humanity I see?

*Perhaps pointing out that I'm a nondem would work? They always seem to be rare and somewhat powerful from the way everyone talks about them so it would a good comeback, but that might be telling Aslena a bit too much about myself, I very clearly avoided it before by only calling attention to the fact I was born off Hub…

Then again, is this a good enough payoff? This way I can get back at her a bit for just assuming I'm a demon from outside… oh I have an idea…*? "What's your problem with me being from outside the Hub? While I've been here I've hardly noticed anything that much better…" said Kat letting the thought trail off as if she was thinking hard about it. It was surprising to Kat though, that what she said was an easy truth. Despite the improved tech level from enchantments in some places, it wasn't anything too amazing so far.

Aslena scoffed when she heard Kat's question. "What, you can't even tell class? Then again, I doubt they'd show you any of the good stuff anyway. If you're an offworlder, clearly it's because your parents couldn't afford a plot in the Hub. It's simply better. Sure people have holiday homes but nobody proper lives outside full time. Didn't your parents teach you that?"

*Hmm, interesting, she seems to have given up being nice to me at all really. I wonder why? Did I manage to catch her with some of my lines? Has she just decided I'm not that important? Well no matter, she gave me an even better target to hit her with. It's great because unlike Kamiko who knows it doesn't bother me… Aslena might feel a little bad.* "My parents didn't teach my anything, they're dead" said Kat, deadpan, staring at Aslena as if daring her to ask more.

Kat was then shocked when she saw Aslena's eyes widen before her hands grasped tightly onto her teacup. Aslena then very pointedly looked away for a few moments before glancing back at Kat. "Sorry" said Aslena, "That was beyond the pale"

*Hmmm? Is that a bit of humanity inside the tin man's heart? I'm glad to see she isn't completely heartless but… if that's the case then… why is she so mean all the time? Is it the whole 'dead parents' thing? Does that cross the line for some people?*

Kat really had no proper context for it. She'd never felt bad about her missing parents, but she was never going to bring it up to the others at the orphanage because most of them had KNOWN their parents, and it just wasn't nice. A few kids at school had hit her with the insult before, but Kat had never cared.

*Ok… now the question is? Do I accept her apology? She seems genuine and I want to encourage that behaviour, especially towards Kamiko… but I'm not sure that'd teach her anything… I mean, she clearly didn't know, and never would have said it otherwise. Parents dying isn't exactly common… actually maybe it is? I never looked at the statistics for something like that. I wonder if it's rarer amongst demons? Actually, wait… with their healthcare system it's probably MUCH rarer. Huh, makes it look like I drew the really short straw then doesn't it?*

Perhaps, in another world Kat would have tried to capitalise on Aslena's discomfort, pressing her advantage to try and ensure that it was clear Aslena needed to think about her words more by verbally beating it into her. Still, this wasn't that world. Despite Kat's verbal spar, she was doing it to protect her friend, hopefully going into the future, and not to attack Aslena, though that would be welcome. "It's ok, I never really knew them. Perhaps thinking about what you say more often though? You didn't know it was a sore spot for me, but you'd target other ones without remorse."

Aslena took a sip of tea at that, clearly thinking on Kat's response. Kamiko looked on somewhat awkwardly, more because she wasn't used to her sister looking sorry or introspective at all. "Hmmmmm" murmured Aslena "I don't know about that. If you're too weak to fight back even verbally then I have no remorse. However… the dead are serious business, parents more so, and that's just… not something I want to rely on to make a point. It's disgusting, and beyond what is acceptable."

*Ok, sure I can kinda get that… but I just fail to see what the difference is really? If I found someone and called them fat, overweight, a pig, and then further went on to insult part of their body talking about how ugly it was until they cried, which IS something I've seen people do before… I honestly think that's worse then bringing up some dead people…

Sure, it probably hurts people to know about them. I know I'd be sad if Gramps died and someone reminded me, but I wouldn't cry about it too much… probably… hopefully… look in this scenario I'm making in my head let's say it's been a while. *

Kat wanted to shake her head to clear her thoughts, but she didn't want to give anything away to Aslena either. Kat managed to settle for flicking just the end of her tail around a bit, Aslena wasn't looking at it below the chair, so it was mostly hidden.

*I just… I feel like, the response should match response. Like, Aslena accidentally bringing up my dead parents super adjacently is not as bad as specifically targeting me in a way that would get me to cry. Then again… maybe a demon without parents is something so rare it's well worth crying about? Maybe I should just ask? Phrase it like I already know the answer perhaps?*

"Why do you say it so? I'd say the reaction you cause someone is much more important than the means you used to get it no? My parents are not something I remember, but if I was say… insecure about my weight or something, insulting that would be worse if I assume you knew that information" said Kat

Aslena laughed at that. Full on laughed. Oh, she tried to stifle it behind her teacup but it didn't work. "A… A Succubus with appearance issues? Hah, only Kamiko has those kinds of thoughts," *Pretty sure it's crowds she doesn't like, at least from the one story I heard, not that she doesn't think she's pretty* "still, I disagree. If I tried to stab you, doesn't matter if it pierces the skin, it matters that I tried to stab you"

Kat bit her lip and thought it over. *Hmm, are we really having this argument? I feel like this is apples and oranges. You can't accidentally stab someone the way you can accidentally stumble into a taboo when speaking with someone. Unless you like… what… trip with your sword out or something?

Also really? Targeting Kamiko so casually? What's the point? She's your sister, and you're what… like… wait how old is Aslena? She has to be twenty something… HANG ON?* Kat realised a very strange thing. There was a non zero, in fact, perhaps rather likely chance, that Aslena was older than Vivian.

*Well now I have no idea how to feel. Shit that means everyone in this family other than Kamiko and maybe Aslena are much older than Vivian as well. I… I KNEW the triplets were older. It's not like I forgot but… it just didn't hit me I guess. Well… that's a bombshell. How do I reconcile that strange thought? Hang on… does that mean Elmony is probably older than Gramps?*

Kat quickly chased away that line of thought. Trying to work out relative and actual ages of demons seemed like a sure fire way to get lost in a very confusing maze. *Let's just decide that despite Vivian's attitude she's more mature then Aslena and leave it at that.* Of course, the idea Vivian was a 'mature' adult was somewhat farfetched, but compared to Aslena's clearly petty grudge against Kamiko for something, it rang very true to Kat's mind.

"I think you're comparing apples and oranges" said Kat hoping the saying would translate if Aslena didn't recognise the fruit "I'm comparing accidents and intentions. Accidentally stabbing someone is much worse then trying to tab them intentional obviously"

"Of course. Nobody wants to get stabbed" said Aslena with a smile, showing that she knew what she was doing, and not that she'd simply missed the point. "Still, there are lines you wouldn't cross in combat. You don't scratch a woman's face for example"

*I'm sorry what? If I'm in combat I'm going for whatever is the squishiest target. If I need to go for the eyes I have no shame. I'll go right for them without hesitation!* Alas, Kat just wasn't built for the full force of mental gymnastics Aslena was willing to bring to bear. That, and Kat didn't really have a concept of honour. Politeness sure, but politeness was not for people fighting. Wrath wasn't exactly going to teach it to people either. It was unnecessary though quite a few of them picked it up anyway.josei

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