D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 489

Chapter 489: Overwhelmed and Rung Out

Chapter 489: Overwhelmed and Rung Out

The outpouring of emotion was reaching everyone's limit after Nira's speech and everyone managed to collectively decide they'd all had enough for the day. Even Nira's multiple centuries of existing wasn't enough to stop it all from being a bit much. They stayed hugging each other for a while longer before Kat floated away from the group first.

She felt that this was a moment more for the three of them, then her, no matter how much they had insisted she'd been a big help for them all to reach this point. Kat let herself float, allowing the water to wash around her ears and quieten everything a step further.

The other three held onto each other for quite a while after Kat started floating. None of them really wanted to let go, they were all greatly enjoying the newfound closeness despite the emotional high they were trying to leave behind. Ultimately though, after an hour, it wasn't a conscious choice that stopped them from hugging, it was the return of Aslena's horns.

Her head glowed brightly for a moment before Aslena let out a big sigh and pushed herself away from the other two, still, that wasn't quite the end because Nira and Kamiko captured an arm each and kept Aslena from just running of from them. "I don't think I've ever wished I had horns like the rest of you more than right now" said Aslena

"I think your horns are beautiful dear," said Nira "Though, I'll agree the size of them can be inconvenient at times. Still, perhaps it is best we get out of the water. It's been a big day for everyone and the K's still have more Punishments tomorrow. We should let them get some sleep and perhaps we can continue this tomorrow after their work is done"

Kamiko wanted to argue against that idea, not really wanting to split up just yet but when she opened her mouth to retort a big yawn spilled out instead. This caused Nira to wiggle her eyebrows with a knowing smirk. "Fine" whined Kamiko after she finished with the yawn.

The girls exited the bath, and headed for there respective rooms. Kamiko gave the other two demons a quick hug before taking Kat back to her room so they could sleep for the night. They all knew there wasn't a point with doing up any food. Nobody really felt like it, and Aslena had consumed plenty of tea.

When the pair got back to Kamiko's room, Kat rolled her shoulders and yawned, also feeling the weight of the day. Kamiko though, just went forward and faceplanted straight onto the bed, without even summoning up her clothes like Kat had when they left the path. "Kamiko put something on, you'll get cold" said Kat, realising after she said it that no, Kamiko wouldn't get cold.

Kamiko still groaned and put the clothes on though, recognising it as something she really should do. Kat sat down next to the shorter girl and said, "How are you feeling?"

Kamiko rubs her face further into the mattress and groans out. "A lot of things? But also… none of them? I… I feel so rung out, like I've got no tears or emotions left in me. But… I also feel like this is a dream. I can hardly believe it's all actually happened you know? It's so much… Aslena's working on her issues, I know Mom wasn't just ignoring all this, and that she's just as… emotionally invested I suppose?

"I also know that Aslena's willing to… I guess be a better sister? Without giving up the things that make her, well her. I meant what I said when I went over why I was happy she wouldn't trade away the pain because well… those memories are important. I think… given time, if Aslena actually keeps working on things and we manage to do more things with each other… she could be just as precious as my other sisters or maybe even more so.

"I mean… Elmony had Meridithna, and the Triplets all have each other, it was supposed to be me and Aslena as the next set of sisters. I… I guess it never actually worked really? The Triplets don't have a pair, just themselves and well… Meridthna and Aslena you know how those things all worked out…

"But this… this is a big step forward I think. I think we can both come out stronger for this you know? If all those years of problems didn't cause me to hate Aslena, she'll know now that when I call her out on something it's not because I dislike her but because I think it's actually a problem… and… maybe she'll take me seriously in other things

"Now that she's realised… that I'm a person? Or… maybe that I'm not the same as her? Or… hmm, what's more accurate? Maybe… maybe that she's realised I wasn't trying to be her, or compete with her. A part of me wonders if Aslena was so hard on me because I wasn't ever as hard on myself as she was on herself so she was… overcorrecting you know?

"I didn't want to bring it up to Mom or Aslena because I don't want Aslena to think I'm giving her an excuse and I don't want Mom to think I believe I should have been like that or something. Anyway… it's… it's a lot really."

*Well… I think you've forgotten Nira can probably hear you so that little titbit has probably gotten out already. I wonder if Nira will continue to pretend she doesn't know? Not talking about the scrying is very different to her being able to hear through the walls.*

"Um… Kamiko… remember your mother's hearing is a lot better then ours is" said Kat, simply pointing out that maybe a Rank 5 might know something.

Kamiko groaned loudly into her pillow in response before saying, "Ugh, I completely ignored that. Mom doesn't really show off her advanced speed or senses a lot at home and I forgot. Damn. I know the room is sound proofed but I wouldn't count on it being enough to stop a Rank 5. Aw well. That's fine. It's just an idea anyway. What do you think Kat?"

*I think you're probably too tired to be worrying about this.* Kat grabbed Kamiko around the waste and threw her towards the pillows at the top of the bed. Kamiko barely let out a peep as this happened, just accepting the movement, before Kat pulled the blankets over her and hopped in bed as well. "I think, that it's time to go to sleep." Replied Kat

"mrhghg" grumbled Kamiko, "I really want an answer. I'll be thinking about it for ages if you don't give me one"

Now, Kat had seen this trick pulled a number of times. The issue was, sometimes the kid in question was right. They really would stay up all night thinking about the issue at hand. The deciding factor, was that Kamiko was, if not a grown demon, at least comparable in age.

"Right well… I think it really depends on how a young demon thinks. The sort of… extra reasoning you're adding here… while it might fit the circumstances, is pretty advanced for say… a five year old. Like… maybe if she was older I'd agree with it being a possibility, but I'm not quite sure that someone so young could have reached that conclusion you know?"

"Huh, that makes a lot of sense." Said Kamiko softly, bringing Kat into a hug and already starting to drift of slightly. "Now that you've mentioned it, when Aslena started harassing me, I'm not sure she even new how to harass someone or that she was. She hardly had eyes for anything else other than her sketchbook and needles. I'm not even sure she could guess my hair colour on a bad day…

"That's ok though… I fo-" partway through that last attempt at forgiving Aslena, Kamiko simply passed out. The energy she'd used today was rather significant between the rat slaughter and the emotional turmoil.

Kat was feeling it as well. Not quite as much, mostly because she was only involved on the periphery but once she saw Kamiko's soft breathing and totally relaxed face, she found sleep calling to her much more strongly. josei

*Still, trying to forgive Aslena I guess. Kamiko really is a sweet girl, and I'm glad I've become her friend. I wonder if that's why nobody wanted to befriend her earlier? They all picked on her, and she never fought back? Perhaps they saw Aslena picking on her and followed suit? I know nobody has mentioned that, but that would be my guess as to why she's so isolated.

I don't know that Kamiko would ever actually blame Aslena for it though, even if it was her fault. She seems the type to say 'they're responsible for their own actions, and it wasn't that bad' as if that really makes it alright. Still… maybe…*

Kat didn't get to finish that thought though, because it was her time to fall asleep as well.

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