D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 490

Chapter 490: Breakfast Shenaniganry

Chapter 490: Breakfast Shenaniganry

Kat was unprepared for the awkward tension she experienced shortly after waking up. Oh, things seemed fine when she got out of bed. Kamiko took a little bit of extra convincing, still tired from yesterday. *And isn't that weird? I know she doesn't have regeneration like me but I didn't think she needed the same sleep as a human.* Still, things were going fine until they got upstairs for breakfast.

Kat wasn't that hungry, but considering combat yesterday, and planned for today, food was welcome for her. A basic breakfast spread, cooked by Nira who was endeavouring to make things awkward by wearing an apron… and nothing else. Was not how Kat wanted to start things. Still, the wiggling eyebrows and suggestive poses, thankfully aimed mostly at her daughters was fine.

Until Aslena and Kamiko reached towards a bowl of jelly at the same time. They both just… stared at each other. It lasted for FIVE WHOLE minutes, and Nira was no longer having a fun time. She was sharing glances with Kat, asking 'should we do something' with Kat shooting back 'I have no idea' looks. The thing that was confusing the uninvolved parties was that… there was three other bowls of jelly on the table. The sisters hadn't grabbed the only bowl.

There wasn't anything special about it. All four bowls looked the same. There wasn't any more or less jelly in any of them, they weren't in a fancy mould. They weren't even different colours. They were the same red apple colouring, and presumably the same taste, though Kat certainly wasn't getting involved in that mess by verifying that herself.

In the end, they both let go of the bowl at the same time, pained expressions on their faces, before doing a matching double take as they realised their counterpart had done the same thing. ""You can have it,"" they said in tandem.

The silence returned for about five seconds before Nira decided she'd had enough of this madness. Grabbing two of the other jelly bowls, she placed them on her daughters' plates and stole the one they'd been 'fighting' over for herself. "There. I'm not watching you stare lovingly into each other's eyes for another five minutes" laughed Nira

""Ew/Gross,"" said the demon sisters at the same time. Nira just smiled more, and took a big bite of jelly.

"See, you're already getting along better" said Nira happily after she finished off the bowl.

Aslena and Kamiko shared a conspiratorial glance with each other, before Kamiko nodded, and Aslena voiced the thought, "I think we preferred it when we were fighting a cold war with each other at the dinner table. At least you didn't try to make comments like that…"

"I'm hurt" said Nira, hand over heart, "How could you say such things about your mother… and is fighting with each other really better?"

Aslena and Kamiko had to actually think about that one. "On the one hand… the borderline hate and worry is gone…" said Kamiko

"… but on the other hand we did NOT need those mental images you've gifted us with Mom. You wouldn't have done this before, and… we kind of miss that" finished Aslena

Nira placed her other hand over her heart, slapping it there as if she was shot before falling backwards, taking the chair with her. When she started to actually fall, Kat couldn't help but stand up to help, but Nira easily caught herself by latching her foot on the edge of the table and holding herself in place. "Oof, I felt that, right in my heart. My own daughters teaming up against me. Even taking a page out of the triplets book to sync up with each other… such a powerful strike" 'grumbled' Nira from her position looking up at the ceiling.

Kat slowly sat back down and grabbed a fruit that might as well be an apple and started nibbling at it quietly. *I don't want anything to do with this mess. I'm honestly surprised Nira managed to get through yesterday without doing anything inappropriate, she's clearly making up for lost time*

Kamiko and Aslena shared a commiserating sigh which made Kat smile around her apple. *If you didn't know about them before today, you'd never be able to tell how bad there relationship was. Clearly they're very familiar with each other despite the fact they weren't on good terms.*

Kat's plan of non-interference was thoroughly shattered with Nira's next words. "By the way Aslena, did you know that Kamiko's knew friend has been in her bed every day since Kamiko brought her home? I didn't think Kamiko would be so forward myself…"

Kat could hear the creaking as Aslena's eyes snapped onto her own. Kat projected her best 'I'm innocent' face, which was actually pretty good, but Aslena had decided that might not be good enough when Kamiko went bright red. Her next words did give Aslena pause though, "MOM! You can't say things like that. I'm not gay!"

"It's ok Kamiko, you can be whatever you want!" said Nira cheerily.

"Mom! You know what you're doing…" Kamiko growled and turned back to Aslena "Mom, already pulled this joke on me once, but I SWEAR it's not like that. I have a healthy appreciation for the male body, and while I haven't exactly found someone I'd want to actually date I am well aware that Kat IS NOT my type…" Kamiko turned awkwardly to Kat, "No offence? I think?"

"I dunno Kamiko, I'm pretty sure even if you're straight you can appreciate Kat's good looks" said Aslena matter of factly, though she was still glaring slightly at Kat.

*Oh god why me? I don't look at them like that. Kamiko is my friend! I would never… I mean, I hardly know her, and I'm certainly not sexual attracted to her. Same with Aslena and Nira. Just… why? Is this what normal girls talk about? Lily always tried to avoid the topic in the past, and I never really cared.*

"Your bisexual ass can't make that comment. Besides, we're a family of Succubi, we've been to the Lust area to visit Elmony before. It gets a little samey if I'm being honest" snarked Kamiko.

She can SNARK! While Kat was trying not to freak out over the entire idea that Kamiko even could be snarky, Aslena was firing right back, "Hey, just because we're Succubi doesn't mean I can't separate the wheat from the chafe. Kat isn't just a standard package, and I'd actually know. Remember I have to work with models on the regular. I've seen the difference. Besides, I'm sure Nira can agree with me,"

Nira looked up at them with an entire peach in her mouth with a 'who me' expression on her face. When Aslena held the glare firm, Nira got a surprisingly serious look on her face and said, "Once you've reached a certain age it's all about the eyes. Sure the window dressing is NICE sometimes, but if you can't see the weight of at least a century in the dark centre it's just not worth weighing the value."

*You know. That actually explains a lot.* "Is that common?" asked Kat, trying to defuse the tension filled atmosphere and ask a genuine question.

"Weeeell…" said Nira dragging it out, "It really depends. Age of consent is a bit of a contentious issue in our society and it has been for as long as my parents have been alive, and likely much longer. How old is old enough for sex at all? How much of a gap in age is too much and is considered toxic or manipulative…

"It's a WHOLE big thing Kat. It's further complicated because some demons require um… sexual fluids… as part of their natural diet. It's not a Succubus thing, to the surprise of many but… anyway, not getting into that can of worms either… or should we? Anyway, the need for the… leftover juices… I suppose… means that the question of if they should be allowed to 'acquire it form the source' once they are capable is… one argument.

"For the moment, the answer is NO they can't, mostly because this was a problem developed after the first rules for it got put into place, but still, it's not even the weirdest dietary requirements a demon can have. On top of that, many demons that have lived past a couple centuries start treating everyone younger then two hundred like children. Which…

"Well, it's sort of fair, because comparatively they're right… but… then they start to apply other things to them, where issues arise you know? They're full functioning demons, just without quite as much life perspective, and it's not that uncommon some demons to never reach the numbers some of the old monsters put forward… of course that might be desirable to them as well… josei

"Anyway, it become a whole mess, because even if they're a little wrong, they are somewhat right. A demon with a millennia of experience seducing people can probably manage to get into the pants of someone who initially found them unattractive with an hours work tops…

"So the idea of them in a full blown relationship is something that makes a lot of demons uncomfortable… anyway, it's an ongoing argument that you don't really need to worry about. I'd recommend following the adage of 'No more then double and no less then half' rule, excepting actual children of course."

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