D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 491

Chapter 491: Rude

Chapter 491: Rude

After that slightly heavy topic breakfast settled down. Mostly because Kat and Kamiko needed to be off shortly. So, they ate in a companionable silence. Nira also offered lunch to take, but Kat and Kamiko declined citing the fact they would be in combat and had no way to keep it safe.

When they sent themselves off, they were actually outside of the shed housing all the equipment. Stone was leaning against the wall eating a comically oversized rice ball with rocks mixed into it. *Um… I guess that's flavouring? Is the rice normal rice? I'm not sure I want to know.* josei

Stone paused between bites when he saw them, quickly finishing what was in his mouth he said. "Ah, glad to have you both. I've managed to recruit at third Succubus for your expedition. I want you to chat a bit, discuss your abilities and specialties. The main reason I called them in, is as a favour for a friend. They are only Rank 1, but they have a very rare ability to cover people in a shield that's constantly being recharged with their demonic fire.

"Kat will probably be fine without it, it's somewhat overkill for her, but I think it will be good for Kamiko. She can stay back and just keep up the shields. She's not completely hopeless but, well, Rank 1."

Kat looked over at Kamiko, mostly because this was for her. "That's sounds great!" said Kamiko, always happy to have a chance to make friends, sadly those had been rare, "We'll go see her now"

Stone nodded, "Righto, just come and grab me once you want to head in. I've got a set of three earmuffs and I'll be opening the stone wall for you all again. I'll just bee out here eating. Had to come in early to fill out the safety paperwork for the extra so I skipped breakfast, but I think it'll be worth it."

The Succubi pair nodded and headed inside to meet their new partner. Kamiko pushed open the door first, and froze in the entryway, blocking Kat's view partially. Kat frowned slightly, wondering what had shocked Kamiko so much, so she used her wings to hover a bit more and get a good look into the room. Kat nearly stopped flying when she saw the person on the other side.

Now, up till this point, Kat had been rather spoiled when it came to Succubi. They were never too different from her, even Kara from medical had on a proper uniform and it was really only the snake hair that was odd. The Succubus in front of Kat wasn't like that. She was straight out of a video game.

First off, she was dark purple, a few shades darker then Kat's flame for the most part, with only slight variations in her skin tone across her body, and Kat could see practically ALL of said body. What the new Succubus was wearing amounted to little more than strips of tight leather to cover her most private bits. Even then, it didn't help much because she was rather stacked both up top and below. Her chest spilling around the leather leaving nothing to the imagination. Her pants were no better, being basically just underwear that left her behind hanging out the side.

Trying to look ANYWHERE else, Kat found her wings. They were about halfway between Kamiko's and Kat's own. Large enough to be noticeable, but maybe not large enough to fly under their own power like Kat, likely still requiring a Rank ability to help with that, but gliding was very believable. Her tail was much shorter though, being only about half an arm in length.

The Succubus' horns were also knew to Kat at least. They started on top of her head, right where the skull started to tilt sideways and went straight up in a spiral. They leaned ever so slightly to their respective sides because of this, but it was mostly straight. Her hair actually made her more decent, coming down past her tail, with a bit of curl to it, making her the only Succubus Kat had seen without straight hair.

The hair itself was mostly white with streaks of cobalt blue spread chaotically about. One might consider it dyed, but Kat could see from her higher perspective that both colours went all the way down to the roots. About a sixth of her hair from both sides had been curled around her arms for some reason Kat couldn't figure out, but Kat decided it added to the look.

"Um… hi?" said Kat, after a few seconds of noticing Kamiko was still shellshocked.

"Ugh, got a bunch of prudes. I thought I was teaming up with two Succubi not a priest and her choir girl" said the Succubus.

"That's a little rude coming from somebody who has more material in her hair then her outfit." Said Kamiko, showing that apparently her snark was full go today, "are you using your naturally long hair to compensate for you poor fashion choices?"

The Succubus just rolled her eyes, "That all you got? Bet I get more dick in a day then you've had in your entire lives… actually, let's add you both together and I'm sure you still come up short. Poor things."

Kamiko pouted at this, but apparently wasn't quite willing to give up the snark. Kat was trying to wrap her head around the fact she was about to be trusting Kamiko's safety to this bint. "You're talking a lot of shit to two demons that are stronger than you. Plus, have you heard of a thing called respect? Maybe we swing the other way. And even if we don't, that's still a horrible way of measuring success in life. Are you worried you'll forever be Rank 1?"

'Rude' growled at Kamiko and snarled out, "Oooh, the priest has a spine. Oh wait… that's probably the stick they shoved up your ass when you were little!"

Kamiko's eyes flashed and started to spin a little, "Well, at least I'm not worried about back pain. I was fitter then you when I was seven, and don't have to worry about being top heavy!" Kamiko growled back.

"Oh, you poor dear, thinking that my chest is a curse. Besides, I've got just as much down back, so my balance is perfectly fine. I can run around all day and I won't be getting my outfit caught on anything. What do you need all that fabric for? Hiding your ego in your sleeves?" snarked Rude

*Should I stop these two? Maybe hit Rude with a blast of calming aura? It might be worth it at this point, because I have no idea how else we're going to be able to work with her.* Kamiko huffed, "My sister made this outfit for me, and she's already a proper designer. I've got a whole wardrobe full of clothes, I guess you pick such skimpy outfits so you can keep it all in your shoebox."

"Aw, wittle baby's sister made her some clothes, and she actually wears them? Isn't that just precious" said Rude in a babyish voice.

As soon as the insult was finished, the atmosphere changed. If this had been yesterday, Kamiko might have taken a hard hit from that, or ignored it, now though, she had a lot more respect for Aslena and was on her way to mending things, so what happened instead was she summoned up her weapon to hand and let her energy flow out.

"Oh? Can't take the heat so you're resulting to violence like a common Pit Fiend? Gonna beat me up while you're on punishment duty? Good luck trying that!" snaped Rude.

*Ok that's enough.* Kat pushed her aura out on full power. Something she hadn't really done in the real world. A wave of pressure exploded from Kat's body, covering both Kamiko and Rude. Kamiko's aura fought for a second, before it just gave up, clearly Kamiko was willing to let Kat handle this one.

Rude though, grit her teeth and tried to fight back. She only really managed half a second before her defence shattered though. Still, Rude was shocked when instead of fear, it was calm that hit her. All the issue she had with the stupid pair before her just started washing away. She desperately tried to cling to her anger but it was slipping out of her mind.

When Kat saw Rude's face finally settle, she spoke up. "Hello, my name is Kat, my friend here is Kamiko. We've been tasked to work with you because you have a nice skill to keep her protected and I'd like to trust you can do that without trouble. Might I have your name?" Kat's words were soft, and sounded like she was speaking with a calm and caring tone.

That wasn't reassuring to Rude though, as she felt the weight of Kat's aura continue to press down on her forcing something resembling calm, that didn't quite managed to erase the feeling of panic that was welling up in her chest. Kamiko had talked some smack, and was about to fight but Kat… well, she could feel that if Kat fought, she'd fight to FINISH things not to win.

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