D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 505

Chapter 505: Trying to Fit In

Chapter 505: Trying to Fit In

"Ok, I'm on my way back" said Kamiko shouting from across the rat.

"Is it good news!" Sue sent back.

"Honestly… no!" shouted Kamiko in return.

Kat frowned at that. *I wonder what the issue is. She was able to get back fine, and she's yelling without a care so it doesn't sound like rats are the problem… or if they are just the little ones.*

Still, there was nothing to do but wait, so that's what she did. It only took a minute and Kamiko was dropping down beside them. "Hoooo, that was interesting. Even I had to be a little careful of my horns as I was exploring. It wasn't easy" said Kamiko

"Can we even follow that path? If you struggle won't we" said Sue

Kamiko sighed and nodded, "Yeah that's pretty much exactly the issue. See, the rat, that's fine, a little tight, but I'm sure you could both get over it. The problem is the exit for this room. It's a crawlspace that's only just barely big enough for me to fit with my head up looking forward. Neither of you two would be able to manage it. Your horns are longer then mine… and well… Sue's…" Kamiko ran her hand along Sue's frame.

"I know this jacket is a little bulky but I feel like I should take offence" said Sue with a wink.

Kat bit her lip not willing to rise to that bait. "Well, what do you think Kamiko? Could we?"

Kamiko winced a little and wrapped her tail around her arm. "It depends really. I'd wager that it's possible. Despite how… generous Sue's breasts and behind are they can be squished a bit. The real issue is the horns for both of you. It makes crawling and watching where you're going an issue.

"If you were willing to just keep your head looking at the ground and just sort of… going with the tunnel and having me call out turns and stuff… we would fit. The issue then is that I'm not sure if the tunnel gets smaller or if we are likely to run into rats or something. We won't exactly have room to move around if an issue arises. I think it really just makes it a matter of if we want to take the risk"

Sue sighed hearing this. "I feel like I should say I'm against this on principal, but really staring at your underwear would be considered a win for many" Sue said with a smirk.

Kamiko grinned back. "Oh? Well I suppose you might be able to enjoy that if you can stop looking at the ground. I wasn't aware your horns were that sharp."

Sue grimaced realising the mistake she'd made. "Ah"

Kamiko nodded, "Yes, 'ah' the other issue is the matter of ordering. I have to go first because I'm the only one who can see properly in there. Then who goes next? Sue probably so she can shield me… but then Kat is wasting away at the back. If we need to get into combat when we exit the tunnel Kat really needs to be there. And Sue jumping out, perhaps into combat, so that Kat can help properly will take time…"

"Yeah this ain't looking great chief" said Sue "Do we need to go digging through ice again? I don't mind chillin my buns a bit while that happens again but… I'm not saying we have to turn back."

Kamiko raised an eyebrow. "You're ok with the risk?"

Sue shrugged, "Look Kams, seeing you both beat up this giant rat. Terrifying. But also a little cool. I watched the resident musclebrain" Sue gestured at Kat as she kept talking, "jump on the rats tail to try and make sure it wouldn't hurt you. I trust that you'll keep me safe if worse comes to worst. So… I guess what I'm saying is… what are the odds we get attacked straight away?"

Kamiko bit her lip and looked over at Kat who just shrugged. *How should I know?* "I guess… hmmm…" Kamiko rolled her tongue around her mouth, letting it poke out a bit to wet her lips. "I think the chances are low. This is the giant rats are after all. It's territory. I think the little cave would have either been full up or it will be completely empty like it seems. So… I'd say it's likely to be safe. And if the worst case happens, I can freeze everything in front of me and we can back out. It might be a little hard but we can manage, I'm sure."

"Well, it sounds good to me" said Kat, "thoughts Sue?'

Sue just sighed and nodded before starting to climb up the rat. Kamiko jumped up after her, passing Sue who'd just grabbed onto the rat from the ground. Kat waited for last and made sure they were both ahead of her. When Sue got to the top of the rat, there was a bit of tension. She had to really push herself down into the rats fur to make sure that she didn't get stuck on the low hanging ceiling.

Kat was less careful, and when she made it to the top, she felt her horns catch on it. Some part of her wanted to just lean forward, to see if she could scrape through the rock with her neck in a show of strength. But quickly the more sensible part informed her doing that was likely to end with rocks falling down the back of her outfit.

So she took a step down, just enough to get her horns free, before following over. The next issue was getting down. It was clear now why Kamiko had taken so long. It was one thing to just go down, but the small exit the rat was blocking required you to be lying down. Kamiko had to do an odd sort of repositioning where she made herself flat horizontally against the rat and lowered herself using right side to carefully push herself down. She was close enough to the wall that it held her in place against the rat. josei

Sue was having a bit of trouble. It was clear she had just been planning to climb down head first, which still would have been an issue, but now she was trying to correct. The issue of course being that her width was much larger then Kamiko's so as she moved the jacket could be heard scraping against the wall. Unlike Kamiko who pressed herself into the rat and carefully slid, Sue had to make her changes in short jerks of movement as she forced herself into position and then downwards.

Kamiko still slid slowly going with gravity, Sue had to fight against being completely stuck. Kat took lessons from both of these making sure that her wings weren't just closed against her back, but FLAT. She stretched them out as far as they went and pulled them in close. She let her tail snake straight 'down' between her legs so that it wouldn't be sticking out too much as she moved.

Once that was all done she kept her head flat against the rat so her horns wouldn't catch on anything and it was easy to get down. She actually managed to do so well she had to wait for Sue. Still, with a bit of patience and jostling they made it.

Kamiko of course hit the ground first, she then managed to bend herself practically around the corner that was the entrance to the small cave. Kat wasn't entirely sure a human could bend like that, especially when it got time to pull her legs in, and Kat would swear they bent a little to the side as well to make it through.

Sue went next, and it was very clear that it wasn't going to be easy. She just barely fit. If for Kamiko it was an uncomfortable situation, for Sue it was just shy of impossible. Her breasts combined with the jacket filled the entire cave up forcing her to put her arms forward and pull herself along rather then Kamiko who was able to actually use her elbows a bit. Sue's back end was just as hard a fit and Kat was determined to help out once she got down there.

So it was a good thing when the third and final member of the band entered the cave it was very smooth. Kat was able to squeeze in pretty easy, with her wings being the biggest issue. She decide to wrap them around her front, and was thanking the hells that they were so smooth so that it didn't hurt her as she dragged them along. If she'd realised it was going to be like this, Kat would have probably taken of her outfit and wrapped her wings under it… of course, if she thought it through slightly more she'd realise her wings could phase through it and fix it in transit.

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