D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 506

Chapter 506: Secret Tunnel

Chapter 506: Secret Tunnel

"Hey Kat, you enjoying the few back there?" asked Sue 'innocently' to try and take her mind off how hard it was to move through this tunnel. Super strength was nice, but when you had basically no leverage it was still a challenge to use.

"Sue. I'm looking at the same dirt you just past over. I can safely say I'm finding it thoroughly mediocre" Kat said in reply, trying not to be too derogatory about it. Just the fact Sue was taking the time to distract them from the task with something was nice.

"Yeah… I always wanted to use that line you know? I haven't gone on any Contracts with multiple people yet or gone on a proper expedition. I did also imagine the scenario happening with a ladder and not a tunnel I can barely squeeze through. Plus the jacket probably covers everything saucy anyway. I had to take the chance though. Who knows when the next chance I'll have will be?" said Sue

"I can empathise" said Kamiko from the front, "there are a few things I've always wanted to say to people as well, so I don't begrudge you taking the chance"

"Oh, like you can talk. You can still see" said Sue with absolutely no bite whatsoever, clearly tying to fill the silence.

For that's what it was. They'd been crawling for about five minutes now through a few turns, and one section they really had to squeeze through that was an S curve. None of them were having a good time, and Kat was very glad her wings could tough out being dragged along the ground underneath her.

"Well what type of Contracts have you done Sue?" asked Kat trying to come up with something they could all chat about.

"Oh you two do NOT want to hear about my escapades. I'm sure you're both off slaying monsters and saving towns. I mostly get called on to have sex. Don't get me wrong, I love it. Easiest embers of my life, but I know you pair well enough now that I'd get no enjoyment chatting about the sordid details.

"Kamiko's reactions are great, but I can't SEE them at the moment so all I'd be doing is embarrassing her, and annoying you because you'd think, rightly so I suppose, that I'm picking on her. Your not much better though Kat, because you'd probably just say, 'that really should be private' or 'do you really feel like sharing that' and you know what? I actually do.

"I have no shame about it and if the person I'm chatting with can tell me of their own sexcapades that's even better… but neither of you can so… it'd just be my talking about my ass for a while. Though… there was that one time I ended up as a guys date to a fancy dress party.

"No idea why the dude couldn't get a real date. He was a wizard of course, tonnes of magic power and really precises with his work. Managed to summon me specifically because a friend of his had actually summoned me for the night before. Anyway, so this guy summons me, he's got thick robes on and a staff, and he tells me to be his date.

"So, I'm thinking, 'I can do this. Standard wizard youth, probably gangly, bunch of acne, and no social skills. Just stand there on his arm and smile like you have something important in mind if he's at a wizard function, or like all you've got is hot air if it's a noble gala' so I accept the Contract ready to do a good job.

"Crazy fucker takes me out dress shopping. So, I'm already calling this a win. I get a great outfit, that's a bit silly so that it can hide my wings and horns without it being obvious I'm hiding something in the outfit… and then we get ready.

"Dude comes out in a suit that I swear must have been painted on. Abbs for days showing through this shirt that's practically screaming at the seams, and you know what… I freak out a little. This decent guy, with a more then decent bod has summoned me for a date. Now all of a sudden, my pride is on the line here.

"Now, I'm not just some gangly wizards date. Now I'm the date of what has to be the hottest wizard in the city with a personality to match. And well… you guys have actually talked to me so I'm out of my element here. Now I need to limit my crass jokes, and actually be a good date for this guy.

"I try my best. I get him to laugh at a few jokes that I was surprised passed muster. I got him included with quite a few nobles that were higher rank then he was with my charms. I lead him all around the venue, working my ass off the whole night to do the best work I could. Probably the most effort I've ever put into a Contract.

"So things are going great. The nights winding down. He picks up that other wizard, you know the friend who summoned me first? I'm thinking this is my reward. His friend isn't the best looking but at least he cared. Didn't dead fish you… no, I guess you have no idea. Anyway, point is the guy tried, so I'm thinking things are going REALLY well for little ol' me.

"Nope. Turns out there both gay. That first wizard who summoned me? He was in the closet and wanted proof. Apparently, I was that proof. If that wasn't a big enough blow, the jacked guy who summoned me only did it as a favour to the first wizard because he didn't want to be outed as the wizard who summoned me's partner.

"Do you know how big of a blow to the gut that is Kat? Especially because it wasn't even one of the realms where being gay was outlawed or even uncommon. It was super common because that world has a special plant that lets men create children together. Pretty rare, and no female version, but it made the condition very acceptable amongst the nobility.

"And I. I WAS THE ONE who proved that first wizard he was gay. Kept the outfit though. It was great quality, and it wasn't the worst date I've ever been on. I'd give it a solid 6/10 summoning." Said Sue.

Kat was stunned. She only kept moving because it was automatic by now. *What the hell do you say to that? I really… I have no idea. I don't even know where to start with that.* "Is that… common?" asked Kat struggling for something to say, but as soon as she said it, she knew she'd made a mistake.

Sue took in a deep breath before exhaling. "That is some consolation actually. I'm not the first Succubus this has happened to and I sure as heck won't be the last. Apparently it's pretty common for gay men to try and prove to themselves they ain't gay by getting a Succubus to perform for their first time. Inevitably it doesn't work, they realise it's just weird and well… who knows what happens after that. I know one girl, acquaintance of mine, not really a friend, she slept with this guy four times before he decided he was gay. Not sure if she's that good in bed, or if he was just that stupid." Explained Sue

"I'd never heard of that" said Kamiko "I guess none of my family really goes for those types of missions though…"

"Really nobody in your whole family?" said Sue "Not even that one weird uncle or aunt nobody likes to talk to at the family reunions?" josei

Kamiko shrugged, though nobody could actually see it. Realising this she let out a sigh before saying "Eh, we don't really have that much to do with the rest of our family. Maybe? As far as I know nobody takes those jobs, but I was much longer when I last asked so I'm not sure if I'd have been told. Oh, knowing my Mom she'd have told me in a heartbeat, but I can't remember who I asked. Dad would never tell me, heck he wouldn't tell me anything now. Thinks I don't know how kids get made"

"It's pretty common in my family" said Sue "My Dad likes to say 'we've got someone for everyone' in the family because we've got most of the sexualities all within like on generation. Not quite true because we don't have anyone that's Ace or the like, still, for people looking we do have everyone."

"I can understand that" said Kamiko "We have a decent mix of sexuality in my family as well. Though for some reason my Mom likes to joke that I'm gay. Not sure why she does it or how she manages because I'm certainly straight."

Sue shrugged, then realising the same thing Kamiko did, which was that nobody could see it and the rustling didn't sound different to just dragging herself along. "No idea on that one. My family doesn't really have that issue. It's VERY obvious where there tastes lie."

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