D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 507

Chapter 507: Sue chats about LIFE

Chapter 507: Sue chats about LIFE

The girls lapsed back into silence after that. Still, it didn't last too long. Ten minutes later, Sue was the first to speak again. "You guys ever just think about life?"

"Not really" said Kamiko "It's interesting enough without thinking about it to deeply. I enjoy my life, and even though it can be rough sometimes, it never stays an issue. I think life just sort of is, so I don't really meditate on it or anything"

"Aah haa… that was a deeper answer then I was expecting. I mean, I know what I asked but I didn't quite mean like that… um… what about you Kat?" asked Sue

"Well, I'm a nondem. Did I mention that? Anyway I'm a nondem so I've had to question everything recently. Like… souls exist. It's not the most surprising thing, but the system just casually threw that one in a while back. Oh and that resurrection, while perhaps rare, is still common enough that they have standard protocol for it which is all kinds of strange.

"On top of that is obviously turning into a demon. We aren't looked fondly upon in my world's culture so it was a little bit of a shock. The fact that my best friend didn't really care much helped. I also didn't really feel any different and the change was in a few stages so I had time to adjust but… yeah I've been thinking about life a lot" explained Kat.

"Shit clearly I asked the wrong pair. You've both done way more thinking then I have. Granted I was mostly using these last few minutes of silence for it but still" said Sue with a pout Kat was pretty sure she could hear somehow.

"Well, you should share anyway" said Kamiko "It'll keep things interesting. If I'd known the tunnel was so long, I'd have recommended the ice"

"Gee, well… it ain't as fancy as you both but I've been thinking I never want to do this again" said Sue, pausing for a second. "Ok that might have come out wrong. I don't want to do anything quite so… shit now I can't think of a word that's not an inuendo. I'm trying for you to hear you know?

"Whatever. So I don't want to do anything quite as dirty as crawling on my hands and knees through a rat infested tunnel again. I may have complained a bit at the start, mostly because I realised what I'd agreed to, but I still wanted a bit of an adventure I guess.

"I get very samey Contracts. Sure they're good fun and I'd do them even if it wasn't something the system forced me to do, but I wanted to do something different. Didn't realise I'd get thrown into a rat cave, but still, I did want a bit of adventure.

"Honestly this has been too much adventure. Give me a nice clean city. Heck, scratch that, I'll even take barely acceptable medieval city with poor cleaning standards. I'm so wound up even though this tunnel should be safe. I feel like I'm about to get shanked, even though I had to drop my barrier to keep my energy up I can't help but feel like I NEED it on.

"Also, this whole thing has been kinda gross. Rat corpses everywhere, and I just don't think I'm really prepared to deal with this you know? Maybe if I had to kill one big monster out in the woods it wouldn't be so bad but trapped in here with the remains is just… yuck. So… yeah. Guess I just wanted to get that off my ample chest. Didn't need any more weight on it"

"I think that's very cool of yourself to admit Sue" said Kamiko sweetly, "knowing what you like and dislike is sometimes harder to pin down then people think. Doing something just because it's expected is very common"

"Oh don't talk like you have ancient sage wisdom Kam, I'm older then you, I'm twenty three and I bet you ain't even hit two decades… Kat I could go either way on" said Sue

"I'm seventeen," said Kat

Sue coughed a bit upon hearing that. "S-seventeen? Oh… I um… thought you were a bit older than that. I was thinking eighteen nineteen. Welp, too late now I've already made most of the worst jokes I could so it's too late to save you from that. Makes your decision not to be horny a stranger one though" josei

"Why is that?" asked Kat confused

"Oh dear me she doesn't even know. Kam… be a dear and it explain it please, I feel dirty just thinking about how I'd answer it and well… now I'm not sure I want to answer it properly you know?" said Sue

Kamiko smiled at the front of the line, "Oh no Sue, you've gotten yourself into this mess you can get out of it. Maybe if you call me Kamiko, or at least Kami I'll assist…"

"If you weren't so much faster crawling then me, I'd give you a good slap for that Kam" said Sue "Fine. Kat, most demons get serious urges when they are teenagers… though I guess you might not since you weren't always a demon… but I think that should only make it worse. Now that you are a demon you should be getting like half a decades worth of horny all at once"

"Is that a real thing?" asked Kamiko "I've never heard my mother mention it…"

Sue shrugged though nobody could see it and said, "I really don't know. It's something I've heard, and being demons and all it tends to be true, or at least mostly true. How do you feel about those types of things Kat? Anyone make you hot under the collar?"

"Nope" said Kat easily "I don't think I've ever really looked at anyone like that. My demonic energy tried to tell me I actually did like some boy from school but I didn't even remember his name before the energy brought it up let alone feel any attraction to him"

"Nobody?" asked Sue "If I say Precious Treasure what comes to mind?" when Sue said the words 'precious treasure' something strange happened, it was like she was speaking three things at once, all overlapping and the meaning blurring to mean something different to what she seemed to say.

Kat was confused for a second before a flash of brown hair and a pair of glasses phased through her mind. "I didn't see anyone," said Kat

Sue gasped at that. "You did see SOMETHING though didn't you Kat? I didn't say it wouldn't be a person… so what did you see?"

Kat bit her lip and decided to ignore the implications by saying "Nothing distinct, just a flash of brown for some reason"

"Oh? That's all?" said Sue in a teasing manner but decided not to push it. She decided if Kat wanted to be that blind it wasn't Sue's job to beat the answer into her. "Well what about you Kamiko?"

Kamiko shook her head, and the others could here the sound of her horns scarping the ceiling a bit when she did so. "I saw a flash of my family but that's it."

"Damn I guess you really haven't found anyone have you Kam" said Sue

"I didn't exactly have a lot of friends during my academic years. Kat is sorta my first one…" said Kamiko reluctantly.

"Oh" said Sue. Thirty seconds past with nobody saying anything, until Sue spoke up again and said, "You know what… c-count me among that number Kamiko. I may not be a good friend, heck I'm clearly not good friend material for you but… well… if fighting a giant rat together doesn't make us friends, a bit of shared adventure well… I don't know what does. If you really need something… hopefully for my sanity it's relationship or bedroom advice, come chat with me or something. You too Kat."

"Thanks Sue, that means a lot" said Kamiko quietly

"Indeed, thanks Sue, though I'm a bit better of then Kamiko" not willing to point out that while it was technically true, she wasn't much better, and Kamiko's larger family might arguably put her ahead. Kat only had five people she would consider close, Kamiko had more sisters then that.

"Don't mention it. Seriously don't. I need to mock you guys a bunch now to balance out how cheesy that all was. Hmm, I don't really want to say anything mean about Kamiko now though. Hey Kat um… enjoying the view back there?"

"You've used that one, and my answer is the same as before. The ground is just as fascinating as when you looked at it before" said Kat

"Ah, but now it has dust trails from my tits scraping against it, so it's at least twice as entertaining for you I'm sure" said Sue somewhat shakily

"How does that apply to you and Kamiko then?" asked Kat

Sue groaned. "I'll find something proper to insult you with, just you wait Kat. It'll sneak up on you, like a ninja in the night, or a scorned lover that wants hot revenge sex. If it's me, I'd hope for the second one, but I suppose you'd rather fight the ninja"

"Every time" said Kat

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