D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 528

Chapter 528: Looking at Future Prospects

Chapter 528: Looking at Future Prospects

Kamiko then paused, taking an additional moment to consider her mother's recriminations. "Wait a minute Mum… why aren't you also annoyed with Kat? She took way more damage then I did. I at least had shields" said Kamiko

Nira's eyes snapped to Kat's for a second before she looked away, allowing her head to slowly return to its position gazing at Kamiko. "Now… while you make that sound bad, and I agree she also shares some blame, I know she has regeneration. What makes you so annoyed?"

"But… every time Kat fought she lost tonnes of blood. In fact, blood pools near her enemies were normally at least half her own, even when fighting multiple enemies!" said Kamiko with an understated passion.

Nira glanced over at Kat and shot a blue beam out of her eye. It was rather slow, and Kat felt she had plenty of time to dodge it with room to finish another serving if she really wanted. Maybe get up and grab a cup of water before sitting back down just to waste a bit more time. When the beam did eventually make contact Kat didn't feel any different.

Nira just nodded and said, "Well Kat's completely healthy. In fact, I bet if I was to do the same scan on you she'd come out on top Kamiko"

"Really Mum?" said Kamiko unsure. Her desire to believe her mother warring with the damage she had seen Kat sustain.

Nira smiled and said, "Yes. Kat is perfectly healthy. Something that only really happens to people with regeneration. Especially the good kind. Furthermore, because Kat doesn't even scar while using it she has no need to come to medical outside of extreme services. She doesn't need internal scarring fixed up, or external of course. There aren't even many proper markers for fatigue. There is no need to worry yourself Kamiko."

Kamiko pouted at her mother letting out a long huff of air and poking her food a bit to try and drain the tension from her shoulders. Eventually, she said, "I still don't like it. You didn't see the damage she took mum… it just seems… so excessive. Maybe training would be better? Could we train her?"

Nira pursed her lips. It was a more difficult question then it appeared on the surface. The easy answer was yes. Kat was clearly untrained and Nira was more than capable of running the girl through the basics, heck Kamiko could do that. But it wasn't the best offer Kat could likely get. Nira knew that just being a nondem made her important and if she really wanted she could probably negotiate for a lucrative deal somehow. josei

Even with options though, perhaps it would be safer to train her a bit up first. Nira shook her head though, realising that it wasn't worth it. Despite Kamiko's fears, Nira knew that Kat's method of abusing her regeneration was actually very effective and not easily taught. That and she had no idea what kind of weapon Kat used. So she asked. "What weapons do you know Kat?"

Kat grinned sheepishly and looked down at the table a bit. *This is awkward. I know I should have training. I guess I'll mention I technically have it lined up.* "I use the fans. A weapon fanatic told me it was one of my best options. Two fans one in each hand. I even got a Heartfelt Contract from it so I know she was sincere. Don't worry though I actually did a job with the payment being training. Once the punishment is over I'll get to that." Said Kat

"Oh?" said Nira surprised, "While I will not ask about the Heartfelt, for that is very private and you should perhaps refrain mentioning it in the future, having training lined up is a very good thing. How did you manage that? D.E.M.O.N.S usually requires payment then and there."

"It was for an Emergency from my Beacon. Once the situation was sorted out they asked what I wanted and I explained what I really needed was teaching but that I didn't have time right then so it got put off. That combined with the fact that the fan teacher they knew wasn't nearby at the time meant they'd need to reach out to them first." Explained Kat.

Nira face got a bit more serious at that. "Hmm, Beacons can be dangerous things Kat. They can be abused. For all the safeguards on them it is still very much possible. I won't say you got a bad deal, for it really does sound like it's worked out well, don't go handing them out too frequently. I know you've only been on a few Contracts, especially for a Rank 2 but we don't get an infinite amount"

*That's a fair criticism.* Kat didn't notice her tail drooping when she accepted Nira's words, lost as she was in her thoughts. *I still think it was worth it. At least with Major and Minor. Maybe not the Tournament guys. They're cool sure but it's not quite as personal with them. I probably shouldn't have given it to Minor the first time… but I don't regret that. She needed assurance and I was able to provide it.*

*Then add on the fact I saved her and her sister's life because of the thing I bet their family will keep it very safe. They're good people. Hmmm… I wonder if that's more about me. Having good people as Contractors? No that doesn't make sense I met Xiang… but he didn't actually make the summoning circle did he? It was an old one… I wonder if that messed things up?*

*Might be something to keep track of. The only other questionable person was when I was sent on that mission by D.E.M.O.N.S specifically and I know that was for me ability to lie and not because I'd want to do the Contract.* "I don't regret it" said Kat, "I've given out two beacons and while it might not have been strictly needed for one, I regret nothing with the first I gave out"

Nira nodded slowly letting her hair bob with the movement. "Well I'm glad about that. You need conviction in your choices. I still think you might have been a bit hasty but if you're willing to stand by it. Actually voice your approval that means enough for now. A surprising number of demons can't even do that"

Kat let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and nodded. "Yeah it was… well the Emergency I answered really was an emergency. A… yes I'd call them a friend now, she managed to nearly die. If I didn't come to help… I'm not really sure anyone could. They needed someone fast and it had to be someone Minor trusted. That was pretty much… me and the Queen, her mother and I don't think she'd have gotten there in time"

Nira winced in sympathy. "I see. That certainly does help you justify your choice when you know that had you not done so it would have lead to a death of someone you know. However, I warn you, that's something you will have to be prepared for in the future"

Kat frowned at the insinuation. "Why is that? My original world is quite safe, and the friends I've made in other worlds are pretty safe for now."

"Yes for now. But not forever. An even greater point is that… Kat… you're going to live a very long time. You're already quite close to immortality. It's not even hard for demons to pick up. Old age is a genuine risk when taking into consideration what you might need to defend your loved ones from. The hardest part can be when they decide to move on. Not all species or individuals can handle being alive for ever. Heck, some demons can't do it, and it's quite normal for our species." Explained Nira

*Hmm. I'm not super worried I don't think… I'm sure there's plenty of ways to increase people's lifespan. Lily will be sorted out pretty soon and I can use that other token if push comes to shove to stop the worst from happening. Gramps… Gramps probably won't stick around though…*

Kat bit the inside of her lip and forced herself not to cry at the thought. *Gramps would probably say no. Even though he has no desire to die right now, or in the near future. I know he misses his wife too much to live forever. He doesn't fear death, for himself, but for the orphanage. Maybe I could take that angle? No, I shouldn't be trying to think of ways to force him to stick around longer. I'll figure something out if need be.*

*Callisto, Vivian and Sylvie should be fine. I have plenty of time to figure something out for those three and likely a token for Sylvie if push comes to shove. I doubt it will though. I can make sure they're happy and safe. Getting sick or injured… I can probably find something here to help without the token. Maybe just using money will be enough.*

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