D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 529

Chapter 529: Lust that Scrapes the Sky

Chapter 529: Lust that Scrapes the Sky

After the topic got so heavy Nira backed off, encouraging the younger demons to head to bed. Neither complained at all and swiftly found themselves in Kamiko's room. When Kat sat down on the bed, she wasn't expecting Kamiko to move forward and settle herself into Kat's arms. "Um Kamiko?" asked Kat

"I just… it'd be nice to know you're ok. I know Mum said you're fine, but you lost a lot of blood. At least during Greed it wasn't so bad and the pain was mitigated but… I'm still a bit worried" explained Kamiko josei

Kat just shrugged and pulled the other girl in closer. Having someone to hug was always a great thing and didn't find the idea awkward in the slightest. Kamiko shuffled herself slightly so that she was actually higher up then normal so that her horns were above Kat's head. Kat's own horns were on the front of her head, so Kamiko made sure that despite how high up she'd moved, her head didn't go past Kat's own horns.


The next morning Kat woke up, she still felt a little off. The sleep had done wonders but after all the battles yesterday combined with the work at Gluttony the day before, it was a bit much on her mind. The sped up perception likely being the biggest issue as she had, from her perspective at least, more memories.

Still, it wasn't anything major at all and Kat didn't even bother to mention it to Kamiko. The pair had a very small breakfast together with Kat sipping on some juice that was orange. It wasn't orange juice, but what it actually was, not even Kamiko knew. Kamiko had a bowl of jelly which prompted Kat to ask, "How healthy is that for you? I'm mostly just curious…" asked Kat

Kamiko smiled at the question and finished the small amount of food she had before answering. "Well, it's a matter of perspective really. The biggest issue is that it doesn't have a lot in it. It's just flavour for the most part. It's not bad for you, but it's also not really all that good either. It's… hmm… the stuff we by is a specialty brand from Gluttony. Not overly expensive but the details are rather strict. We treat it more like rice or bread. Nice and somewhat filling but not overly nutritious."

*Excuse me what? This is their bread replacement? I was not expecting that. Though… hmm… I guess if it actually is a proper substitute.* "Is that normal for Succubi?" asked Kat

Kamiko shrugged. "It's… not rare exactly. Quite a lot of families start to develop odd tastes over time. I mean, that's practically the entire point of Gluttony, is catering to the ever growing new and strange cravings demons develop.

"The jelly, just for example, was not always so acceptable as a bread substitute. It was probably quite bad for whoever developed it first. Jelly isn't anywhere close to the strangest diet a demon could have, but I wouldn't say that it's common in any way. As long as you weren't asking members of my family, you'd be lucky to find one in ten Succubi who find it as enjoyable as us." Said Kamiko

"Do I have something like that?" asked Kat

Kamiko shrugged again and said, "Maybe? Not everyone has food they really prefer over other kinds. I wouldn't be surprised of course, but it's certainly not necessary."

Kat nodded and finished off her juice, seeing as Kamiko was eyeing the fridge and didn't want to leave the temptation open for Kamiko for too long. Kat had considered eating something for breakfast but she wasn't hungry. Food didn't feel like the answer to her being slightly under the weather today.

Then they teleported off. When Kat opened her eyes to the new scenery, it was to a skyscraper in front of her with a truly giant dome of glass behind it. Kamiko led the way as Kat stared around. There were other buildings nearby, but none of them eclipsed ten stories at the absolute maximum. Excluding the massive skyscraper it all felt very residential.

When the glass automatic doors opened Kat felt like she was in the city back on Earth for a split second before really taking in the area. It was Lust's reception area clearly. Along the back wall was a number of demons sitting behind a large desk that stretched across most of it. They each had a computer at their terminal and were wearing formal business attire.

That was about all they had in common. Even the ones that were Succubi had such wildly different appearances that Kat wouldn't be surprised if they counted as separate species. Every colour of the rainbow was represented, and then some more for good measure. Everything from blue to purple to orange to bright yellow to black like coal to one demon in particular, that actually emitted white light. Granted, they were clearly not a Succubus, and in fact made of glowing crystals, but the variety of colours was breathtaking.

The rest of the area had no fewer colours. Groups of demons stood around chatting and taking up space on the various plush couches and chairs in the lobby. There was also a café stand on either side of the area with a line nearly approaching the door from either side. *The more things change the more they stay the same. I wonder if demons have some kind of super coffee?*

Before Kat could get too far, she spotted a very tall Succubus out of the corner of her eye that was clearly making her way over to her. She was bright red, and it even extended to her horns that came up from her temples and extended decently high in a manner somewhat similar to Kat's, though missing the framing of course. She had a tight business suit on that didn't leave anything to the imagination. Her skirt was so short that Kat was surprised nothing indecent was showing at the edges. When she smiled at the K's, Kat was surprised to see her teeth were pitch black with a glossy sheen. "Greetings Kat and Kamiko, please follow me for a moment"

Kat glanced at Kamiko, who gave a shrug in response. That was enough for 'Red' apparently because she simply turned around and the pair followed. They were led to the side of the large desks and into a hallway of elevators. It was somewhat busy, and Red moved them towards the back where things were a little calmer before taking one of the benches lining the wall and offering a seat for the two. She didn't take one though and Kat could see this wouldn't be a long thing. Deciding it was more comfortable to remain standing and not squish her wings she just shrugged and Kamiko seemed determined to do the same.

"Now, Kat, you have no reason to recognise me, but I am the secretary for the Director of Lust. Her name is Lillian. You'll be taken up to her office for a chat if that is ok with you." Said Red in a very calm and soft spoken manner.

Kat glanced over at Kamiko who had her lips pressed together. "Is there a reason we're being separated?" asked Kamiko

"Indeed Kamiko. We are offering you a full course spa day while Kat meets with the director." Said Red

Kamiko took a half step back in surprise "I'm… I'm sorry what? I thought we were on punishment duty?"

Red nodded, "Yes, however, the director has decided to use this as a chance to properly recruit Kat for the faction. It was decided the easiest way to do this was to have Lillian speak to Kat herself, and so you have something to do you've been offered a chance at relaxation."

"Why not try to recruit Kamiko at the same time?" asked Kat

Red smiled, once again showing a mouth full of black teeth which still somehow looked calm and inviting. "We believe that because of Kamiko's sisters and their own employment here, if they have no sufficiently swayed her there is nothing we can do. As powerful as the director is, family is a much stronger motivator. While we'd love to see Kamiko join us as well, she has a much better understanding of if it would be right for her"

"I see…" said Kat hesitantly, truth be told she was a little surprised the words made it out of her mouth. *That makes some sense I suppose. I wonder how truthful it really is. It all seems above board. I wonder if that's mostly an act or because they just want to be upfront about everything?* "Is that good with you Kamiko? I'm fine with meeting the director on my own"

Kamiko looked from Red to Kat and back again somewhat torn. As nice as the offer of a spa day was, and truly a full course from Lust HQ no less, was valuable. Meeting the director was likely just as rare. A large part of Kamiko just wanted to see the strange figure in charge of everything. The main thing holding her back was the faction was clearly trying to be a nice about this as was reasonable. It didn't necessarily mean Kamiko would be unwelcomed, and perhaps they even thought they were giving her the better option. Kamiko hesitated for a few seconds longer before deciding the ability to rub the spa day in the faces of her sisters if they started annoying her was worth it. "I think that all sounds good Kat!" said Kamiko with a smile.

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