D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 530

Chapter 530: The Door To Hell

Chapter 530: The Door To Hell

"Do you require assistance moving around the compound Kamiko? The signs are all very explicit but if you haven't been around recently you might not remember. I can acquire a guide for you if needed" said Red.

Kamiko tilted her head to the side as she considered the question for a short moment before admitting both to herself and Red, "I'll take the guide if that's ok. I don't have confidence I'll be able to find my way around"

Red nodded and pressed a hand to side of her horn at its base. The horn in question started to glow slightly before an elevator nearby dinged and opened. From the door walked another Succubus with the same outfit Red had chosen, and, with the current naming conventions, would easily take the moniker Blue.

She had blue skin and even bluer eyes. While her skin was dark, her entire eyeball was bright piercing blue that seemed to see everything. Her eyes also contained small specks of light that seemed to rotate without any input from Blue. Her horns on the other hand were very small, even smaller then Kamiko's. They sat at the side of her head in the same spot as the other demon, but barely extended past her hair, which was a red matching Kat, and the only natural part about her that wasn't blue.

Blue just nodded at Red before grabbing Kamiko lightly on the shoulder and guiding her away back towards the row of elevators. Before Kat could spend too much time thinking about it Red spoke up again. "Now that Kamiko has approved of the plan, would you like to come with me to Lillian's office? Her schedule is current quite open, so we don't need to rush you but her time is… somewhat important"

*Somewhat important? That seems like a weird thing to say about your boss. I don't quite understand what could be the point of that… why only somewhat?* Despite these questions, Kat didn't feel comfortable asking for the answers, so she said, "Yes I'm ready to go now"

Red nodded and lightly put her hand on Kat's shoulder before leading her towards the final elevator in the room. When it opened Kat could see a mirror at the back and a large number of buttons for the floors in question, though they only covered the ground floor before moving on to the 500's. Red didn't hesitate though and pushed the button for the 555th floor.

Kat watched the doors close and prepared herself for the ride only for the doors to open back up again into a large lobby. Her mouth unwittingly dropped open, and she heard a giggle coming from beside her. "The elevators in this building all teleport to there destination Kat" said Red between the laughter.

Kat was still very impressed. The reception area she stepped out into looked similar to the one down below just with no people around. There was a large desk next to the elevator exit with several holographic screens spread around it and a few knickknacks on the desk, however it was currently unoccupied. Mostly because the owner was currently standing next to Kat.

The rest of the various chairs and couches were all of fine make and scattered around the large area. They gave ample room for seating and the doors on the side of the room were reasonably sized but giving no indication of where they went. The back of the room, held no such illusions.

The door itself was easily fifteen metres tall. It towered over everything else in the room and commanded a presence unlike any other. The door was made of some kind of black marble that seemed to draw in light towards a few key points on it. The really strange part though, was that Kat realised the door wasn't carved like she initially thought. She was looking at a stone copy of herself and Red.

Every step she took closer caused her reflection to grow larger. The light from the door seemed to end up in her eyes, hair, and the flowers on her outfit. 'Her' eyes shone bright purple casting deep shadows around her face making it seem sharper and more intense. The carving of her red hair shone red yet cast no shadows, either on the rest of the carving or the carving of her body.

The final thing was the flowers on her dress which shone a bright white and moved slightly around, spinning carefully as she walked. Kat's tail flicked around in surprise and the stone double copied easily.

The rest of her details though, were missing in the dark black of the substance. Red's picture was much the same though the glow for her was concentrated around her horns and nails. Leaving a glowing red coming from both that did cast shadows. Her attire giving off no light.

Kat swallowed deeply as she got closer to the door and the copies form started to tower over her, stretching upwards as it started to reach towards the full height of the doors the closer she got. It was really starting to hit her. She wasn't meeting with the equivalent of Boss here, someone decently important from Greed, or Stone a mine supervisor. She was meeting with the HEAD of Lust. She controlled the entire faction in this Demon Hub. She was at least Rank 5 like Nira, and almost certainly more powerful. josei

*Maybe I'm in over my head here… I mean… shit ok… um…* Kat tried to organise her rapidly spiralling thoughts as the door loomed closer. *Am… am I even worth this sort of attention? I'm just a Rank 2 demon dammit. I… shit what the heck am I doing. Well, freaking out is the answer but… I guess I'll have to do my best.*

Red bowed forward at the door about fifty metres out, and then held her hand forward in a strange gesture Kat couldn't properly keep in her mind as she looked at it. As Red did so, the copy of her on the door bowed back and turned ninety degrees reaching a hand out towards the centre of the room.

With sharp crack the door split cleanly down the middle and started to open inwards to Lillian's office. Kat gulped and stepped forward as her eyes took in everything. The back wall was a giant glass window shedding light on the entire room and keeping it well lit and bright.

The left and right walls were lined with books from floor to ceiling but the shelves themselves were slightly curved inwards towards the top to make it look as if the shelves were looming over the person in the centre.

Two giant chairs blocked the view of where Lillian must have been sitting but as Kat took steps into the room the two chairs started to shrink. Every step closer they continued to get smaller and smaller revealing more of the desk behind it. When they did it was a surprise.

The desk itself was huge, but mostly for its width. It stretched all the way across the room from left to right. It was very thin but had screens opened all across it and a few pieces of paper across it. The surface was white marble looking substance that contrasted with the door. When the chairs shrunk further and Kat saw someone who had to be Lillian, she nearly stopped walking. Only the fact she was already freaking out prevented her from faltering.

Sat behind the desk was the smallest Succubus she'd ever seen.

Even propped up on a chair it was clear this was the case. Kat could see Lillian's whole body and nothing was truly hidden by the desk. She stood at most one metre high and that was likely pushing it. Her body was the same purple shade as Sue's but had silver lines running along it in strange patterns and disappearing into her clothes.

Which, like apparently every other Succubus in this building, consisted of business attire. Though Lillian had chosen to wear long pants instead of a skirt with a black and red striped tie. Her hair was a deep golden colour and Kat wouldn't be surprised if it actually was real gold. Her eyes shone bright silver to match and seemed to be less biological eyes and more shrunken seas of liquid mercury.

"Ah Kat, please feel free to take a seat," said Lillian. The Lust Leader's voice was strange, and reminded Kat somewhat of the short Angelic encounter she had. Lillian sounded like three people speaking at once, one was a breathy and seductive voice that sounded like Kat was being offered a place in the bedroom then an office chair. The second voice sounded like an old regal lady who didn't really show her age. It was powerful, a command instead of a suggestion. The final voice sounded like it belonged to the body but felt the least appropriate. It was the soft spoken tone of a young girl, eager to begin and ready to play.

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