D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 531

Chapter 531: Three Times the Laughter


Chapter 531: Three Times the Laughter

Before Kat even knew what was happening she was suddenly sitting in the chair that she could have sworn was still in front of her staring at Lillian. Before she could recover properly she saw Red step forward and bow while saying, "I will leave you two together" before leaving.

Kat felt like watching Red leave, just to give herself something else to do other than staring at Lillian but it didn't exactly work. Kat felt a bit like her brain had decided that it'd had enough for the day and was going on vacation. This was NOT helped when Lillian just smiled at her for a few moments before being enveloped in a blue light.

When it cleared up, there was two Lillian's, and a new chair for the extra. The one on the left nodded before gliding with the chair over towards another section of the desk and getting back to work. Thing is, Kat could see the chair underneath the desk, and it had no wheels, so how that was managed was a mystery.

"Don't mind her" said Lillian, still doing her mystery tri tone impression. Apparently it was just how she spoke, "She's still me. This copy of me shall speak with you while the other does the work, so it's all fine"

*That explains why Lillian's time is only somewhat precious dammit. I should have seen this coming.* Kat nodded dumbly and tried to find some proper words to speak. Sadly, all she came up with was, "I heard you wanted to speak with me"

This caused Lillian to laugh fully, throwing her head back and letting her triple voice mix together in strange ways. The seductive voice was practically cackling, the old voice sounded like it was stifling an amused chortle, while the young voice laughed freely as if unburdened by anything. "I believe that to be self evident" said Lillian "Still, I'm not trying to be rude. It was amusing to me and I enjoyed that immensely. Not many are so willing to just come out and say something like that.

"They'd go on and on about how 'they are blessed by my presence' or 'it is an honour to serve' and other such drivel. As if the fact I can turn myself into a hivemind means I have infinite time to waste on their pretentious speech. Still, I'm happy to get down to things. The reason I have called you here is to attempt to recruit you to my faction, nothing more and nothing less. I'm sure my secretary already mentioned that part though, so… where would you like to start?"

"Um… I guess the big one is… why? I mean… even with the whole… clone army thing I'd imagine you have better things to be doing…" said Kat awkwardly while cursing herself internally for not being able to speak intelligently just yet.

Lillian smiled, "In terms of other duties. I don't really have much I'd rather be doing. Mixing with the new recruits is fun…" Lillian glowed again and Kat found herself sitting across from a perfect copy of herself. "… things like this help me fit in" and the voice matched. Gone was the strange multi tone, now Lillian sounded no different to Kat herself.

Kat gulped slightly. *That… well that's a thing I guess.* Lillian changed back quickly and said, "Yes" her voice back to the triple layered speech, "I sometimes pretend to be a lower ranking employee. It's great fun. Plus, I've gotten really good at delegating so I don't spread myself out that much. Fun fact actually, there are only four copies of me around at the moment and you're in the room with two of them. The me speaking to you is actually the main Lillian, so… well actually I don't care if you're suitably impressed the look on your face is worth it"

Kat didn't even notice the change. Her eyes were wide and her jaw had dropped. She'd just assumed Lillian would use her copies for a lot of things. To find out that she was talking to the original, and that there was only four of her at the moment was a shock to Kat. "Now," said Lillian continuing, "that I've gotten that part covered. Why do I want you here?"

"The answer is broken into a few parts. The first is your nondem status. You have already gained two immensely powerful abilities at Rank 1 and your Rank 2 ability is quite valuable to us as well. Just that alone would probably be enough to get here. The addition of your particular appearance just adds to things."

Kat raised her eyebrow to ask the silent question not trusting her voice. Lillian nodded, "Yes your appearance. It's actually just as important as the other points if not more so. You see, its your horns Kat. They simply are not seen anymore. Now, I'm older than I look, obviously, and I was Rank 6 before this Hub even came into existence. Despite this, I don't recall ever meeting someone with horns in your specific configuration.

"Now, I've heard about them sure. And nothing I've found suggests that your horns are in any way special… but that in itself is weird. Plenty of other demons like to boast. You met my secretary, right? Well her clan is known for there intellect supposedly and their horn placement on the temples is a big part of that.

"How true it is, I don't know. I don't work with medical, and I'm not sure anybody has ever truly tested that sort of thing. Too much political pressure you understand. The strange thing though, is once again the lack of boasting and information. Sure, you might be like the bull horned Succubus that had large horns extending from the sides of their heads once upon a time like pit lords that just had the trait being bred out…

"But I'm not so sure. With that combined together with your nondem status, I expect great things in the future. Allowing you to join us here would be a great boon. Even if you never reach past Rank 5, it would still be worth it for us at Lust, and I can almost be certain you'll make it there. Call it an old demon's feeling"

"But… but you just turned into me, didn't you? Doesn't that count?" asked Kat still surprised about that part. She was right though; Lillian had changed horns and all.

Lillian shook her head in response though. "I'm afraid it really doesn't count. The form you see before is my default appearance. I make no secret of this fact, and while many demons still refuse to believe it… it is no less true.

"My shapeshifting abilities are great, and I can take on the appearance of basically anyone. I'm not even limited to Succubi. I could be a pit fiend if I wanted to. Nothing is stopping me. It's just not the same though. Even if I changed into… say a gorgon, I wouldn't gain the ability to petrify people. I might be able to spoof the effect, or use contacts or something, but just using my shapeshifting I could not. You however, are in your original form."

Kat pursed her lips and leaned back into the chair, happy it was allowing her wings to phase through it. "I… I still don't see why it's important I guess." Said Kat

Lillian gave a light childish looking shrug but for some reason it had weight behind it, as if Lillian was saying nobody could ever know. "Take it as an old demon's intuition if you wish. As I said there is no true facts for it. It's an interesting extra, and while I count it as important, I don't need to add it as part of my justification to have the others of the faction agree."

"Right… ok" said Kat gathering herself, "What would I be doing if I joined exactly?"

"Whatever you wanted within reason" said Lillian, "this isn't just a chance for you, but what is offered to everyone. Most demons join a faction and then gain employment there to avoid Contracts that are mandatory until Rank 3 without getting a special exception. If you wanted to just join us on paper there wouldn't be too much you'd be required to do at the beginning."

Kat narrowed her eyes at that, and Lillian continued, "Yes I see that question. Later on, you'd be asked for your help when things of more sensitive nature come up. Internal Lust matters. Perhaps someone in the faction needs your True Sight, or your Dream Walking. You would not be uncompensated, but… when you are higher Rank, and requested, it is likely because there weren't many other options."

Kat nodded, and felt a question bubbling in her throat but she didn't want to voice it. The question was asked anyway, apparently her mouth decided it was too important to ignore. "I won't have to… you know… do any aah… sexual acts right?"

Lillian's laughter burst out once again with its strange three tones of laughter all laughing in different ways, though it seemed the 'older' voice was laughing more genuinely now. "Of course not Kat. We have plenty willing to join our organisation for that sole reason alone. Not only is it barbaric to force something like that upon someone, we simply have no need for it. Those stations are popular ones and if it was found out somebody was forced into one there would be a veritable army willing to spring up to assist the victim with claiming vengeance."

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