D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Photos are a Great Way to Practice Using Demonic Energy

Chapter 53: Photos are a Great Way to Practice Using Demonic Energy

While everyone was gathering together Kat was finding it hard to maintain a slight level of demonic energy behind her eyes and maintain the calming aura at the same time.

*Why didn't I practice this… Actually I know why, it's because I never thought I'd need to learn how to change my eyes slightly purple to prevent a bunch of random people noticing my eyes changing colour. But really this is what's actually going to get my caught, my eyes?! I have wings for crying out loud and my eyes that just sometimes change colour are what get me.*

Kat couldn't believe how things had turned out. *Should I pretend to take out contacts maybe? But no I can't do that because if any of them have the flash on they'll go purple again.*

During Kat's internal monologue she kept lightly applying her calming aura to the surroundings. *At least I have an instinct for calming aura that tells me how heavy I can lay it on people before they notice.*

To Kat this feeling was something akin to knowing how hard you could squeeze a grape or knowing how to keep a shovel balanced on your hand. She was constantly making slight adjustments to the aura to keep it from getting noticed lowering and raising the intensity as needed to keep everyone calm but unaware. She was surprised at just how easy that was compared to lighting her eyes up slightly.

During these thoughts the first group had assembled around Kat, kept a mostly respectable distance from her but everyone was packed quite tightly into the corner, so a little discomfort was expected

"Ok, so I've got this girls camera" said Vivian pointing to one of the girls on the edge of the crowd "you can see her for this picture afterwards" Vivian waiting another moment before giving the call "Say demons"

"Demons" said the group, and as the flash went of Kat felt the energy behind her eyes lurch forward straining against her control to further reinforce her eyes. She was able to hold it together for a moment until more energy crashed into the energy she was holding and sent the lot of it into her eyes. Luckily the area was more than well lit and whatever light there might have been went unnoticed.

*Damn that was close, I need to be more careful next time.* The crowd dispersed somewhat slowly but Vivian shooed them off and ensured nobody was trying to sneak into extra photos.

The second group was much like the first except this time when Kat stared intently at Vivian's hand and the moment before the flashed went off released the energy. Kat felt it return towards her core only to burst forth to cover her eyes once the flash began. *I can't believe I didn't notice this reaction when I was in the tunnels. It's so easy to tell when my body is using energy for stuff. Wait do I use it to regenerate as well?*


User Kat likely uses Demonic Energy to regenerate. While D.E.M.O.N.S is unable to confirm at this time, it is only standard for certain other species of demons to use other sources of energy such as Gorgers which can also use stored mass.


Kat nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the familiar burning text appear in front of her. *I'd almost expected not to hear back from the system at all until it'd sorted everything out. I'm, actually kind of glad it's still here though.*

Quickly recovering from the shock Kat watched Vivian direct everyone to some other poor sap who had to go through the effort of getting a group of fifteen-ish peoples contact information.

The third group of people were now crowding around Kat. Gathering around, lining up, getting everyone to fit into position. Kat prepared her energy behind her eyes ready to let go just before the flash just like last time. The moment Vivian's hand touched the button Kat let go of the energy and waited for a flash… that didn't come. *I didn't think they'd have the flash off.*

Kat panicked and tried to grasp the energy she had been keeping behind her eyes but she felt it slipping away back into her core. Putting the full weight of her mental energy behind it only made it halt in place traveling neither up or done. *What am I supposed to do? Why can't I move this.* Time slowed as Kat searched for a solution.


User Kat is informed that Demonic Energy will return to the User's core if possible after completing a command.


*Ok, I can work with this.* Dropping her control of the current energy she reached into her core for more and found plenty awaiting her command. Pulling it swiftly up behind her eyes once again Kat could only hope that she hadn't lost the purple glow when the camera took her picture.

The final group was preparing to take the last picture. It had quite a few extra people in it who had joined in towards the end but it was just barely a manageable amount for their little corner. Kat however was distracted.

*Ok, so how do I safely manage this. I need to hold the energy behind my eyes to keep them purple. I also need to let go of that energy when the flash turns on so that my eyes don't actually start glowing. But I also need to be careful about if there isn't a flash. If there is no flash, I'll need to pull the energy up myself after I let go of the first batch to keep the amount behind my eyes consistent enough.*

Vivian prepared to take the final photo, her bright smile slightly strained. She'd seen Kat's expression go through a number of rapid changes during the four photos, Most people wouldn't have noticed but Vivian was keeping her eyes squarely on Kat, perhaps the only other person to pick up on the rapid and subtle expressions was Sylvie but she was a bit short to see over the crowd.

Vivian pressed her finger down and once again there was a flash. Kat quickly let go of the energy behind her eyes before grasping at some still in her core. Letting the first crash happen Kat waited until she could feel the protective energy fade from her eyes before she pushed more up to take its place.

*Ok, I think I've managed it. I'm somewhat disappointed there was a flash. I need to test this sort of thing out in the future. Perhaps after today I need to spend some time really testing out my abilities. Now that I've awakened, I doubt I'll be going through so many rapid changes.*

While the groups were distracted with handing over their contact details to Vivian's chosen sacrifice, Vivian managed to round up the girls and slip through the crowd unnoticed. How she did this was beyond Kat's understanding. *How is everyone so distracted? Vivian just walked through them, with me in hand and no one even glanced back.* In the end Vivian lead the group to the food court for lunch. Kat found herself to not feel like food at all, which was strange because it was now 1:30pm. *Hey system, is there a reason I'm not hungry at all?*


User Kat has fully awakened. As a demon not of the Gluttony Classification food consumption has likely been drastically reduced. User Kat is likely capable of ingesting food still but the quantity has been limited slightly.


*Good to know, I guess?*

"Kat, are you sure you don't want anything?" said Vivian already munching on her salad.

"Uh, no thank you. Apparently, it's because of that thing from yesterday" said Kat

Vivian nodded in understanding but turned to Sylvie "Has Kat always eaten well before" said Vivian

"Yup, she always ate more than me at meals" said Sylvie also with a salad in front of her. Sylvie seemed to be enjoying it less than Vivian but was making no complaints.

"Yeah, I can confirm that as well, I've seen Kat eat a bunch at school" said Lily who was the odd one out eating a burger.

Kat blushed slightly but it was very noticeable to the others. josei

"I didn't eat that much. I mean, I did plenty of physical exercise just getting to and from school so it's fine" said Kat. Sylvie nodded sagely, while Vivian and Lily stifled laughs. Choosing to ignore the two Kat through out another question for the system. *If demons can get classifications like gluttony does that mean I'm related to lust because I am a Succubus?*


User Kat does not yet have a classification. Demon Classification is traditionally done after the User reaches Rank 2 and powers relating to the Classification begin manifesting. Some demons can display Classification Markers earlier, but User Kat has shown no defining characteristics of any Classification at this time.


*Just great, I've got a whole world of sin still open to me… I do wonder what I will be classified as though. I don't think I'm particularly sinful in any area…*

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