D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Honestly I need to Get Back to Summonings, I Promise Only 1 More Chapter of Earth Stuff After This

Chapter 54: Honestly I need to Get Back to Summonings, I Promise Only 1 More Chapter of Earth Stuff After This

After the group finished eating lunch Vivian addressed everyone and said "So, we don't have much time before we have to go and meet my friend. Kat you have five minutes to go buy something"

"What are you talking about Vivian?" said Kat

"Well I did say that you need at least one thing to decorate your room" said Vivian

"What about Sylvie? She only picked up a book, I can just pay for one of Lily's" said Kat

In response Sylvie pulled out a bag and placed it on the table. Inside were a number of decorations for her room. Some notable inclusions where a tiny rug, a stuffed demon toy that had batwings and a tail similar to Kat's, with black hair and red eyes and of course the book mentioned earlier.

"When did you pick up so much stuff" said Kat

"When you were getting your picture taken. Lily and I grabbed a few things that looked nice" said Sylvie with a cheeky grin.

*Ugh, so now I have to go looking for something? Like what?*

"What am I even supposed to grab Vivian? I've never really decorated my room before" said Kat

"Well you have to pick something, and you have four minutes now, go shoo" said Vivian

Kat looked around for help from Lily or Sylvie but they just both shrugged at Kat like it was none of their concern.

"Really Lily even you?" said Kat

"Honestly Kat, I think having a bit of personality in you room will do you good" said Lily

Kat sighed and looked around the food court searching for something easy to grab.

"You won't find anything right here. You'll have to find something outside of the food court. Better start walking. I promise we'll keep up" said Vivian with her trademark smile

*Fine… I think I saw a shop with some nicknacks around.* Backtracking a slight way Kat found the shop she had been looking for. It didn't seem to have a visible but inside it had a large collection of random things.

From clocks to coasters, from sculptures of fairies, to carvings of toads somehow this shop seemed to pack everything into it. *The only problem with this shop is that most of this stuff isn't that well made.* Thought Kat as she examined one of the nicer looking fair sculptures before putting it down.

Kat let her eyes wander through the shop. *So what can I get? Maybe a clock? That's at least somewhat practical for me to have.* Moving towards the section housing the clocks Kat was surprised by one clock in particularly. The clockface was fairly standard but the edges were decorated with a fire pattern that seemed to shift and change in colour. *There's no way… Hey system is this a magical clock? It shifts a bit like the flames when I get summoned.*


D.E.M.O.N.S can detect no magic within the identified object. User Kat is required to touch it for complete affirmation.


*Should I? Is it worth the risk?* Kat reached a shaky hand out towards the clock. Just as she touched it she felt a spark jump to her fingers and she stepped back. *Was that enough confirmation for you system?*


User Kat is informed that the clock contains no higher energy of any kind. D.E.M.O.N.S believes the highest probability is that the clock is simply malfunctioning and released a static discharge.


Kat felt her eye twitching as she looked at the clock awkwardly. *You mean to tell me, that the clearly bizarre clock in this strange store that changes colour and shocks people isn't magic?*


Yes. The chance of this object having magic is 0.0000000000000001%


"Something up with that clock Kat" said Vivian.

Kat nearly jumped out of her skin. *I didn't hear Vivian sneak up on me. Actually how did she sneak up on me anyway? My peripheral vision is exceptional now. How could I have missed her?*

"Nothing, it's a completely normal clock" said Kat

"Hmmm, but you were staring at it so intently. Is this the kind of thing you like?" said Vivian

"No, it's just… This reminds me of the summoning portal. It's all rainbows and fire. I thought the clock might be special, but it turns out that it's a completely normal clock" said Kat

"Well, I that's a shame. And I will say I'm a little disappointed that you are trying to cheat and get a clock" said Vivian

"How is it cheating to get a clock?" said Kat

"You should get something that speaks to you, I bet you thought of getting a clock because it's at least somewhat practical right?" said Vivian

Vivian's words hit Kat hard. "That was-" Kat's retort died on her throat. She was incapable of finishing the sentence to deny Vivian's words. Vivian for her part just smiled like the cat that ate the canary. Or perhaps the canary had its chance to eat a Kat.

"Fine, I promise to keep looking for something else" said Kat

"Do I have to make you sign a contract dear" said Vivian with a pout.

"You don't have to go that far. Plus you should be careful trying to invoke a contact with me. You've seen the chains Vivian, that isn't my power, or at least I don't think it's really mine… I just don't understand what it does" said Kat josei

"Well, just don't go trying to break them hmm" Said Vivian

"Fine" huffed Kat

Returning to scanning the shelves Kat was struggling to find something that was worthwhile. After some further investigation Kat realised her first impression of the store might have been uncharitable. *It isn't like there's no finely crafted things here, it's just that they aren't the majority.* Switching tact Kat instead walked over to Lily to see if she'd found anything of note.

"Hey Lily, found anything worthwhile" said Kat

"Well…" said Lily "I might have found something but, it's… well I'll just show you"

Lily lead Kat back over to the sculpture section. Brushing aside some of the less well crafted ones Lily pulled out a sculpture of an angel sitting in the back. The angel was sitting down and holding a book in her hand. She had long wings that encircled the front of her body, not closing completely but being pulled forward a decent way. The angel's body was sitting on an intricately designed chair of thorns. The angel seemed to be both young, and yet ancient at the same time, especially when you looked at the eyes, that were pitch black.

"This is really nicely done. What's weird about it though?" said Kat looking the figure over.

"Well, I just can't shake the idea that the face looks familiar somehow. I mean it's not like I really recognise it but I get the feeling I should" said Lily

Kat held the statue up to her eyes. Taking a quick glance around to ensure that they were alone she pressed a bit of energy into her eyes and looked at the face. The angel had large eyes, a small nose and mouth, and Lily was right. The face invoked a strange feeling of familiarity. *Huh, Lily was right. Why could this seem so familiar? It's really well made but this feeling is a little off-putting especially when I can't figure out why it looks familiar.*

Putting the statue back Kat spoke "So anything else you recommend. I think you're right, that statue does like familiar and it bugs me"

"Not really, sorry Kat' said Lily looking down.

Kat shrugged and pulled Lily along. This time looking for Sylvie instead, perhaps she'd found something of interest. They found Sylvie closely examining some of the wood carvings.

"Anything good over here?" said Kat

"Not really" said Sylvie as she glanced at the other two.

"Welp, you'll have to pick something because I've already given you ten minutes" said Vivian as she appeared from nowhere.

"How do you keep doing that" said Kat. Vivian just shrugged in response.

"Pick something, right now, quick quick" said Vivian

*Uh, um* Kat's thoughts stuttered as she walked back over to the angel statue Lily had found. *The whole overly familiar thing still bugs me but I guess I don't have the time.*

Picking up the statue and taking it to the counter, the lady hardly glanced at Kat twice as she scanned the item and put it away in a box. *Huh, I thought I'd at least get some response from her considering I'm a demon buying an angel. Guess this city is more used to this sort of outfit than I thought.*

"Good, I'm glad you picked something nice, we do really need to get going though" said Vivian as she scooped up Sylvie and started to lightly jog out of the store.

"I can carry Sylvie if you want" said Kat

"Nonsense, I'm abusing this chance to carry my daughter" said Vivian

"I'm probably stronger than you are now" said Kat

"Strength has nothing to do with it, I'll pick you up as well if you want" said Vivian as she moved Sylvie onto one arm and made grabbing motions with the other.

"Huh, heh, ha" panted Lily "Slow down, please"

Kat simply picked Lily up in a princess carry as her response. Not to be outdone Vivian switching Sylvie to the same position.

"Kat this is embarrassing" said Lily

"Don't worry about it" said Kat. *I thought she was having difficulty keeping up what's the problem?*

Lily just sighed at Kat's response, resigning herself to her friends' antics.

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