D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 535

Chapter 535: Nothin’ Like a Good Callander

Chapter 535: Nothin’ Like a Good Callander

"Well, that's enough about me for now," said Lillian, her voice returning to its 'natural' state. "however, I'd like to offer you a chance for some more information. Completely free of charge. It's the things I personally think a young Succubus needs to know. Mostly about your powers but a few other things as well"

*That sounds really useful. I'd never say no to that sort of extra information and I think it'll really help.* Kat gave a genuine smile at the offer, practically radiating happiness. "Yes please. Kamiko has been a big help but I'm sure there are things she just assumes I know. In fact it's happened a few times already so I know it'll happen"

Lillian nodded slightly a few times timing things to be a slight bobbing motion mostly with her chin, "Yes, yes, I understand that. I've actually had the pleasure of meeting other nondems before you so I may be able to help a bit more in that regard. They weren't Succubi, but that hardly matters.

"Now, the very very basic stuff I'm sure demons told you, and the step up from that I'm sure you've worked out by now. The big things you probably haven't been told are that Emergency Beacons, if stolen can forcibly summon you. Even if they don't have permission, with the artifact in question and some time and effort it can be done. They still can't really force a Contract on you but they can hold you there for a while before D.E.M.O.N.S can pull you back out.

"That's actually the leading cause of death in young demons. Some powerful individual gets wind of a Beacon and Summons you for something nefarious. It's not as big a problem as it once was, and D.E.M.O.N.S is constantly upgrading the security on them, but they are just so closely linked with you, in this case KAT as a concept, that magic will find a way.

"Qi can as well, but that's more about brute force. Magic finds a unique and interesting way around it, a sufficiently strong Qi practitioner, or Cultivator as they are known will use the Beacon to rip you there with brute strength. They basically just convince the world they're strong enough to grab you and they just sort of… can? It's very weird even by our standards but it's a thing.

"There is a limit to protecting against them as well. Defending from Qi is both easier and harder. It's easier because you can just put my energy into the protections, but harder because that's really all you can do. Sure Cultivators might be able to use the smart way, but compared to mana it just… isn't that good so punching it hard enough to summon you is actually easier.

"The issue of course, is that because of how connected it is to you, we can't just throw endless amounts of energy at it. It'd eventually destroy your connection to it once the unaffiliated energy reaches a certain threshold."

All of Lillian's voices got serious. "Now, I'm not telling you to stop giving out your Beacon if you need to. I can only trust your judgement in that. However, I do implore you to be ready for ANYTHING when you get called with one. Safety would be nice but it cannot be guaranteed when using them unlike a normal Summoning where you can be pulled out if you deny their offer."

Lillian took another quick sip from her cup and paused for a moment. "That's the basics about beacons, and important for everyone. We don't just tell people because it's a worry and there isn't much to be done about it really. It's seen as needless worry even though most parents will mention it.

"Now, next thing… is this" Lillian whipped out a stack of pictures and showed the first one to Kat who instantly twisted her nose up in distaste. It was a picture of several very naked men posing together and she quickly made to look away before taking in any further details except that they were all quite colourful.

When she did though, she found Lillian back in her line of sight with a different picture. This one with just the one naked man, obviously a incubus, and Kat was still not happy with the arrangement. "Is this really necessary?" whined Kat

"Yes" said Lillian with no trace of humour in any of her voices as she switched out the card. This next one was a large group of women instead. All naked of course. The same variety was on display as the mail version, and Kat's more significant comfort with the female body led her to give Lillian a deadpan look.

Lillian just smiled and switched it over to a single demon by herself, and Kat let out a long sigh. Seeing this, Lillian swapped through a few more. All just a single Succubus by herself with nothing, NOTHING, being hidden from the eyes, but all had vastly different features. One might have large breasts, another almost completely flat, a third with tiny horns, a fourth with large ones. Some had muscles, other were exceptionally lean. Hair length and style varied by the picture… both above and below.

Eventually it all started to blur together and Kat started zoning out. It just wasn't something she cared about enough. As soon as this happened though Lillian swapped the pictures up again. This time they featured a larger collection of demons, ranging from Beholders (which normally didn't wear anything anyway) to Gorgons and beyond. It was a rather eclectic group, some of which Kat was certain weren't demons.

Kat was honestly more interested in the sheer variety of species on display then the fact they were naked, a thing that Lillian actually seemed to pick up. She simply threw the cards up into the air and they all vanished. "Was that really necessary?" asked Kat as she saw the cards fading away.

Lillian nodded and started to fly back over to her old position. "It actually was. From that little test I can tell that you aren't straight, you aren't a lesbian, and you aren't pansexual. A few others are unlikely as well."

"Right… but why is this important? Actually, no wait, before that… why would you show all that to me? Isn't it a little rude to be just… giving those sorts of pictures out without permission?" asked Kat

Lillian burst out into laughter, shoulders heaving as she couldn't control herself and fell forward with her face on the desk. The demon bashed heavily on the desk as she tried to control herself, sending of shockwaves of air from the impact sight as she just kept laughing. Eventually, Kat started to get caught up in the laughter, not really finding it funny, but 30 seconds of prolonged giggles was too much for her.

This continued for a while, as Lillian slowly got control over herself. Lifted her body up, and then looked Kat in the eyes and saw… something before bursting into laughter once again. It took multiple attempts before things calmed down enough. Lillian was wiping away glowing silver tears from her eyes and collected them for some reason as she carefully regained her breathing. "Oh that… Kat you sweet summer child. That's a precious attitude that needs to be protected.

"If I didn't think you'd keep feeling bad for them if I failed to explain why your answer was so funny, I'd keep you in the dark. Such innocence should be protected after all… sadly I'll have to chip away a bit of that.

"You see Kat… every single person in those images is a rather hardcore exhibitionist. They all get off on the idea that literally anyone could end up with those pictures. From what I've been told that's exactly the reason I've been given them, or more accurately my previous secretary.

"While she was working for me she started up a… newsletter? That's a good enough term. She started up a newsletter for people who want to receive nude pictures once a week. It was originally once a month but she got so many submissions that she… expanded the offering I suppose you could say. josei

"It's actually why she left the position. It was a bit too successful of an idea and she decided to work on it as a passion project. It's making her a great deal of money now, and they have a very popular annual calendar that they make now. They have a version for each sexuality they cater to, and even a special family friendly addition with everyone wearing thematic costumes. That one is actually my favourite."

"Well… um… right… um… well I'm not one of those, I'm sure. Then again… the family friendly calendar seems like it could be a fun idea. It might make a cool souvenir for next year, something from the Hub to take back home that's probably pretty safe and reasonably priced…" said Kat with an odd town Lillian could place, but decided not to.

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