D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 536

Chapter 536: Embarrassment is the Key to Learning. Obviously

Chapter 536: Embarrassment is the Key to Learning. Obviously

Kat let her awkward response hang in the air, and Lillian let the silence continue to give Kat some time to really ground herself. It was always hard for the more innocent minded individuals to start realising that EVERYTHING is a fetish if you try hard enough. Lillian knew that the models for the newsletter made basically nothing. Most of them just a free subscription. There were more than enough demons interested in signing up that pay just wasn't necessary.

"Right. Ok. I've got it now… maybe…" said Kat "Um… can we go back to WHY you were showing me those pictures? It really isn't my thing… but I'm sure you noticed that easily… so why?" asked Kat

Lillian nodded and said, "Yes I did notice. It's a test of sexuality. Not a comprehensive one, but it's quick and easy. I can check most of the main ones for Succubi really easily with it. Having one that isn't revealed by that test is very rare among our race. You have to understand that most Succubi at the very least have an obvious type. I mentioned Lust is a part of us all in some way. Though some less then others obviously.

"Now, the reason I needed to take you through it is for a few reasons. The biggest one is that I need to know what areas of the compound not to take you to. You clearly reacted pretty negatively to the naked men, so I'll stay well away from them for you. Honestly, we'll stay away from all of the sexual services because it seems not to be you cup of tea. Certainly nothing casual anyway.

"The next important one is actually your skills. See, a common Succubus skill is pheromones. It's not just a skill, but we'll get to that. Succubus pheromones are either something you can toggle, something that stays passive, or something you can breathe out in a very obvious cloud.

"The thing that quite a few demons don't actually know is that it's based around your sexual orientation. If your pheromones are of the aphrodisiac sort, the most common by far, they will not work on people or things you would never want to have sex with. Sure they won't all be people you'd agree to it with, but at the very least there has to be a CHANCE.

"For example, if you were straight and picked it up, it would only work on men. Oh and it only ever works on sexually mature individuals. We… dealt with a certain type long ago. They don't appear anymore…" Lillians eyes narrowed and a force voice seemed to join the fray, it was deep, ancient, even more so then the queenly one and promised VENGENCE "… anyway. Yes, men. If you are attracted to them that's all it would work on.

"Same goes for if you were a lesbian. It would only work on women instead. It actually has a slight… 'go away' I suppose you can call it, for people outside of your tastes normally. So for whichever you didn't fancy it would try and send them away. Of course, if you are bi it'd work on both genders… and if you're pan well… it tends to be… a LOT if you're pan.

"Now, the difference between the three types is somewhat pronounced. The passive type can be turned down a bit but never off. It's less likely to be an aphrodisiac but some people still get it. Can't do too much about it really. It just… smooths things along. Enhances things a bit. Think of it like a garnish for a nice dish.

"The next stage is a toggle. It's useful for crowds and prolonged exposure. Once you turn it on, if you spend enough time with someone and maybe use some pointed words and a little bit of normal seduction it'd work wonders. You could pick up almost anyone that's interested in you. Remember, while it will work on whatever is your preference, it doesn't mean it will always have the effect you want. Gay men aren't going to want to sleep with you no matter how horny they are. They'll find someone actually in their strike zone if they can"

Kat winced at the idea. *I do not even want to think about that. I mean sure, live whatever life you want but I don't really like the idea of ever picking up this ability. I hope it's enough to just… avoid it forever.*

Lillian smiled a bit at Kat's expression and continued. "Other than that, finally is the mist version. It's basically a fog of whatever colour your energy is. You throw it on people and wait for it to take effect in a few seconds. Very obvious and very potent"

"Right…" said Kat awkwardly. "I guess that was nice to know… but I don't WANT any of those abilities so I doubt I'll get them. Isn't that how it works?"

Lillian smiled, once again with shark teeth. This time they were black with silver edges to really play up the sharp points. "Yes but there's something that most people don't know. I managed to mislead you about the passive ones. All Succubi develop them at some stage in their lives"

Kat paled quite a bit at the statement. "Please tell me you're joking"

Lillian shook her head and said, "Of course not Kat. You know I can't lie. The passive version is something that some Succubi aren't even aware of. It reacts to your mood more than anything else and it's very specific to the individual. It tends to suit them exceptionally well.

"The range and potency tend to correlate with how much the individual wants to use their pheromones for… let's call them extracurricular activities. It's something you need to be aware of. While it seems like you aren't interested in sex… it does also mean that if you ever get… particularly worked up from abstaining it will effect those around you."

Kat went bright red at the insinuation. "I… I mean… I'd never… I… I don't… Um… help?"

Lillian waited for Kat to try and smother her embarrassment. After about a minute Kat was mostly successful. Her cheeks still had a light dusting of red and she wasn't looking Lillian in the eyes, but staring at her mug. "I… is that a concern?"

"Maybe" said Lillian honestly, "If it's an itch you feel the need to scratch you really should. Preferably away from other's you don't want influenced. Now, if you never feel that tug, that burning sensation, then that's perfectly fine. Rare. But perfectly fine. I just need you to know that… if you happen to be in denial instead. And just… let things build up in the background it would be… very bad. Especially if you're home doesn't have many magic users."

Kat shook her head. "No, no I'm… very much not interested. It just… it's not my thing and I'm quite sure I'm not in denial. If… if that IS the case what does that mean for me? Just… not have a partner? I mean… I don't know if I've ever found someone I'd want to be together with… is… is it a risk now just in case?"

Lillian shrugged. "Well, if you are ace, there's something you should probably know. It seems possible, though there are still some options. Still, if it is the case you aren't attracted to anyone sexually… you need to be prepared…" said Lillian ominously. josei

"Prepared for what?" asked Kat with a raised eyebrow.

"You know. I'm not sure I should say. I don't want to influence you unduly dear" said Lillian with a Cheshire grin, making it clear this was more for her amusement. "Why, if I was to cause you to make a mistake in romance because I gave you bad advice… why I'd be very sad"

Kat let out a sigh. *That's somewhat annoying. I'm really not sure what I want to do in answer to that. I could ask sure, but this was bonus information really. I can't even say I want it as part of joining the Faction because it really does seem like that best for me. I feel like she's enjoying this too much. Still, I know I need to be on the look out for… something I guess.*

"Anything else you need to cover then?" asked Kat resigning herself to her fate.

"Not really" said Lillian. "I mean, there are little fiddly things, like the fact you don't have a period like most other species, it's just not quite how we work. Um… what else… you'll keep your looks as they are now forever unless you intentionally change them right up until the last year of your lifespan. At that point you'll age exceptionally rapidly until your body gives out… but between your current Rank 2, your regen and your nondem status I think old age is already close to an impossibility for you.

"Um… what else… your body fluids will taste delicious to people you find romantically pleasing? It's one of those weird things that doesn't come up much because it doesn't just work for casual flings. What else… your tail is NOT an erogenous zone. Not sure where that rumour came from but unless it's a fetish or you like the pain that comes from pulling on it, it's no more sensitive than anywhere else… of course with the right technique anywhere else can be sensitive indeed.

"Hmm… any more embarrassing details?" for Kat was bright red once again at this point "hmm… you're nails will probably stay at whatever length you want them because of regen but you can cut them… hair is a bit weirder… and that's about it I think"

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