D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 546

Chapter 546: Recapping Part 1

Chapter 546: Recapping Part 1

After confirming Lily was well Kat headed off to get some sleep. She made also have set herself on fire a bit to use up her demonic energy and found it to be a vastly different experience compared to doing the same thing in the Hub. On Earth even though ice pooled at her feet and the cold seeped in somewhat… most of the fire just burnt out in the air because there was no real intent on it. She was just throwing it away and the universe seemed almost happy to oblige in removing a bit more of it from the world.

After that she collapsed into a dreamless sleep and felt like she woke up not a moment later. It was early in the morning based on the light barely streaming in from her window but that was fine. Heading downstairs she was met with Callisto casually preparing breakfast for everyone. It looked like she'd just started. When their eyes met, Callisto merely nodded and gestured for her to take a seat somewhere.

A short time later Vivian bounced her way downstairs with Sylvie trailing after her. As soon as the smaller girl's eyes found Kat she broke into a sprint and jumped into Kat's arms. "You're back!" shouted Sylvie as she snuggled into Kat.

Kat returned the hug while running her hands through the younger girl's hair, happy to see her again. "Hey wait…" mumbled Sylvie, "Why didn't you wake me up when you got back? When did you get back?"

Kat sighed slightly knowing that Sylvie wasn't going to be pleased, and her answer of, "I got here after you'd fallen asleep watching that move" which caused Sylvie to pout adorably was any indication, it meant the younger girl wasn't particularly happy with that fact. Still, Kat could stand strong. Sylvie wasn't really asking for anything or even complaining she was just expressing some minor displeasure.

Still nothing came of it really. The pair just enjoyed the hugs while Callisto finished up breakfast. Callisto asked if Kat required any, but the offer was turned down. She didn't need the food and wasn't planning on doing anything strenuous for days. Still the humans did need to eat so eventually the hugs had to come to an end.

After everyone was fed and watered, they sat around in the lounge room. Vivian and Sylvie re-joined the hug pile while Callisto simply sat nearby and watched. It was clear Callisto was interested in hearing about her time away, but equally as clear she was willing to wait for Lily to turn up for that as well.

It worked well enough, only taking an extra hour for Lily to turn up. She had slight bags under her eyes but a gleam in her eye that meant Kat would have no luck scolding her for the lack of sleep. Vivian didn't even try and Callisto wasn't going to throw stones from her own glass house over that issue so it wasn't really commented on.

She settled into the hug pile, with Kat's tail unwrapping to include her. The scene looked a little indecent from a distance. Sylvie was sat on Kat's lap with Lily on one side and Vivian on the other. Vivian was cuddling them both turned mostly to the side, while Lily was mostly just snuggled up with Kat. Of course, only one person among them would even consider such indecent thoughts, but Sylvie's presence meant it was all very platonic in that individual's mind.

"Kat you have to tell me about your adventures. I have news as well but we can get to that later," said Lily

Kat smiled fondly at her friend clearly interested in what she'd encountered in the demon Hub. That desire for knew knowledge burning brightly. Of course, Callisto had a similar look and Sylvie was trying it out as well, with middling success. Despite her young age, she was more of the wise 'nod knowingly in the general direction' type then someone who craved knowledge only for its own sake. Vivian of course just wanted to hear what Kat was up to. Sure the other's felt that to some degree but it was Vivian's only motivation.

"Right… well… the first day started like this…" Kat started to speak, explaining she ended up in a large room and met Kamiko. Describing the girl, and briefly mentioning her family but Kat informed the rest that they'd get to them slowly as Kat did in person. Then it was on to explaining Wrath and the various people she'd met during the duels.

Kat didn't really go into details on the fights. It would have taken forever and ultimately it wasn't exactly relevant to the other three. Callisto would probably have enjoyed it at least somewhat but the other three clearly didn't care at all for the gritty details of combat. Once that was done she briefly explained Kamiko's house in a general sense and even told a bit of Kamiko's own first adventure so that the other's could get a feel for the girl's personality.

"Is combat really that big of a deal for Wrath? Do they have a system of honour? How do they keep everything managed?" were the questions Callisto rattled off.

"Um… in order… yes combat is a big deal. In fact, I don't think it's just a big deal, it is in fact the biggest deal… if that makes sense? Following on and I guess continuing that thought they don't have honour per say… but it's more like they have a shared understanding? Combat is glorious but they don't necessarily go for the kill. They are in it for the fighting, and while none of them would shy away from death if it was necessary, I get the idea that they're just as happy to beat people up and then go for drinks afterward.

"As to how they manage it… I have no idea. Based on some stuff I learned later I'd guess that some Rank 6 demon keeps them in line mostly through brute force while that same demon is kept in check by the other Factions and a series of political agreements that are much older than we are."

"Fascinating" said Callisto brining out a notepad from her maid outfit… somewhere. Even Kat's eyes didn't quite catch where exactly. "A truly interesting system of governance. I suppose it is mostly possible because of the great personal power that high ranking demons can manage. I'm not sure how else you could keep them all together without major hassles.

"The idea of just throwing all the warriors together is an idea that's been attempted before without anywhere near as much success as they must have considering it sounds like the 7 major factions have been around for much longer then recorded human history. I'm not sure even I can fathom what it means to be an organisation so old"

"Did you enjoy the fights?" asked Lily trying to find more information about it from Kat's perspective.

"Eh…" Kat shrugged as she spoke, "I'd call it… alright. I enjoyed meeting some of the people there, and it wasn't bad per say… but it was made very clear that I have no training and that I was mostly just abusing my strength to beat them. It's not all that satisfying even if I liked combat. It wasn't bad though I guess. Like good homework. You're satisfied once it's over but it was still homework in the end."

Lily nodded, happy that Kat had so easily put it in terms she could understand, a product of their long friendship. Next up was Kat describing her days at Greed. Everyone was fascinated by her description of 'Boss' and confirmed several times what he looked like. They were also not amused when she brought up what exactly the job was, interrupting her story. "What the heck Kat!" grumbled Lily

"What's the issue?" asked Kat knowing the issue was probably the exact same one that Kamiko had.

"You just… just let yourself get stabbed or injured repeatedly to test some unsorted boxes? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?! Why would you just go along with it! That's not Punishment that's torture!" shouted Lily.

Callisto actually looked surprisingly amused at the idea, while Kat tried to explain. "Look Lily… it really wasn't an issue. I didn't feel any pain it was just a little weird. My regeneration was MORE then sufficient to keep me completely healthy the entire time, plus Kamiko has already had this conversation with me." josei

Lily opened her mouth to complain but Kat cut her off, "Furthermore. Kamiko's mother is a very high ranking healer and she could have helped if any issues cropped up. Plus I would have been whisked off to the hospital if anything truly bad was happening to me. It was no more dangerous then doing a normal stocktake, or like… sorting out the library. I just needed to check what things were where and what they did."

Three of the rooms occupants were clearly still unimpressed with the explanation.

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