D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 547

Chapter 547: Recapping Part 2

Chapter 547: Recapping Part 2

If the humans in the lounge room were unimpressed when Kat told them the job at Greed. They were practically incensed to hear about the specific. Well, Callisto was asking about the exact nature of every magic item and all the details that came along with it and felt very little concern… but everyone else was quite annoyed. Kat found herself wishing the others would just agree with her and Callisto. She knew she was fine, and the damage hadn't even lasted for a day. It wasn't worth getting upset about it at all.

To avoid the uncomfortable questions they were short to ask once she announced the day at Greed had concluded, she just ploughed straight into the story about meeting Nira. Reactions were varied. Callisto was interested in Nira for her medical expertise, Vivian just thought she seemed fun to be around, Sylvie seemed to not really think much about her, and Lily was bright red just imagining the jokes that could have been made, despite the fact Kat had very carefully avoided mentioning the specifics of what had been said, just the idea of it was enough to bring a blush out of her bushy haired friend.

"She must have done considerable research on Succubi. I wonder if she'd let me look over any of her notes to try and work out how you interact with things here on Earth. Just knowing the mechanics behind your wings would be a great boon…" said Callisto as she tapped her cheek with a pencil.

*Hmm… well, Nira does seem to enjoy her research. I don't know how much she safeguards that sort of thing… I imagine it's pretty basic textbook stuff that you could just find in like a library or on their version of the internet if they have it. Then again… I'm not sure if they'd share that sort of medical data with other races… guess it depends. Wait. Hey system do you know?*

D.E.M.O.N.S cannot provide that information to User Kat as she is not a part of Medical without direct permission from someone in the Faction.

"Maybe? The system says it can't share it with me because it's Medicals stuff but at the same time… it did also seem to imply that anyone from that faction could tell me because they didn't give any specifications for like… a high ranking member or something" said Kat

Callisto nodded and made another note on her notebook. "She sounds like a lot of fun. I wonder if we could invite her around. It doesn't seem super safe for us to be on the Hub but they might be able to come here!" said Vivian happily.

Lily looked distinctly displeased with that idea, but Sylvie broke in as the voice of reason first, "We should wait to hear about the rest of the family first. We couldn't just invite one or two of them over by the sounds of things."

Things settled down at that proclamation and everyone turned to Kat to continue the story. So she did, mentioning the second day at Greed, trying this time to deliberately downplay the danger as best she could, but was limited somewhat because of her inability to lie so they still weren't terribly happy with that part of the story. josei

So, Kat once again quickly segued into meeting Elmony and the interesting things that came of that. The most combative member of the family and the one with a much bigger presence. For all the power Nira supposedly had, Elmony was simply intimidating by default. She talked about the blood wings, the interesting advice she'd been given.

"She sounds really cool" said Sylvie, "If the trend keeps up I think they are well worth inviting over. I wonder how well the blood manipulation would work on Earth. Assuming she starts off touching the blood it might be possible depending on how it works."

Callisto picked up the train of thought from Sylvie, "Indeed. If her demonic energy is inside the blood and moving it around that way… it might work. If however, it's a coating on the outside of the blood then I doubt it'd work at all. Her wings would actually be the more interesting question. It's very unclear how solid they are. How intrinsic are they? Are they an extension of her body of an extension of her blood manipulation ability? Interesting questions indeed"

*Seems like at the rate we're going they'll want to invite them all over before I finish introducing them all.* "Well, next up is Envy. They were weird…" Kat went on to explain how Envy had tried and failed rather badly to get information out of them. She explained that they could try, but not really and how it all felt mostly like a big joke to her… and how Kamiko decided she probably needed therapy because of it. Kat was a little hesitant to reveal that part, but considering Kamiko had managed to tell her own family and wasn't being shy about it anymore, Kat felt it was fine. Plus, who were they going to tell?

"I'm not impressed they could get away with even that much" said Vivian, "Sure I understand you're on punishment duty but I think I like the idea of Envy's punishment the least even if I'm not happy at all with Greed and you dealt with this one much better. I just don't think it's right to try and get information out of people who haven't done you wrong. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth"

"Not that I disagree but…" Callisto started. Vivian shot her a glare, attempting to get Callisto to stop there… she didn't listen "…if it actually got Kamiko to admit she needs therapy then I can only consider it a good thing. Keeping your mental health in order is a thing more people should do. Not everyone can be as sane as me"

Vivian rolled her eyes, "Are you sure you don't see yourself in her, trying to convince yourself that you also need therapy"

Callisto scoffed in response, "Don't be silly I meant what I said. Most people think I'm a little crazy, and I'm not disputing that. However I'd classify myself as perfectly sane. I know my mind very well and while I may hide things from others I do not hard anything from myself. I am at peace with my place in life. My only issue that a doctor would come at me for is my lack of sleep but I seem to suffer no ill effects from that and consider it a boon"

Vivian just sighed and didn't say anything. The words were mostly said in jest anyway, and it was clear this topic had come up before. Lily jumped in with, "Why didn't they just… ask nicely? I imagine that would have worked on Kat. Heck, the tactic they used on Kamiko would have done wonders"

"I honestly don't know" said Kat. "I was thinking the same thing honestly. The whole day was super weird. The Triplets didn't really help either…" Kat then went on to describe the meeting with the Triplets. Everyone seemed rather interested in them, with only Vivian only thinking them mildly noteworthy.

Kat explained Kamiko's major hang up in them treating themselves as interchangeable and what issues had cropped up because of it. She left out most of Kamiko's rant but felt the core issue of interchangeability was too entwined with the Triplets to leave out of her story. Kat did mention how different they really were to further reinforce the point.

They all had such different interests and it really was a wonder how things got to where they were. Callisto actually laughed when she found out they didn't all know about the issue in the first place because they'd been left out of the loop. "How funny that Kamiko treated them too similarly as well even when making accusations"

"True…" said Vivian in such a way that it was clear she didn't necessarily agree with the word she was speaking even if it was a fact. "… but what else was she supposed to do? They'd given her no prior indication that she was wrong, and quite a few ways in which she was right. Surely you'd just consider it… testing a hypothesis? One that she'd nearly confirmed?"

"If you want to go down that route, it's very easy to argue that she was suffering from confirmation bias. She'd seen nothing to indicate they didn't all know and just assumed that it was the truth when no information about it came to light after such a long time. That's not really a good way to test things, in fact it's one of the specific things we're told to look out for in testing"

Vivian huffed. "Fine ok, maybe it's a fair assumption to make"

"Personally I wonder what it's like on the Triplet's end." Said Lily "I mean really, how often do people outside of family make that mistake? I can't decide if it would be common or not. They all clearly have their own niches and likely their own friend groups so it shouldn't happen… but if they look and talk similarly enough maybe they get mixed up all the time."

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