D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 548

Chapter 548: Recapping Part 3

Chapter 548: Recapping Part 3

"I'm not sure…" said Kat thoughtfully, "I suppose it really depends on how often they go to the same place separately if that makes sense" Lily tilted her head and gestured for Kat to continue. "Right well… they like to speak in sync. So I know for a fact they all sound the same. They speak the same way, at least when they want to, and they wear matching clothes fairly often.

"So it's more a question of them confusing people then honest mistakes I think. They seemed like the kind to enjoy messing with others. So if I had to guess… I'd say they get mixed up quite often but it's normally intentional"

Lily nodded, "Yes I suppose that makes sense. I'm surprised that all three go along with it so easily. I'd have assumed that at least one did not enjoy playing pranks on people but it sounds like they all get a kick out of it."

"I wonder if it has anything to do with telepathic bleed over…" pondered Callisto

"What do you mean?" asked Lily

"Well, Kat mentioned that they can sync their minds up somewhat. It is unclear to what extent that is true, but at the very least they are mildly connected. Perhaps they have such different interests to keep themselves separate when they sync up? To keep their individuality? It would also explain why they all like pranks. Assuming two of them did originally… all of them continually syncing up and enjoying pranking together might make it so all three of them enjoy it now" explained Callisto.

*That… is an awkward idea. I don't really know what that could mean. Except… wait…* "But remember they got in a disagreement over how to treat Kamiko. How much bleed over can their really be if they missed something like that?" asked Kat

Callisto shrugged, "If they did not think about it, it just might not have come up. Imagine… hmm… depending on how they share thoughts it might be possible. If they can share ideas… I imagine that some bleed over is inevitable. They might not have all of each others' memories but I find it likely they share emotions when connected."

"I have no idea, I didn't really ask." Said Kat

"Well, we can add that to the reasons for inviting them over" said Vivian cheerily. This got everyone back on track somewhat and Kat started to describe the next outing which was her trip to Gluttony. She spoke about the endless rows of food stalls, Freddy their guide, and a bit about the dish she chose. Kat also spoke about just how hard it was. That she realised keeping up her work at such a high speed for the whole day was something that weighed heavily on her.

"What did you think about the kitchen?" asked Callisto

"I mean… I thought I covered that? It seemed fairly high tech but nothing too weird… why?" replied Kat

"I am just thinking… that perhaps they have other higher tech kitchens as well. I know you mentioned that Kamiko's family has a more normal kitchen… but I find it hard to believe that Gluttony would settle for a slightly better then modern set of appliances. It just doesn't seem realistic considering the strange and wonderful things that Greed had just lying around in a warehouse" explained Callisto.

"You make a good point" said Lily jumping in, "and Kat already confirmed that there was multiple kitchens. Just the fact they can essentially freeze food in time is weird. It's so far beyond what the rest of the room was capable of I can't help but imagine that they have other fancy appliances. At the very least they'd have dedicated machines for stuff like pizza or bread"

Vivian's eyes lit up at this, "Oh! We aren't even thinking big enough. They could also have fancy stuff for the fancy stuff… er… I mean. They might have dishes that rely on technology we haven't invented yet. They might have… I dunno… a fancy way of preparing fruit that we haven't even discovered yet. Or… OR! Wait, they might have entirely new food groups!"

That last comment jogged some of Kat's memories, "Actually I know for a fact they must. Not everyone can eat them but I know some demons just eat rocks. Actual rocks. I can't imagine you cook a rock the same way you prepare a meat and greens dish. Surely they need special equipment for that as well"

"Fascinating" said Callisto as she made more notes. "Yes, for something like rocks I cannot even begin to imagine the sort of prep work that would have to go into it. Truly there is much we could learn even from their chefs."

"That's all well and good… but Kat, tell us about who you met the next day!" said Sylvie, "The food is basically just speculation."

Kat grinned awkwardly at Sylvie's request. "Well… we didn't exactly meet Kamiko's dad Trigrath that day. We sort of did… look… ok so this is what happened…" Kat quickly explained their plan to take a bath and then grab a bit of food and collapse, then how Trigrath had shown up smelling horrible and trying to keep it around him. Explaining why they didn't really speak to him that day.

She then went straight on to describe her second day with Gluttony, which was more of the same really. Then she got to Trigrath's true introduction and the story of why Aslena doesn't deserve nice things. The occupants of the room were completely shocked by the end of the story.

"I can't believe she got away with it" said Lily josei

"I can" said Sylvie

"It does show a shocking lack of perception on the father's part…" mumbled Callisto

"Poor dear" said Vivian, "She deserves a hug. Kamiko that is. I might need to beat some sense into Aslena if she was to come over… I know she can take it. She's a demon… then again… don't want to overstep and have Nira come after me…"

*I wonder if I should spoil what ends up happening when I meet Aslena… nah let's leave that for later. I want to see how they react when it comes up later.* "So, after that was particular day finished up. We headed to Sloth and got sent… TO THE MINES! Really it was like this…" Kat described the room they ended up in first, and how they were sent into what was essentially the coat room for the miners.

She then detailed the meeting with Stone and the many things they needed to keep in mind while they worked underground. Kat supplemented this with tails of the rats once she started to work on them. How simple it was, and how much better Kamiko was at it. Kat was tempted to go into some of the thoughts she'd had down there… but decided it wasn't really the time.

Kat did want to talk about her place in the odd family they'd developed, but today was for retelling her adventures. It wasn't for dredging up that particularly heavy topic. Of course, she was ignoring the looks of shock already on the groups faces when they had found out she'd been forced to go into a mine to kill rats.

"I don't know if I should call that punishment excessive of appropriate" said Vivian while biting her lip. "On the one hand… it clearly wasn't hard. More equivalent to spending a day picking up trash… but you're killing things by the thousands and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Sure they're just rats but… you know. It's a lot"

"If it makes you feel better they were a hivemind" said Kat, "So it was more like I was chopping of fingers instead of heads?"

Vivian gave Kat a raised eyebrow in response. Callisto however took the idea and ran with it, "A Hivemind you say? How efficient was it? Could it react and move troops around?"

"Eh…" mumbled Kat dragging the word out. "Not really? I mean… no. No it couldn't. Even though it was a hivemind of rats it really wasn't much smarter then… well a big bunch of rats. Perhaps even less smart then a normal rat because they lack survival instinct. The only thing they had going for them was just how many there were"

"How do you even end a hivemind like that?" asked Lily

"Oh, that's the second day's adventure… it's a bit more… full on…" said Kat as she shifted somewhat awkwardly. This was made harder by the fact Lily was clinging to her and trying to stare Kat down. Sylvie of course found the whole thing very silly. Kat was fine and knew it was nothing to truly be worried about.

"Do you want to tell use something?" said Vivian turning further in place to add her own glare to Lily's.

Kat sighed, "Don't worry I'll get to that. I can't just go skipping around though. Especially because of how interesting what happened that afternoon was…"

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