D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 549

Chapter 549: Recapping Part 4

Chapter 549: Recapping Part 4

Kat then went on to detail arriving back at Kamiko's home and finding Aslena there. Pointing out how she'd tried to antagonise Aslena but that it hadn't really worked… except that it did? Kat's explanation started to stall out. "Look it… it was strange really…" Kat could see the other's all gaining a 'get on with it expression. "Fine… I guess I'll explain what I can.

"So, I started trying… set Aslena up I guess? I wanted to find out why she didn't get along with Kamiko… or bait her into attacking me and then fight back a bit. Nothing serious of course… but I didn't really like the things she'd done so I was prepared… or well, I thought I was prepared. How that day ended was certainly outside of my expectations…

"So… I niggled at her for a while, back and forth… then I just sort off…" Kat trailed off as she tried to explain what happened.

Lily jumped in though with, "You started easily answering her questions because that's just what you do?"

Kat sheepishly nodded, "…Yes exactly that. It turns out though… she was actually more surprised by my friendship with Kamiko then I thought. Things sort of… hit the girl hard. I'm not sure how much sympathy I really have for her… but… she burst out crying and Kamiko went after her after some emotional moments of her own. It seems to have worked out in the end though."

"You haven't exactly explained how it worked out though" said Callisto pointing her pencil over at Kat.

Kat glanced away at the rebuke. "As I said… it's complicated. I don't want to go too deep into things, but I already told you one of the many things Aslena did when Kamiko was younger. From what I know it never really got better but… for some reason while I was around it really hit her that she wasn't doing right by Kamiko. Not sure what it was honestly. I also wonder if she eased up a bit on Kamiko beforehand to get to that point. Kamiko made it sound like that wasn't the case… but I don't think she was keeping track"

"They sure keep the family interesting," said Vivian. "Not a dull moment from the sounds of things."

"I guess so. I also spoke with Nira a bit that night but I won't be repeating the things she told me." Said Kat. *Because I really don't want it getting back to her that somehow I spread the one secret she wants to keep from he children. She could easily take me apart and put me back together with feet for hands or something. I bet it's possible, maybe even easy for someone of her skill.*

The others accepted Kat's secrecy knowing she must have had a good reason for it. That didn't stop them encouraging her to explain what happened next. Kat actually slowed down her perception of time for a bit just to drag the moments out to try and find a way to avoid talking about the mess that was her second mining expedition.

Sadly, she couldn't find a way to get out of it. Plus, she knew they'd already taken note of how she'd skim over fight scenes that were particularly brutal from other previous times she'd talked about her adventures so that would be out. So in the end she was forced to just get on with it.

First she explained Sue and mentioned her complaining, but also skipped ahead a bit to give a few examples of her less then appropriate jokes and the way she really came through in the end. She could see the others really wanted to say something but were waiting for the end of the story proper so Kat continued. She detailed the ice cave they ended up in for the start of the journey.

How Kat managed to carve out a path and then the giant rat that had taken a bit of effort. Kat actually described that fight in more or less its entirety and found everyone was remarkably ok with it. Concerned for sure, but much less annoyed then when she'd tried to downplay things. Riding that wave she talked about the tunnel a bit and the patrols they had found. Detailing the tactics that they needed to use to take out the Guard rats and how Sue just hammered the little ones.

Finally, she spoke at great length about the final room. Talking about the plans they'd come up with before deciding to wait on Stone. Kat waxed poetic about how Stone had charged in and cleared the area before taking on the role of holding the two biggest threats in place. Kat admittedly did skim over the final Guard Rat fights by downplaying the injuries significantly, but the spectacle of this part seemed to be enough for the others to accept it… well, Sylvie didn't seem to, but the others were willing to go along and Sylvie decided not to correct them.

Kat talked about the big final strike on the Crystal rat that took everyone working together, Sue, Kamiko, Kat and Stone. She talked about the trip back briefly and then wound the story down. "…and that's what I did in the mines. I've been told it was a bit more then I'd normally be expected to do on a Punishment, but it really did need to happen. Things could have gotten bad if it was just left around."

"That really sounds like something they should have sent more people on in the first place" said Vivian, "I know you can regen and they had someone to shield Kamiko a bit… but not that well all things considered. She was only a few steps from danger the whole time."

Kat shrugged. "Well, what could they do? I imagine healers are hard to come by and if we had more people that's less Sue could shield. I should have mentioned that she could only have two at a time. One on someone else and one on her. That's the limit." josei

Vivian sighed and said, "That still doesn't seem like a job for three people"

"Well it ended up taking four?" suppled Kat as happily as she could manage.

"If I was to take Vivian's side here I would advocate for Stone following the entire time. He is clearly strong enough to clear the rats out quickly and while he did need help in the final room, I wonder how much of that help is because he had you along and not that he truly needed the help" said Callisto.

"What do you mean?" asked Kat

"I am just considering the idea that if he was alone and didn't need to worry about the Crystal rat potentially attacking the three Succubi he had with him it might have been something he could deal with himself. Now I'm not saying that has to be true, but I think it is a likely thing" said Callisto.

Kat went over her memories and tried to work out if Callisto's assumption was correct. Kat personally found herself on the fence. *I think Stone could have easily sent us back if he really wanted to. He didn't need to take us. Callisto does make good points though… I suppose what it really boils down to is if Stone could have killed the Crystal Rat himself. He could only hold it in place and he didn't really have a good weapon to damage it.* Kat explained her main issue with Callisto's theory.

Lily chimed in supporting Kat's idea while Sylvie and Vivian seemed on the fence. Callisto answered with, "I can accept that as a possibility. I think however, the real question is if he could have killed the Summoner rat by himself. Maybe tanked a few hits from the Crystal rat to get at her. The again… there is every chance the Crystal rat was more independent then the others and could have kept going so maybe I am incorrect here. Still, food for thought I suppose."

"I just think he wouldn't have kept them around if it was really so much harder with them present" said Lily, "I mean. He was responsible for their safety I imagine. He was the person in charge at the time as well as their guide. If something bad happen to any of them then he'd be the one in trouble. I can't imagine he'd risk that sort of scandal just to make Kat, Kamiko and Sue feel a bit more important. It doesn't make sense"

"Ah, that is an angle I hadn't considered properly" mumbled Callisto as she scribbled on her pad. "Looking at not if it was possible, but the potential motivations for doing so. Yes… and if we consider he knows Sue and her family it makes it even less likely he'd be willing to risk the safety of anyone in such a silly way. I think you make an excellent point Lily"

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