D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 550

Chapter 550: Recapping Part 5, Finale

Chapter 550: Recapping Part 5, Finale

Kat then went on to explain just how tired they were after the fighting the rats and how nothing really came up that night. Then she started to speak about Lust. The final 'punishment' and how it was basically a vacation. She talked about the main conversation with Lilian as well as all the rooms she went to. "… and that sums up the last Faction"

"Was it really necessary to make that promise?" asked Vivian, "Seems odd to commit to joining Lust". Lily was currently trying to burry her bright red face in Kat's side and it was working somewhat well.

Kat brushed her thoughts on that aside to focus on what Vivian was asking her. "Well I got a cool chair out of it!" joked Kat.

"This is serious Kat," said Vivian, "it's such a big part of your future… and to just give Lust such a big head start… I hope you know what you're doing"

"Well I just had to say I was intending to join Lust at that moment and considered it likely I would in the future. If something major comes up I can easily pick something else… but I don't think I will. There's nothing wrong with the Faction, it really does seem to suit me best even if we ignore the day off they gave me."

"True but it may be an issue to so thoroughly tie yourself to the idea of Lust" said Callisto. "It's possible that joining a Faction has an effect on its members. I would hate to see you so thoroughly changed."

Kat decided there was a very easy counterpoint to Callisto's worry, and that was to just ask the system about it. *So D.E.M.O.N.S, is Callisto right? Is there any mental effect that changes people who join different Factions or more specifically Lust.*

No compulsions are present in the Faction system and applying a compulsion to User Kat while on the Hub is considered an illegal offence. Despite this many demons desire to adapt to the environment they have found themselves in and gain similar abilities to other nearby demons.

"There you go," stated Kat, "I just asked the system and it said that not only is there no compulsions when you are in a faction, but that compulsions are actually illegal in the Hub. Is that a satisfactory response?"

Callisto shrugged but made a note of it anyway before she spoke. "It is possible the system is lying to you. It may not be bound by the same limitations to tell the truth as other demons are. Still, it has given us no reason to believe that to be the case. I do expect pear pressure is a real and present thing for many demons. From what I know of Kat she is unlikely to be majorly effected." josei

"Yeah!" said Sylvie firmly, "Kat can take care of herself. She won't let anyone bully anyone else and she won't be forced to change for anyone's amusement. She could handle a bunch of rowdy kids at the orphanage for years."

Lily managed to recover enough of her blush to say, "True but she ended up in that role before she was actually the oldest. She was just the person who'd been at the orphanage the longest"

"She was the best person for the job. Big sis Kat is great, and she was especially nice to me. It's why I was more than happy to get her to come with me. I'm glad Vivian adopted her as well. I hope the orphanage can stay standing without her" said Sylvie.

*Well that's an interesting way of looking at things. I wonder who I consider more correct. Was I forced into a role before my time? Or was I able to distinguish myself amongst other kids, even the older ones and outperform them easily. Hmm… bit of both maybe? I certainly enjoyed the work and I don't regret it for a second. It was actually a little hard to give it up when Gramps convinced me to start handing over the reins.

On the other hand, I certainly got forced into it. I was probably a little young at the time… but I got so much practice as well. I can't even remember when exactly it was that they started to get me helping in between adoptions or the exact moment I took over. Hmm… I wonder if that's something I should have paid better attention to.*

"I think… isn't Lust a bit of a… well… erotic Faction? You didn't mention any areas like that but did you leave them out?" asked Lily with a bright red face after the silence had stretched on.

Kat moved her tail around to pat Lily on the head with it and said, "Not at all. Sure they have those kind of areas, but you can avoid them quite easily. Though I imagine it's split somewhere around fifty-fifty. By the sounds of things almost every activity has a family friendly version and one for… more adult things"

Lily was already bright red but somehow she managed to get even more colour in her cheeks as it started to flow down her neck. "Um… er… right… um… why didn't you go near those areas? Was it an age thing?" asked Lily in a voice that betrayed her as not really wanting the answer to those questions.

"It was because I wasn't interested at all" said Kat easily.

Light flashed in Callisto's eyes as she carefully noted something down making sure that her hand movements were small and easily missed. If Kat was to review the memory only the slight shaking of the pen in Callisto's hand would be visible, and she made it look more like she was just bouncing it around her fingers.

Vivian looked at the group. She wanted to know a bit more about Lust, even if Lillian herself seemed fine but she noticed that adding more ideas to Lily's head might cause the poor girl to pass out. Something Kat had sadly missed. So she took it upon herself to move things along. "So what happened after that?"

Kat explained the party and her meeting with maybe Meridithna. The others didn't have too much to say to that outside of Vivian's "That was really nice of them. I wonder where they get their jelly obsession from… is it genetic?"

"I am more interested in the cloaked figure. I wonder what the chances of it being Meridithna are? Seems quite likely but you might have been led to that conclusion" said Callisto. With Kat not narrating the exact conversation the few major clues that all but proved the cloaked figures identity weren't included in the retelling.

After that, things started to calm down. The group took a break from things to eat lunch and then sat around chatting about what the rest of them had been up to during the time Kat was away. Sylvie had been reading books supplied by Callisto and was greatly enjoying the current series she was on. Vivian had been working for a relatively boring client that was at least overpaying for things so she wasn't too annoyed.

And Callisto had been doing some research into evolution of all things. Mostly looking for any hint as to where Kat's biology might have come from. She didn't find anything and didn't exactly have much hope considering the confirmation that other worlds existed. Callisto thought it likely they originated somewhere else, but she was determined to make that guess a certainty.

Eventually though Lily moved over to Kat to ask, "Hey um… can we head up to your room? I'd like to chat a bit with… ah… just the two of us if that's alright."

Kat looked over a Lily who seemed nervous for some reason. *Why is she so nervous? Is it because I haven't made enough time for her recently? That would be annoying if that was the case. I really didn't mean to leave her out of things… I didn't think I did? Wait no. Why am I assuming she's annoyed? She doesn't look annoyed, and it's probably to do with her race change.*

"Sure, let's go!" said Kat projecting cheer she couldn't quite bring herself to truly feel, some niggling feeling that there was something missing pervading her mind.

When they got upstairs Kat flopped down on her bed, back against the headrest and wings out so they didn't get overly squashed. She patted the space beside her and Lily froze for a second before swallowing and climbing into the space Kat made for her. "So what's up?" asked Kat

"Well…" said Lily playing with her fingers, making sure not to look Kat directly in the eye. "I… I think I've decided what um… what race to go with… but… um… you see…" Lily started to stammer and gain a slight dusting of red in her cheeks as she failed to say what she wanted. Kat pulled Lily into a proper hug which caused Lily to blush even more. Lily bit her lip and took in a few deep breaths…

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