D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 558

Chapter 558: Weird and Wonderful Relationship Questions

Chapter 558: Weird and Wonderful Relationship Questions

"What about your family?" asked Lily suddenly. It had been a few… ok a considerable number of moments since Lily had finished speaking of her issues with her parents. Neither minded, and Lily certainly wasn't going to leave Kat's embrace any time soon if she had anything to say about it.

"What do you mean?" asked Kat

"Well… I mean, is there anything I should know about the orphanage or Gramps or Vivian, Callisto and Sylvie? I may have talked for a while but my family is much less complicated even if they are more annoying" said Lily softly into Kat's ear.

*Well… I don't really have the same issues and I think everyone on that list actually likes Lily.* "I don't think anything really comes to mind Lily. Gramps would probably find some way to make a joke about it. Maybe ask for a rug as dowry or something. The rest of the orphanage… well the little ones would either be confused that I picked another girl, or they'd just be happy I found somebody I like. We don't really have that many old enough to understand the implications properly or have their own opinions. Even if the teens say otherwise don't listen to them.

"Um… Vivian, Callisto and Sylvie… well I'm pretty sure Vivian would have adopted you already if it was socially acceptable. She hasn't been too happy with your parents and she likes you quite a lot," Lily gained a bit of colour in her cheeks at that.

"A good thing she didn't. I'd hate to try asking you out after you become my sister. That'd be so much harder" grumbled Lily good naturedly. As Kat grimaced at the thought.

*Oh yeah. I'm really glad that didn't happen. I would have certainly justified the fact that I don't feel any lust when I looked at Lily as familial love. That would have ended horribly for everyone. The me in that timeline would be miserable. Or at the very least never know how happy this has already made me. I could sit here with Lily for a week and stay happy.*

"While I can see how you might find that funny Lily, and I'll admit it is a bit, imagine how it would have played out. I would have justified away my own feelings and maybe yours as well if that happened. It would have given me such a convenient excuse," said Kat

Lily grimaced as well and buried her head into Kat's shoulder to let out a long groan. Kat just held her closer and continued to lovingly run her fingers up Lily's side. "It's fine Lily. It didn't happen. Plus, your parents would have to be much worse for you to end up living here"

"Maybe… but Kat…" said Lily with a slight tinge of sadness, "if somebody had put the idea that you only love me a sister in your head before now… wouldn't things have been just as bad?"

Kat swallowed heavily realising that Lily was probably right. So she pointedly ignored that and went back to the topic that got them started down this rabbit hole. "Callisto probably likes you enough" Lily sighed and leaned in to Kat, which was a surprise to the demon, that she was just willing to go with the sharp topic transition, "…it's just really hard to tell with her if I'm honest. I doubt she'd complain… but she may have started taking notes on our private lives."

Lily's eyes actually lit up a bit at the idea as she started to giggle with words breaking free every now and again. "Oh Kat… Kat I can picture it… hehe… how many times we kiss in a day… how often we sneak into… each other's rooms… maybe even how long it takes… takes us to kiss… because I'm sure you can hold your breath longer then… me… hehehe"

Kat started to laugh softly as well mostly just being uplifted by the sound of Lily's own laughter. It was uniquely her. Even the giggles were in oddly hushed tones, as if Lily was afraid to laugh in the library lest she be overheard. Still, the sound was clear and very pleasant to Kat's ears. "She might start noting down how many hours of the day we spend hugging each other" added Kat

Lily continued to laugh, "No, no no Kat. She'd need to mark how many minutes we spend apart. It'd be less time to keep track off"

The girls burst into shared giggles after that and found it a struggle to talk for a while. They didn't even need to add anything more to it. They both tried, but as soon as they caught one another's eyes they burst into laughter again and it continued. This repeated for a surprising amount of time, and once things calmed down again the new couple were quite happy to just enjoy the moment again.

Eventually, Lily did ask, "What about Sylvie? She's the only one you haven't mentioned"

"Hmmm" Kat hummed at the question as she thought it other. "Really I foresee one of three paths Sylvie could take. She's surprisingly mature but also still a kid sometimes. She's either going to be very happy that I found someone. Two she's going to be annoyed about me not spending as much time with her. Or three, she's going to nod as if she knew this was going to happen the whole time and continue on business as usual"

"Yup that does sound scarily accurate" said Lily with a slight shiver as she prated for option one or three. "I mean, I wouldn't want to take time away from her. Trust me I know what it's like to not get to spend as much time with a loved one as you want" Lily poked Kat lightly in the side, "but she's free to hang out with us. She's adorable and important to you… and I doubt I could say no if she asked. Plus… well what sort of things will be doing?

"Um… like… oh" Lily started to gain a pink tinting to her skin once again, "I… I want to ask what… um… what limits we have? Wait… don't answer that. Um… what… what I meant to say was… um… what do you want to do? Like… I get that you kissed me. Trust me I LOVED that. I would never say no to more… but… does that sort of thing make you uncomfortable? What about in the future when we want to go further… or well… I guess that'd just be me. Um… still the question stands" josei

"Well, certainly nothing inappropriate when Sylvie's around regardless." Said Kat firmly.

Lily just smiled and gave Kat a quick peck on the cheek. "Oh? And what do you consider inappropriate? Does kissing count?"

*That's a good question actually. Probably not? Where do I draw the line exactly? This feels like a weird question. I've seen Lily naked before, and I'm sure… well at least I think she's seen me naked. She always used to look away with a bright red face. Which makes a lot more sense now then just her being shy. Anyway… what does count as inappropriate for kids? I don't think Sylvie would care about cooties or something silly like that, but if she doesn't fully understand that kissing people on the lips is only for when you have a partner you really love… nah she's not that dense. I'll explain it to her if Vivian won't but yeah. Kissing should be fine.

More though… I don't really know. I'm certainly not going to be feeling Lily up or anything because that isn't a particularly big draw for me… should I stop her doing the same? I doubt I'd really react too much unless she went right for the… um… sensitive areas which I'm sure Lily can tell is very inappropriate. But what are the between steps? I… I find myself not actually knowing? What comes between kissing and sex?*

"Lily I have had the startling realisation I don't know what comes between kissing and sex." Stated Kat

Lily chocked on air. "I'm sorry what?" Kat repeated the question. "I'm still quite confused… I mean… no what are you talking about?"

"Well… er… I mean…" Kat felt embarrassed now for not knowing what seemed to be common information, "So. Kissing is fine around Sylvie but sex isn't. Those are clear… but what happens in the middle? Surely there's something else in between?"

Lily paled slightly as she looked at Kat. "Oh please tell me I don't have to go through this with my girlfriend" whispered Lily but seeing Kat's honestly confused expression caused her to sigh "Oh god she really doesn't know…

"Ok. Um… look. There's a difference between a somewhat chaste kiss on the lips and me trying to stick my tongue down you're throat alright?" Lily glanced at Kat to find only more confusion.

"Why would you want to do that?" asked Kat genuinely wondering why that would be enjoyable.

"Nope. Nope Vivian can explain this to you. This should NOT be my job" groaned Lily

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