D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 559

Chapter 559: Realising that Boundaries Need to be Set… Reluctantly.

Chapter 559: Realising that Boundaries Need to be Set… Reluctantly.

"So… um…" Lily stumbled slightly on the words. Even knowing that Kat had a lot to learn when it came to stages of relationships, she felt the need to ask. "what… um… what are you comfortable with when Sylvie won't be around? I don't want to push you of course… I just… where do I stand?"

"What do you mean?" asked Kat

"Well… I mean… it's embarrassing to say this… but… does kissing make you uncomfortable? What about going further? I don't want to rush of course but… um… well… I'd just like to know what's possible I guess" murmured Lily. Once she finished speaking she buried her red face into Kat's side to hide it.

Kat just smiled and started to let her fingers trail through Lily's bushy hair. "I really don't mind Lily. We can take this at your pace. I've seen you naked before and it's never been a problem before. If you want to go further then that… well we can try. We covered this though. I don't feel grossed out by the idea at all but I'm not called to do it. I feel a stronger desire to rub my face against yours or give you a hug and wrap my tail around you then kissing. Not that it isn't nice. It was… fine? I guess? I was freaking out a bit both times so I don't really know how enjoyable it would be when calmer"

Lily sighed. Kat's answer didn't make things any easier on her, but she also knew that she wouldn't trade making things simpler for someone other than Kat. "Kat you can't just ask me something like that. I have so many conflicting answers. Obviously a large part of me wants you to just… just… go all the way… BUT. That's the very horny part of me that's freaking out over having a Succubus for a girlfriend.

"The more rational part of me wants to take things much slower. While you might not know much about kissing… I did… no ok you know me well enough I'm not even going to pretend. I did a lot of research on the subject, and… I think we can take the time to explore that before going any further. Oh, and while you might want to say that I can take the lead again… please take a bit of initiative as well. I… I don't want to be worried about if I should kiss you or not all the time, and it's going to take a bit for me to realise that it's ok you know? So… as long as it's nothing too extreme I want you to take the chance if you can. More for my benefit then yours I guess… but if you don't mind… that's what I'd like"

*Well even I'm not so dense as to miss a queue like that.* Despite Kat's thoughts Lily was just being honest. She wasn't trying to signal Kat in any way… so when she felt her body being lifted she was somewhat surprised. When Kat, trying to 'take things slow' gently brushed her lips against Lily's before letting their mouths meet, Lily's mind had already turned pink.

Kat stepped things up though. Somehow just listening to her instincts she lightly sucked on Lily's bottom lip as the kiss went on and Lily felt her mind explode. Kat might have just been enjoying the fact they were sitting together but Lily was experiencing whole knew worlds of feeling. She felt like she was flying yet at the same time had never felt more sure of her place in the world. Part of her wanted to wrap her arms around Kat and deepen the kiss. That part was rapidly overwhelmed by pleasure when Kat very gently bit into her lip and she blacked out for a second. josei

When Kat pulled back, she looked at Lily for a sign that she'd done well only to be met by glazed eyes and a smile as wide as it could go. *Hmm… did I overdo it? Is she ok? Why does she taste like cherries? These are the questions I want answered… but they don't feel important right now.* Kat pulled Lily in closer, rubbing the side of her face against Lily's as she tightened the grip she had around Lily's body.

It took a little while for Lily to come back to the land of reality, and feeling Kat's smooth skin rubbing against her face was such a wonderful feeling she nearly lost herself in that as well, moving her head in concert with Kat. If asked, she'd say it was practice for when her Memphis instincts take over soon. Of course, unlike Kat, she can lie about things, so she could get away with that excuse.

Eventually, Lily's breathing calmed down and her mind returned enough to pull away and snuggle back into Kat's arms. "Yes, exactly like that" panted Lily. "I don't really understand what you did… but that was great. I… I think I made the right call limiting you to kisses. That was already nearly overwhelming for me." Not willing to admit it wasn't 'nearly' anything.

Kat was surprised to find herself actually blushing at that. *Why am I blushing? Am… am I embarrassed at knowing how to kiss? Why? Also why do I know how? Is it all natural instinct now? Hmmm… I doubt I could have managed something like that as a human… seems like the Succubus transformation gets another mark in its favour. Not that it really has anything marks against except for not being able to hide the demonic appendages.*

"I'm glad you approve" said Kat before giving Lily another quick pick on the temple. She felt Lily's whole body shiver at the touch and watched the smile that was slowly returning to content go straight to full power again.

When Lily spoke, her voice was slightly heavy as Lily had somewhat given up on reigning her rampant feelings and breathing in at this point. "Definitely. Top marks go to Kat"

Kat grinned wide letting the slightest bit of teeth show, "Oh? Top marks from the researcher herself? Why I can hardly think of higher praise" Kat felt a burst of warmth at actually being able to say the words, finding they rang truer than she'd thought when she started the sentence.

*Huh… I wonder if that changed now that we're together… or if I always held her opinion in such high regard? Especially the way she said it. I can't help but feel inordinately pleased with myself for some reason. Aw well, it's not important.*

Lily flushed at the praise, especially as she knew Kat couldn't lie, just one of the many things she'd engraved into her mind about her crush. "Thanks" mumbled Lily, as she tried not to let her heart burst out of her chest.

The pair lapsed back into silence for a while, before Kat decided to bring up, "So how are we telling people? I doubt you want to hide this, and Vivian already knows, but what about the others?"

"Wait Vivian knows? I mean… I'm not terribly surprised but how does she know?" asked Lily

"Oh right… you probably weren't paying attention but when we were relaxed together after our first proper kiss where we both participated and I wasn't just standing there like a dead fish… she sort of peaked into the room and took a few pictures. I… I wasn't really paying attention at the time? My mind basically registered has as unimportant and not a threat and went back to enjoying hugging you" answered Kat.

"Oh…" said Lily, then more implications hit her. "OH. Wow… I'm surprised you were so out of it. I mean… I know I was but… I thought… well… no I'm just really happy now" Lily took in a few steadying breaths now forced to reign in some more of her feelings. She had already set the bar for Kat's reciprocated affections exceptionally low so as to not be disappointed. To find out Kat had all but completely ignored Vivian just to keep her full attention on their hug was a weight off her shoulder's she didn't realise she was carrying. "So Vivian knows. How soon before she just tells everyone?"

"Um… she'll probably want permission to share… but if Callisto catches her with the camera then Callisto and Sylvie probably know already" said Kat

"Hmm. I guess that's fine. I imagine their reactions wouldn't be too fun to see when they find out" said Lily with a shrug, "Well, Sylvie maybe but it won't really be the same. My parents though. Oh I NEED to be there when they find out, however we want to do this. Maybe I should just invite you over and kiss you…" Lily paused as her face turned bright red. "Nope. Never mind. Kissing you in front of my parents is too embarrassing.

Of course, Kat did what any good girlfriend ought to do in that moment. Kissed Lily lightly on the nose. It was a critical success.

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