D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 560

Chapter 560: They KNOW

Chapter 560: They KNOW

Before the kiss could properly deepen though, Kat heard the door open and pull back. The pout on Lily's face was adorable, and Kat thought it was worth remembering for the future. In small doses of course… likely with additional kisses afterwards to make up for it as well. Still, Kat dismissed the idle musings and turned to face the door, as she did so, Lily righting herself as well though unable to remove the blush on her face.

Vivian poked her head into the room slowly, as if giving them extra time specifically so that they were not caught out doing anything they didn't want known. When her eyes finally settled on the two, she started to poke her head in properly, and said, "You two want to come down and eat now? Food will be ready in a moment"

"Oh Um…" stuttered Lily.

Seeing her girlfriend's trouble Kat spoke up, "Sure that sounds good to us" and Lily calmed down. Vivian gained a massive grin on her face and pushed the door open allowing herself to return to full height as she did so. While that was happening, Kat got out of bed and practically carried Lily into an upright position. The girl in question action rather sweet and was glowing red when she got to her feet. josei

When they made it out to the hallway, Vivian said, "I see you've both sorted things out finally"

Kat frowned, "Wait… how long have you known Vivian?"

"Yeah, I thought I was… actually pretty good at hiding just how head over heals I was for Kat" said Lily softly, "I mean, I'm not too surprised, but I managed to hide my feelings once before, how did you guys pick up on it this time?"

Vivian grinned, "That's very simple Lily. Once someone spends enough time with you, it's quite clear that you have three smiles." Vivian set her face into a slightly more 'relaxed' smile that didn't look natural on her face. "The first is your polite smile. You show it when things are alright, when it is required of you, that sort of thing…"

Vivian then raised her mouth into what was a more fitting smile for Vivian, "Next is this smile, it's what I like to call your research smile. It means you've found something particularly interesting and must get to the bottom of it. Sometimes it moves around," Vivian tilted her smile from side to side letting some parts dip as others raised, and even crinkled it up slightly, her eyes shone to add to the effect and her ears even moved very slightly… but it was always a smile, "but it's very clearly still your research smile.

"The final smile, is the one you slip into when around Kat. Normally you just wear your research smile, but occasionally you slip up into your real smile. Now give me a second this one is a little hard to do…" Vivian stepped back slightly and schooled her face into a line. Taking in a deep breath, Vivian stilled… before Kat and Lily watched her whole face change.

At first it was like the research smile, large and vibrant, eyes shining with ears just slightly out of position, then it all changed. The barest hint of more teeth and Vivian's mouth practically glowed as the corners of her mouth took on slightly less sharp angles even as the smiled remained just as large. Her eyes which were already shining now seemed to gleam but with more depth to them, the darker areas dulled out, unfocused, even as the brighter areas shined more. It gave her whole face a slight glow somehow that just radiated happiness and content.

Kat let her eyes go wide. While it did look slightly out of place on Vivian, the recreation was stunning. Kat's mind involuntarily spun through dozens of images of Lily giving that EXACT smile. A time in the school library where Kat had glanced over to her. Another when they had commandeered a tree to each lunch underneath. More recently when they had been on the couch together just earlier today, and a plenty of other instances besides.

*Oh my god… how did I never see this? It's so clear! I mean, Vivian's ability to mimic the exact face is also a truly stunning fact that I should probably revisit… but she's so very correct. When Lily is around me and not properly focusing she DOES slip into that exact face. I… I never connected it with love. I wonder when it happened the first time?*

Kat thought back to their first few interactions and couldn't place it. Certainly nothing in the first few weeks of their friendship… but their were slight glimpses of the face when she'd told the bullies to come for her instead. *That might be the moment… or perhaps just the beginning and the real moment of realisation is later… still… I just can't believe I didn't notice.*

Lily was taking a different approach to this. First, she was actually quite glad to know that she had a 'I'm in love with this girl' face and wouldn't change that for the world. To see how different it was, was also something she would treasure forever. The knowledge that Kat didn't just make her happy, but… whatever Vivian was projecting, was a wonderful bit of knowledge she burned into her soul. The question it raised though, knowing her observant the other two members of this house were… "Wait how many people noticed?"

Vivian let the mask slip and returned to her own signature grin. Kat noticed something at that. Despite just how perfect Vivian's replica faces had been… they'd felt hollow to her. This was a genuine Vivian smile, and Kat was quite happy with the knowledge she could pick them out.

"Most people who matter I imagine," said Vivian. "I'm great at faces and people so it took me all of a day for me to figure out you had a crush on Kat, and a bit of extra time to confirm it wasn't just a crush. Callisto and Sylvie have known for ages. Sylvie might have even known longer seeing as she knew you both first. Your parents… well I'm not sure if they've figured it out. It's not hard to pick when you know what you're looking for… but you did hide it pretty well"

"Oh dear." Said Lily with resignation, "I guess we better face the music. Let's go meet the other two"

Kat nodded and followed Lily downstairs. As soon as they hit the ground floor, Callisto glanced over for a moment as she moved around the kitchen and Sylvie pointedly stared. "About time" said Sylvie, "Now, did Kat figure it out, or did Lily tell you first?"

Kat narrowed her eyes as she sat down at the table next to Sylvie, "Why?" asked Kat

"Because Callisto and I have a bet going on" said Sylvie in a 'It's obvious how could you not guess' tone of voice.

"Er…" Kat glanced over at Lily not sure how to answer that. Technically speaking Lily didn't managed to SAY anything straight away. She'd panicked and kissed Kat instead.

Seeing that Kat wasn't going to answer Lily sighed as she sat down. "I couldn't get the words out and kissed Kat instead."

Sylvie nodded, "About time… but I'm not sure who wins the bet in that case… Callisto what do you think?"

Callisto glided around the kitchen as she finished plating a roast for everyone with a platter of vegetables for everyone to grab at off to the side. "That is a good question. I believe the terms were… 'what will happen first. Will Lily crack and admit her feelings, or will Kat figure out that Lily is in love with her before Lily manages to ask'… but I do not believe either of us consider that Lily would go for a kiss to start things off"

"Hold up" said Kat, "Does it count that Lily did admit to loving me first but I, like an idiot, said that we were best friends and I loved her as well?"

The other three girls all winced at that. "Kat. Kat I can't believe you did that to the poor girl" said Vivian halfway between trying not to laugh and being appropriately horrified.

Sylvie had given way to the giggles, "It's so Kat though. She WOULD say that. I bet there wasn't a second of hesitation, and that she said something like 'you'll always be my best friend' didn't she?"

The cringe on Lily's face was enough to confirm it and Vivian let out a pained cackle. "Oh my god she didn't? Lily please tell me our poor dense Kat did not, say you were friends in answer to your confession"

Lily cringed and replied, "Well… I mean… kinda? It… um… it wasn't exactly… I kinda just blurted it out? There wasn't that much lead up and it might have… well it was an easy mistake…"

"Nope" said Vivian, "She is never living this down while I'm in charge around here… and likely after that as well." Vivian turned to Kat, "Kat sweety. We love you, and we think you're adorable and quite good looking, and a regenerating immortal succubus, but if I ever here of you doing something like that to poor Lily again I will find a punishment for you, and it will be burned into your mind ok?"

"That's not necessary" said Lily panicking, "I mean… it all worked out. We spoke to each other, I got a girlfriend, she's beautiful. It's fine if she's a bit dense when it comes to picking up romantic intentions…"

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