D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 562

Chapter 562: Whispers in the Night

Chapter 562: Whispers in the Night

After that bit of embarrassment things settled down for a bit… just until dinner was done really. Then Vivian swooped in and asked, "So Lily are you going to stay over the night or are you going to head home?"

Lily glanced at Kat, as if she should be the one deciding, only to realise what she'd done when Kat gave her a very confused look. Kat of course, simply believed it to be Lily's choice. Lily took a few seconds to realise this and sighed wondering what she wanted to do. It would have been nice, in her mind at least, for Kat to help answer the question, but she knew Kat saw barely any difference, especially when they lived so close.

So, she sucked in a deep breath and said, "I'll stay the night here then I guess. If you could let my parents know? I'm aware I put some of my clothes in Kat's closet after I fell asleep here working on things so it should be fine"

"Are you going to sleep in Kat's bed again?" asked Vivian 'innocently'.

Lily went bright red and realised the trap she'd stumbled upon. Of course, Kat not being a normal girlfriend, had exactly zero reaction to this. Her total thought process amounted to 'yes that makes sense'. Kat was assuming this happened while she was away and thought it only made sense for the spare bed to be used.

Lily wasn't sure how she wanted to process the statement. Knowing that she'd fallen asleep at the kitchen table and been carried to Kat's bed by someone, likely Vivian now that she thought about it. Still, any protest would be brushed off as trying to save herself she was 'sure'. Turning around she tried to catch Kat's eyes to gauge her reaction only to see practically none. Then of course she remembered exactly what Kat was like and resolved to stop letting her mind fly wild. She KNEW Kat. A little teasing from Vivian shouldn't have her so worried. "That's entirely up to Kat, it's her bed" was what she managed to squeak out.

*Hmm. Seems fine to me. I'm not sure it's entirely appropriate now… but we've had sleepovers before so it's fine.* "Sure, sounds fine to me," said Kat

And only then to Lily realise what she'd signed up for. Oh, she knew Kat would say yes, but found her thought process continued to not work properly for the time being. While this was what she wanted, she also knew it was going to be very hard to get to sleep now.

"Well you should both shower then. It might not be too late but I'm sure you'll be kept up… chatting I suppose" said Vivian, "Just remember that while Callisto has soundproofing on her room, you don't"

"Why does Callisto have sound proofing?" asked Kat at the same time as Lily was trying to ignore the backflips in her stomach and the slight heat, she was experiencing lower than her face.

"Sometimes I am in calls with other individuals at odd hours," said Callisto easily. "I insisted on the soundproofing in the walls to make sure that I wouldn't be responsible for Vivian waking up during the night. It also keeps my room nice and quiet when I need it."

Kat thanked Callisto for the explanation and moved to help clean up. Callisto did make to protest but decided it was fine when she saw Lily and Sylvie head upstairs for the showers. It would give Kat something to do after all, and while it was an activity Callisto find mildly relaxing, the ability for Kat to wash things in boiling water was not something she was willing to give up. So they worked together for a while. They finished before Kat heard the shower upstairs turn off and headed up to take her own shower.

When Lily walked out Kat gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked into the bathroom leaving a very red Lily stunned in the hallway before she smiled massively and headed for Kat's room. Kat simply had a quick shower and joined her. Lily was propped up against the back rest with a pillow and Kat made to join her but paused.

*Ok now how do I want to do this? Lily will need to get up if I put my wings under her… but I pretty much have to do that don't I? There really isn't space otherwise and I can't keep my wings folded without it being uncomfortable against my back if I'm sitting up like that. I don't want to just faceplant on the bed either because I want to talk to Lily for a bit… and hug her too.*

Lily didn't really pay attention to Kat when she opened the door. She was lost in her own world really, but instinctively, when she felt Kat's form press onto the bed leaned forward to allow for a wing to pass behind her. Kat was actually a little shocked at that.

*How did she know? I didn't even really know I needed her to do that.* Kat settled in beside Lily who instantly curled up to Kat's side as soon as she was situated. Thing was though… that included the time it required Kat to shift in place for a few moments to get comfortable. As soon as she was though, Lily just seemed to know and let herself fall on Kat.

"Thank you" whispered Lily.

"What for?" asked Kat

"For saying yes" said Lily

Kat frowned, and started to run her hands through Lily's thick hair. It was substantial and Kat found she was quite enjoying the feeling. Unlike her own smooth hair that had only gotten smoother, Lily's was still just as bushy as ever. While it hadn't dried completely, it had already puffed up quite a bit and Kat couldn't be bothered to stop her fingers as they worked to tease any knots out of Lily's hair.

"You don't need to thank me for that Lily. We went over this. I like you as well and I'm not giving you to anyone else. I thought I made that clear" said Kat softly. josei

Lily shivered as the words dusted past her ears. Pressing herself further into Kat in response she let out a content sigh. "I know but… I want to say it. It means a lot to me Kat. I really… I really don't know what I would have done if you'd said no. I mean… I prepared myself for it don't get me wrong… and… and I don't ever think you'd hate me for it… or even have treated me that different… but I can't help but wonder what I'd have done. Certainly I wouldn't have been ok with the Memphis transformation… or maybe I'd have done it as soon as possible to force you to accept. I don't know that I like thinking about it… but I also think I have to."

"Oh Lily" whispered Kat, stopping her fingers so that she could pull the girl into a proper hug. Letting her head rest on Lily's shoulder she could still feel Lily's hair anyway. "I told you. I'm very happy to have you. I'm quite thankful for it as well. I didn't truly realise just how strong my feelings were for you before today but… I don't exactly want to think about what I'd have done to whoever you did to decide to date. I doubt it would have been pretty"

"Kat you're a big softy that hides behind apathy occasionally. You'd have done nothing" said Lily with a chuckle.

Kat shook her head and returned with a denial. "Oh I very much doubt I'd have done nothing. I would have done the scariest shovel talk you ever seen. If it was in the future I'd have made full use of my demon abilities. Maybe pretend to appear in their room in a burst of purple flame…" Kat saw Lily was starting to grin and decided to explain… and maybe exaggerate a bit.

"…Then I'd approach them and use the full demon voice. The horrible ghastly throaty voice and project it as much as I could. Then I'd slam my aura down on them and make them calm. Calm however, doesn't quite mean rational. I'd then very carefully describe the multiple ways I'd potentially kill or maim them for hurting you and that, as a demon, I might even say I was contractually obliged to follow through with it.

"Maybe I'd scare off a few of them that way. If they stuck around well… I'd be happy for you of course, especially for surviving that… but I'm not sure I could have ever liked them" Finished Kat and Lily burst into giggles.

"I can picture it now" said Lily with a smile, "that would have been terrifying for them if it happened. Still, I'm glad it didn't need to happen. I got what I want. You!" Lily finished and then started yawning deeply.

"That seems to be the call of the night. Time to sleep Lily" whispered Kat.

"Noooo" murmed Lily already starting to drift off as Kat ended the hug and went back to playing with her hair. "I can stay up. I mean… I might not have got a lot of sleep yesterday but I don't… I need… I mean… what was I saying Kat?"

Kat gave Lily a kiss on the forehead "Goodnight dear"

"mgmhm, yes. Goodnight" mumbled Lily before falling asleep in Kat's arms.

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