D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 563

Chapter 563: Waking up in Her Arms.


Chapter 563: Waking up in Her Arms.

Kat awoke first to find herself in a slightly awkward position. The pair had shifted during the night. When they'd started, Lily was curled up to Kat's side with her arms around her, something Kat had reciprocated happily. Now that it was morning and she was awake again… that was no longer the case exactly…

Lily was now sprawled out on Kat's front while using Kat's right boob as a pillow. Kat's tail had wrapped around them both multiple times forcing Lily to remain stable on her chest despite the slightly awkward angle but it worked. Their legs had someone ended up intwined together and Lily's longer pyjama pants had been pushed up so that it was skin on skin for practically all of their legs. Lily's left hand had found its way around Kat's neck which likely didn't make for the greatest sleeping position.

The most awkward part though, was Lily's right hand, which had made its way under Kat's outfit and had a sizeable handful of her left boob. Kat's hands were not quite as indecent… but weren't exactly free from scrutiny either. Kat's tail had seemingly pushed Lily's shirt up a bit causing it to bunch up around her shoulder blades while her tail provided most of the covering for her stomach. Kat's hands though, had wondered.

The first hand was fine, it simply rested on Lily's back, holding her tightly to Kat… which of course was further pressing Lily into her tits but Kat didn't feel particularly uncomfortable with that fact. Her other hand though was just barely in Lily's pants on her outer thigh. Quite frankly Kat wasn't sure what to do. So she froze.

*Ok… ok… umm… how do I deal with this? Do I… like… retract my hand? Would that wake her up? Should I retract my hand? I mean… her hands… or hand? Is certainly doing around my tits. Is that ok? I mean… I don't mind. I'm sure they are quite squishy and clearly they work as good pillows because Lily abandoned hers for mine…

But what is protocol here? She's the one who suggest we don't exactly go too far with things and stick to kissing right now. Then again… she was asleep. Does that count? I don't really know how to judge this kind of thing. Hmmm. Nah I'm not going to wake her. She's so cute look at her face. I couldn't wake her if I wanted to. So adorable.*

Kat smiled down at Lily who also had a big smile on her face and Kat decided this was perfectly fine. Whatever it was that Lily was taking enjoyment from would stay, and until Kat worked out if it was the positioning of hero own hands, or where Lily's hand ended up, she was not going to move an millimetre. So, she didn't.

Eventually Lily was doomed to wake up. As she stirred Kat softly whispered, "Good morning" into Lily's ear.

Lily wasn't entirely coherent enough and let out a 'hmm' at the noise before starting to wake up further. When she did though, she froze. The hand on Kat's boob squeezed lightly and Lily froze up again. Before throwing herself backwards… of course Kat being many many times stronger then her and the fact that Kat's tail had bound them both together meant this was doomed to failure. So she ended up face first into Kat's other tit and was panicking slightly.

Kat couldn't help but giggle at the chain of events but let her tail unwind and lifted Lily up and to the side. "How are you?" asked Kat.

Lily.exe was still rebooting though. It took a full minute before she slowly turned to Kat and said. "I. am so sorry"

Well Kat decided she wasn't having any of that. Kat pulled on the smaller girl and brought her into a kiss and let it linger for a bit. Lily's mind exploded and the events of yesterday rushed into her mind at the same time as Kat started pulling Lily in closer so that she could get a hug out of this as well.

Lily couldn't help but moan slightly at the feeling and pulled back from the kiss. "Um… woops… I mean… sorry…" mumbled Lily

Kat glared at Lily and said. "Do I need to kiss you again? There's no problem really. I will do it!"

"Don't tempt me" said Lily.

That was enough for Kat to give her another kiss… on the cheek this time though. "Ok but you need to stop apologising. Seriously Lily what's wrong…"

Lily pursed her lips and looked Kat up and down. Kat of course hadn't even attempted to correct her outfit. The thought didn't even cross her mind and as such the left side of her kimono was wide open leaving nothing to the imagination. Lily went red and tried to think of a reason she was annoyed but found her eyes drawn to the side.

Violently shaking her head she tore her eye away from the glorious sight to look Kat in the eye. "Kat… I… I shouldn't have done that though. I was practically molesting you in your sleep! My hands were not in places they should have been… and I mean… don't get me wrong I loved it for that split second before the panic kicked in and I probably had the best sleep of my life but it's still wrong" said Lily

"Why?" asked Kat

"What do you mean why?" retorted Lily

"I mean… why is it wrong? I have no complaints." Said Kat

"Yes I don't have any either-" started Lily but before she could continue…

Kat cut her off with, "…then it's fine. I have no complaints. You have no complaints. Therefore. There are no complaints to be had."

Lily pouted. "Kat. Not even twenty four hours ago we agreed to go slowly and that wasn't slow. Nice. But not slow"

Kat just shrugged, "That was purely for you benefit Lily. I have no qualms stripping naked in front of you right this moment if you want. At the same time, I don't have the desire to either. It just IS for me. Sure, maybe it's embarrassing to some people, and I wouldn't do it to you without permission, but I really don't mind. You have my full permission already. Just don't do it in public."

Lily chocked on Kat's response. "Kat how can you just say that? I mean… hmmm. Huh…" Lily stopped and thought for a few moments. "No. It's not what we should be doing. You might have really nice boobs but I'm just not ready for that sort of thing"

"I never said you were" said Kat with a grin, enjoying the faces Lily was making. *Oh no. Let's not enjoy this too much. I don't want to turn into Nira and bully our children with sexual things. Kat paused. Wait… did I just say… OUR. Where did that come from? Huh… what a bit of perspective will do to your thought process.*

"So you agree it was inappropriate?" wondered Lily as she shifted in place to get more comfortable slipping back into Kat's side.

"Oh no it was completely appropriate. You were asleep and you did what you wanted. I actually what to know what happened first. Did you roll onto me or did I pull you there? Were you bound by my tail before or after you started fondling my boobs? At what point did my hand sneak down your pants? These are questions I wish I had answers to" said Kat matter of factly.

Lily went bright red. "You did what?! Wait no. I… I didn't even notice… where did you have your hand?"

Kat shrugged and looked away slightly pretending it was no big deal and she didn't spend minutes contemplating if she was doing the right things. "Just a few fingers on your thigh Lily, nothing to worry about"

Kat was of course abusing her superior peripheral vision at the moment and was able to easily see when Lily huffed and contemplated jabbing her in the side for those words. "You had me worried there Kat" said Lily

"Ah but were you worried you missed out on something? Or that I could have started it?" asked Kat

Lily decided there was only one answer to that and threw the pillow next to her at Kat's face. It fell into Kat's lap with a soft pompf. "Thanks for the pillow" said Kat easily. *This is certainly why Nira teases her kids. It's so much fun watching Lily's reactions. She has so many and they are all ADORABLE. The only issue is I keep feeling the niggling desire to reward her with a kiss. Which I'll grant, isn't necessarily a bad idea but it would certainly be distracting and likely cotton her on to the fact that I'm messing with her…*

Wait a minute. Kat looked over at Lily's face and noticed her eyes properly and compared them in her memories. Ah I see. She to is in on the game. Kat noticed very quickly that despite the shifting expression on Lily's face, this whole time her eyes were bright with happiness. There was a slight dip right at the start, but once it was clear Kat didn't have any issues what happened she'd relaxed completely and simply gone along with what Kat was saying. *Well. I guess she really does deserve a kiss for that. Should convince her to play along more in the future…*

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