D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 564

Chapter 564: “The Talk” Part 1

Chapter 564: “The Talk” Part 1

Content Warning

This chapter includes sexual references of an educational nature. No explicit interactions happen, however if you are sensitive to that kind of material. Please skip this chapter and the one following. This was written by request on Discord and I was interested enough to see it play out onscreen instead of offscreen.


After cuddling with each other for a little longer the pair decided to head down for breakfast. It was one thing to be caught snuggling, another to be caught snuggling together after having slept in the same place. Callisto was already downstairs preparing a large number of pancakes. Kat was a little confused about why she was using three pans for it, but decided it wasn't worth asking.

A short time later, Vivian came down with Sylvie snuggled into her arms. The little girl looked perfectly awake but very happy with the situation and Kat made a note to pick up Sylvie in the morning at least a few times while she was on Earth. Seeing them together stoked a good deal of warmth in her heart and Kat knew she wanted to participate.

Kat herself ended up opting out of any breakfast pancakes until she was hit with pouts from Sylvie and Lily at once and was convinced to have at least one. Still, that was the most exciting thing to happen during the meal. Once it was over though, Vivian actually helped Callisto wash up even if there was a little glaring.

The reason for this became apparent once they'd finished. "Now Kat" said Vivian with a big smile, "It's time for the talk. Callisto prepared a bunch of slides for us and double checked her information. Are you prepared?"

Kat had the sudden feeling to answer in the negative. This same feeling was increased when she saw Lily quickly grab Sylvie up under the arms and say, "I'm going to go hang out with Sylvieby!" before dashing off. Kat was only mildly surprised Lily was capable of carrying Sylvie up the stairs before her focus returned to what might be her doom.

In the end she just went along with it. Vivian might have been smiling in a slightly dangerous way, but this seemed like important information. "Fine drag me away…"

Vivian's smile grew in size as she grabbed Kat by the arm and lead them all to her office. It had been redone slightly for this with a projector set up on the desk itself and a projection screen set up on the opposite wall. Vivian grabbed a large ruler from somewhere and planted it on the ground like a knight standing to attention. Callisto came in afterwards with a laptop and plugged it into the projector.

While Callisto was setting things up she said, "Kat, I looked up your question from yesterday about the difference between kissing, and kissing with tongue" Kat felt herself go slightly red at the reminder. "and it turns out to be a matter of saliva. Or at least, that is the most widely recognised reason. Kissing itself releases a number of chemicals in the brain to make you feel good. Swapping saliva however helps increase arousal more specifically than connection."

*Huh… well… what do I do with THAT information. I'm not sure I particularly want to arouse Lily overmuch… I mean… I certainly could but I don't want to lead her into sex, I want her to make that decision in completely sound mind. Between the two of us, it means a lot more to her and it really shouldn't be in my hands.*

Kat of course was ignoring that Lily might arguably never be of completely sound mind in Kat's presence. Her love for Kat already drastically impacted her thought process when the succubus wasn't present. Lily herself was well aware of this, and that if Kat asked her for something while she was being kissed, she'd never say no without it being a huge issue. Lily wasn't overly concerned about that fact for a number of reasons and didn't want to change it.

Still, Kat nodded at Callisto even though she wasn't looking and said, "Thanks, I guess"

"Now" said Vivian tapping her ruler against the currently unlit screen, and drawing Kat's attention back to her, "we'll start you off with things that only a man needs to know. Partially because toys are a thing, but you'll likely have no interest and on Lily's end… well… you have a tail so that should help. The other reason is just so we can call this a 'complete' talk though obviously I could speak more on the subject."

"Why does it matter I have a tail?" asked Kat confused

Vivian paused and turned to Callisto to say, "Should we really be doing this? I feel like I'm about to cross some forbidden line you know? Maybe we should just let her stay innocent…"

Callisto shook her head and replied, "No Vivian, this is important information that really should be covered in school. Likely in more detail. Knowing these sorts of things helps prevents misunderstandings and… unwanted issues. Plus, once this is done you can torment Lily about it"

Vivian nodded in understanding. "Yes. That is a good point. Multiple good points in fact. Ok! First things first. Penis goes into vagina, eventually both people feel good. Sperm, which is stored in the testicles comes out, and if they're lucky fertilise the eggs of the girl and that's where babies come from nine months later. Any questions so far?"

Kat stared awkwardly at Vivian. *I have so many questions but none of them have anything to do directly with what you just said. The first one is… do you think I skipped biology in school? I mean… I know THAT much at least Vivian.* "Um… yeah I got it…" said Kat unsure of what else to really say.

Vivian nodded seemingly happy with that. Callisto at this point had finished setting up the projector and now on the screen it showed a clearly 3D model of a woman. "Now. You don't really need to know anything else on the male side so we're ignoring it. What you see before you" Vivian slapped her ruler on the picture "is all the erogenous zones on a woman"

Kat looked at what was clearly an unmarked picture of the entire body. "Vivian… there isn't anything highlighted"

"EXACTLY!" said Vivian, "See, what they won't really cover in school is that everything here can be utilised if you know what you're doing. Of course you got the obvious" Vivian used her ruler to point to the genitals and the breasts "but plenty of girls find it arousing to be kissed around the shoulders" Vivian's ruler started to follow where she pointed, "kissing is something we brought up a bit already of course. Then there are stranger things like hair. A really common thing is having your hair pulled during sex. I know a girl I did some work for loved it. I know WAY too much about that particularly kink and part of me wants to share that with you… but I won't. No sense going too detailed just yet"

Kat gulped. Ok maybe this isn't as simple as I thought. Why would someone enjoy getting their hair pulled? Vivian continued, "Now, I can see it on your face, what's a kink?" Kat decided not to correct that, "once again. EVERYTHING. Everything can be. The important thing is finding out what Lily likes, because that's who matters in this situation. If you have something you enjoy, keep it in mind of course… but at this point you're pretty sure nothing will happen right?"

Kat nodded, "Yes with the fire and the notification I sort of got from my instincts yesterday it's pretty much confirmed I'm asexual"

Vivian nodded, "Ok good. So, as I said EVERYTHING is an option and it'll be your job to work on it. Try all sorts of things. Running your hands down her sides, biting gently on her ears. Nuzzling into her neck, running your fingers through her hair. Then you have more abstract things…

Vivian gestured at Callisto who swapped pages. It now had a picture of someone on spandex with a whip in hand and a second person chained up next to them. "Now, two of the biggest more… abstract kinks are Masochism, and Sadism, or submissive, and dominating. Now. Despite how similar they might sound, they aren't quite the same thing but that's muddying the waters. The reason I'm bringing them both up is because it gives you a good framework for when you're… exploring. It shows you that some things that you might find questionable are OK ton explore, but you don't need to be silly about it.

"The big one that might confuse you is submission. A number of people find it really arousing to be bound, gagged and blindfolded. Perhaps not all of them at the same time, that's a bit extreme to start with, but they enjoy the feeling of giving themselves over to another person.

"On the other side is people who enjoy dominating others. These people enjoy giving the order. The knowledge of having someone ready to do anything asked of them is what gives them arousal and they work really well as matched pairs.

"Of course, most people aren't so strictly one or the other, it's more of a scale. One submissive might like wearing chockers and taking suggestions, while another might enjoy being chocked out while having candle wax poured on them. Those are two very different examples of submissive. Don't just go all in on this sort of thing." josei

*I don't know I like either of those ideas to be honest. The idea of forcing Lily to do anything greats on my nerves. I can hardly manage to order her to get proper sleep let alone… whatever that mess is. I don't know that I'd take orders all that well either…* Kat thought about it for a few more seconds and realised she probably would in fact do whatever Lily asked. *Ok maybe I do take orders well. Does that make me submissive?*

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