D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 565

Chapter 565: “The Talk” Part 2

Chapter 565: “The Talk” Part 2

Same Content warning as last chapter. Educational sexual references.


"Does that make me submissive then?" asked Kat after seeing Vivian was waiting for her input.

"Why do you think that?" asked Vivian trying to engage Kat and see why she'd reached that conclusion.

"It mostly stems from that fact that I hate the idea of forcing Lily to do anything she doesn't want to and I'm pretty sure on top of that, I'd do anything she asked" said Kat.

Vivian let out a puff of air. "Honestly… hard to say Kat. Hard to say. The fact that you're asexual means probably not, in the grander scheme of things…"

Callisto jumped in. "Indeed. Currently we are speaking in sexual terms. The fact that you do not feel that burning or get aroused by anything as far as we know means that none of this will apply to you in the same way it would Lily. It is handy to keep in mind, but not exactly something that you can properly apply to your own experience. Also Lily wouldn't be unwilling in this example anyway"

Kat let out a cough. "Right… um… continue then?"

Vivian pointed to Callisto who took up the next section, "Ok. Sadism. This is something both Vivian and I believe is unlikely for Lily to have… but still we'd like to bring it up. Sadism is of course, enjoying the pain of others. This is not the same as enjoying HARM caused to others. Light amounts of pain at the right time or in the right areas is something many people also enjoy. The reason we feel the need to cover it more specifically, is that you regenerate.

"That changes the whole board for what is and is not ok. For you personally, it will be more important to manage your regeneration and how long you can keep that up. Also note that extreme amounts of blood are exceptional hard to get out of sheets" josei

Kat frowned at that. Once again not really liking the idea of Lily finding joy in cutting her up. *This just sounds like more things I should stay away from. Is it so wrong just to want to hug her and keep her close and maybe do sexual things if Lily really wants me to? Then again… maybe that's the point. I cannot understand these people because I don't feel that attraction. I just can't see how it could be worth it.*

"I… I just don't get it" said Kat

"That's fine dear" said Vivian, "you just need to be aware of it. If you don't use this knowledge that's perfectly fine"

"It… it just seems kind wrong to me though…" said Kat, "I can't really muster up any enjoyment for the premise nor do I like the idea of Lily enjoying a lot of these things. The just seem a bit… out there"

Vivian sighed, "Kat, that's fine. We aren't trying to say these things will happen to you, or that Lily will enjoy any of this. What we are showing you is that there are rather extreme options open to you. I already explained that everything can be a kink. This is more of that. Showing you that even if you find it strange, other people might not.

"Like, for example, for some people intelligence is extremely attractive. They might find it the single defining feature of a person. The smarter the more attractive. It can even completely negate appearances in the eyes of some, though that's quite rare. That's another thing actually now that I think about it…

"You should find out what Lily finds attractive in you. Your wings and tail for example. Do they add to your charm? Take away? Or are they a neutral addition? I haven't known you and Lily that long but it's very clear that she's had a crush on you for more than just the past few months since your transformation so they can't be the only thing. Do you have any ideas?"

Kat bit her lip. "Well, I didn't really ask… but I know at the very least that red hair is something she likes. Or at least, I can make a reasonable assumption it is. Both of me and the other person she… hmm… not sure how much I should say, but her two big crushes have had red hair, so I imagine that means something…"

"What about athleticism and power? A lot of women are attracted to muscles, but just as many are attracted to power. It doesn't have to be physical, or if it is, they might prefer someone who doesn't look ripped but can bench press them anyway" explained Vivian.

"Some people will do anything for a bit of money" chimed in Callisto. "It is common enough for the term 'gold digger' to be a popular insult. It is not as prevalent as some would have you believe, but money normally indicates success and competency which is something almost everyone looks for in a mate. They just have different ways of judging it."

"Right…" said Kat looking over the memories of the previous night where Lily mentioned Stella. "She might like my build? I'm unsure. She was certainly praising quite a few things about me, but it was before she really calmed down."

Vivian shrugged. "Well, just make sure to ask her."

"Now on to the more explicit things" said Callisto and Kat felt like bolting right there. *Were these things not explicit enough?! What more do you want to put me through?*

"Now Kat don't look like we just told you the world is ending" said Vivian, "we're just imparting some useful tricks. Things you'll need to know." Vivian swapped over to a knew slide. It had two female figures laid out in a number of compromising positions. "As you can see, people have all sorts of poses they find best for pleasing a partner.

"What you need to concentrate on, other than exploring things, is the use of your hands and tongue. Your tail as well of course, but neither of us really know how best to use that. Though I hope you can get some ideas" said Vivian with a grin. "The first thing is of course, that pleasuring someone's genitalia requires patience.

"You can't just push in a few fingers and then then go at it. You have to take things slow. Also find the most appropriate number of fingers" said Vivian with a smile. Kat decided that this, despite everything else, was the piece of information she liked the least "once you've found that, you have to stimulate your partner. Normally you don't even start anywhere near the genitals…"

As Vivian continued with her exceptionally explicit actions required to bring someone to climax using only her fingers Kat decided it was time to put that away in a box. She didn't need to know right now and didn't want to. When she then started to describe uses for the tongue as well Kat decided she'd rather be anyone else.

"… so was that clear Kat?" asked Vivian when she finished.

"Hardly!" grumbled Kat, "I'm so embarrassed just thinking about half of those things. I mean… why did you give me so much detail. Oh the details. I think this is a time I wished my memory wasn't so perfect dammit!"

Vivian shook her head and Callisto chimed in. "Oh do not worry. It is our duty to make 'the talk' as mentally scarring as possible. That way you never forget. I know I will never forget the version my parents gave me and I'm sure that Vivian is the same."

Kat groaned, "Can't you just give me a… I dunno a nice… non explicit but useful version"

"Well, the best I can do for that, focusing on you in particular, is make sure to take things slowly, but not to slowly. Listen to the noises Lily is making, but also be willing to ignore her. If you're slowly dragging your tongue down her body and she asks for you to speed up, consider it but don't always listen. Make sure that when she climaxes, she doesn't spasm and cut herself on your horns.

"Don't just… keep going. Once someone orgasms… they can't just get up and do it a second time. You might be fine, either because you won't be able to experience that, or if you CAN your regeneration or strength might allow you to overcome it. Lily, for now at least and likely into the future, will not be so lucky."

Vivian paused for a second and then looked over at Callisto before saying. "I just realised something. If Lily is transitioning into a knew body and a completely knew species… will her instincts in regards to sex change? People are already different enough when they are all human… what sort of strange things might she pick up as something else… hmm…"

Kat's eyes widened in horror. "Was… was this all pointless? Do you mean to tell me all I've really gotten from this is 'listen to Lily carefully and not just what she says'? I… I feel betrayed."

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