D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 597

Chapter 597: Confidence can be Found in Strange Places

Chapter 597: Confidence can be Found in Strange Places

This chapter is from Lily's perspective.


Lily snuggled in tightly against Kat's body as she basked in the knowledge that Kat liked her features. Granted, Lily had never had any issues with her body like so many girls she knew of peripherally at school. She certainly wouldn't have rated herself as being in the more attractive half of the girls at school, not like Kat. Granted, Lily would have been willing to argue Kat was by far the most attractive girl in school before the Succubus transformation and won the argument a good number of times. After the transformation it was no contest… as long as you were willing to overlook the demonic features or enjoyed them.

So, Lily was quietly surprised that Kat found no fault with her looks. It was a bubbly feeling that she was happy to hold onto. Especially because she was so confident in the looks of Kat and many other girls at school. While she was never going to announce herself as gay to the school after what happened with Stella, she had never been uncomfortable with the idea. Except for a few days around the incident, but she was upset at a lot more things than just her sexuality at the time and it had let her see Stella's slow degradation of character after the fact.

So when Lily heard the locker room complaints or the whining voices looking in the bathroom mirrors back when she was still at school it was very hard for her to take a lot of those girls seriously. Granted she always held Kat as the apple of her eye, but that didn't mean she was incapable of picking out other treats in the crowd. The only exception to this was the three bullies that hounded her and Kat. Allegedly they were some of the better looking at school, and if others were to be believed, comparable to Kat. Lily never saw it. It was too hard to get past their horrid personalities to appreciate their looks at all.

Still, with her firm hold of her sexuality it let her gauge attractiveness better then most of the other girls. They were all guessing what parts of them were attractive to others. Lily, well she knew. It was her eyes that wandered occasionally, her mouth that would water at certain fantasies. Her eyes that would glaze over when she pretended to read a book but was actually imagining the various thighs in school and ranking against each other.

So to know that Kat truly saw no issues with her appearance, liked it in fact, it was such a funny feeling. Lily would like to say that she'd have believed Kat's words without knowing she couldn't lie… but that wasn't something she could admit. It was a surprising added layer of security for their relationship. It felt like a warm blanket. The fact that Kat would never lie to her. There was no niggling suspicion that this or that could be a lie. The security and knowledge that it would never be was something that she was starting to really enjoy.

*Honestly I don't know if I'd have been so comfortable diving so far into this. Lily let herself simple enjoy Kat's hold on her. Lily knew she was practically plastered against Kat at this point. She'd pressed herself as deeply as she could against Kat, but it didn't feel scandalous for now. Just comforting. I mean… I'd like to think so… but some of it would have been hard. Hard to believe. I think I would have been stuck up on doubts about Kat lying for the sake of our friendship.

Granted I don't think Kat would have done that. With hindsight and a girlfriend to call my own I can see that Kat would have just hugged me and told me she loved me like a friend or a sister but that romance could never work between us if she actually believed that. Still, I don't think Lily of last week would have believed that.

A bit like Kat was saying she wouldn't have worried about me being alone with my Mum a week ago. A week ago I didn't have half the confidence I have now. Which still isn't much but… honestly who knew getting a girlfriend would help so much in that area? Actually…

Lily paused her thoughts for a second as a number of implications hit her all at once. Now that I think about it… it's actually pretty reasonable for this to happen. I mean, getting love and validation from the person whose opinion matters the most to you would probably help anyone's confidence. Hmm. I wonder if the bitches three would become better people if they got a boyfriend?*

Lily cringed at the idea. *Nope. No they probably wouldn't. There's two issues with that thought. The first is that I don't think I want to wish anyone was stuck with those three. Secondly… I'm not sure they are capable of caring about other people properly. I would do anything Kat asked and Kat would do anything I asked. I doubt they'd be willing to do anything anyone asks of them.*

With that though, Lily decided she'd been down enough rabbit holes for now. Sitting with Kat was a joy all of its own even if she was a little distracted. Still, she wanted to continue the conversation they were having. It felt important. So she twisted around to give Kat a light kiss under the chin before leaning away slightly so she could see Kat's face better. When Kat's arms moved so that she was supporting Lily's body, Lily settled into the odd position and beamed. "I'm glad you like my hair. I think it could be better, but… more general stuff. Like how your hair is the same colour now but it feels a lot nice and is much tougher. Not sure about my own brown hair… I wonder if I want to go something out there. I could go for blue or yellow or green or really whatever I wanted. What do you think?"

Kat shrugged. "I don't mind, I'm sure you'll look great with whatever. However… just be aware that everyone will ask you if its dyed. New people always asked me that and my hair is at least a normalish colour. Sure it's more vibrant then most people could ever get naturally, but its not too out there and I still got that question all the time. Even people who'd asked before."

Lily frowned at that. *I see. If I did go that direction, it might be best to just say it was dyed. Much less effort that way. People would actually believe it. Do I want to go all crazy colours though? I feel like it might be fun for a bit but I doubt I'd want it bright yellow for a long time or dark green or whatever. Black might be nice. Certainly, nicer than brown. I feel like you can do more with that kind of hair.*

"Thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind," said Lily, "After a bit of thought I'm leaning towards black or maybe a really dark blue, or just keeping it the same."

Kat smiled, and started to run her tail through Lily's hair. It was a little strange and not as nice as running her fingers through it… but her hands were needed to keep Lily in place at the moment so they were unavailable. "When are you thinking of getting this done. You seem to know what you want, and while it wouldn't be permanent demons do have a lot of ways to change your appearance. Fancy hair dyes and other things I'm sure" josei

*That's a good point. I was just thinking of normal dye but with magic in the mix I could probably change everything if I really wanted to. Undoubtedly expensive over time but possible. Plus after everything yesterday…* "Soon" said Lily, "I'm thinking sometime very soon. I could wait I suppose but I'm hoping to get the change done before you're forced to go on another Contract."

"Oh" said Kat as she digested that information. "Well, a few things then. First, for you I guess, Nira, Kamiko's mum, she's willing to be your attending doctor for the procedure if she's allowed." To Lily's eyes she could see Kat wasn't quite saying something but let it slide, "On my side of things though, that fan trainer I was promised by Minor? Well she's actually going to be arriving at their house some time within the next few days so… if you want to go and get your race change done I can go and practice. We wouldn't really be able to spend time together during either of those. It might have been nice to introduce you to Minor but nothing to be done about it really"

*Hmm. Simply go and get it done before Mum has too much time to worry about it? Just rock up and home and say I'll be gone for however long it takes to get done? A little evil… but the idea has a lot of merit.*

Lily gave Kat another kiss on the mouth for that suggestion. A great excuse for a kiss… and a second one just after the first. Maybe a few more after that. Why am I doing this again? Lily dismissed that thought as irrelevant. Kissing Kat was a good enough excuse to kiss Kat. No additional reasons required.

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