D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 598

Chapter 598: This Chapter Took 6 Hours

Chapter 598: This Chapter Took 6 Hours

Back to Kat's perspective


With the serious parts of the conversation out of the way Kat and Lily just let themselves enjoy some time together knowing they were about to be separated again. There was some thought on both sides towards choosing another deep conversation topic and keeping the serious atmosphere but that felt shallow. Kat was unsure why, but Lily could more accurately tell it was because she was trying to force the point. They didn't have anything serious to talk about anymore and if they tried it would have been a shadow of their previous conversation which brought them both a lot closer.

Kat's instincts were good enough to warn her away from the idea even if she didn't know why. Lily had to think about it, but came to the same conclusion. This also led them deciding to grab Sylvie to hang out with them as well, knowing the little girl would miss Kat as well. They found her playing chess against Callisto who was also drawing something on the side.

The match was close, or at least, it was close enough on the surface that Kat just counted the pieces and saw them as even. Lily, with more knowledge of chess tried to figure out who was winning but failed, but Callisto and Sylvie were much better at the game then her. What that meant though, neither knew because as soon as Callisto noticed the girls she forfeited and let Sylvie go with them.

Sylvie had a frown at that. When prodded though she wouldn't answer why, she just switched to a genuine smile and snuggled in between Kat and Lily when they made it downstairs onto that knew chair of Kat's. It did have to be moved into the centre of the room and expanded a bit for them all to fit, but Kat didn't mind the effort of moving it. She couldn't even tell if making it smaller changed the weight because her strength was enough to lift both easily.

Still, the pair did wonder about the result of that chess game. What did it mean? Was Callisto just that good at chess that she could do two things at once? Or was it her multitasking ability that was so good she could put her full mind to both tasks as strange as it might appear on the surface. Nobody except perhaps Sylvie knew and she wasn't budging in response to the light probing from Lily and Kat so it was quickly dropped for other topics.

While this was happening, Kat sent off her respective confirmation messages. Minor got one that said she was free to Summon Kat whenever the message arrived or was convenient. Nira got a message confirming Lily's willingness to go through with the change and her acceptance of Nira as her attending. A small note to Kamiko that Kat would have to see how things went but a visit was nice. For the message with Nira its contents was shared in full with Lily and a small note of her own was added to the bottom.

After this thing settled down but there was an odd note to the air. It was different air to Kat's normal departures. On the one hand this was the first time they were splitting up not as friends but as romantic partners. That added a level of dislike to the separation. It felt more like it was an incorrect decision or perhaps one that was being made too lightly even if that wasn't the case. On the other hand this would also likely be the last time this happened.

With Lily's race change the bond would be forged and she would be able to accompany Kat on her future Summonings. This added to the air a sense of relief, of rightness, but it didn't directly counter the feeling of unease. They seemed to mingle together and pull the pair in differing directions. Sylvie could also feel the edges of this strange phenomenon. It wasn't as clear to her, but still very noticeable in the grander scheme of things. josei

*Such an odd mix of relief, excitement and resignation. Still, the last feeling is perhaps the most correct, this needs to be done. I can't just go around punching things forever. Well, I technically could, with my lifespan, but practically it's a bad idea. I do wonder how much training I'll be doing and how much learning to later train myself. I don't know how much time I'll have just in general so I think the answer would be interesting.*

At some point Vivian showed up, returning from the front door. This was actually a bit of a surprise for Kat and Lily not having realised that she'd left. Sylvie seemed less surprised but much of that was simply how she was. When Vivian saw the three camped out in the lounge, she decided to put aside her work folders and join them for a while, being able to tell that Kat and Lily too, was leaving soon.

There was some temptation in Vivian's mind to call out to Callisto but she knew that her erstwhile maid would appear when she wished to and not a moment sooner. Oh, she'd come if she was called of course but Vivian didn't like to do that and Callisto seemed to know when she was truly needed anyway so Vivian pushed the errant thought out of her mind and just enjoyed her time with the girls.

Eventually Callisto did indeed join the conversation but she split her attention between that and dinner. Lily waffled about staying but it didn't take much to convince her. The smell alone was nearly enough before Kat's presence was added to the scale which of course easily tipped it over the line. So they all ate a comfortable dinner together. Kat actually forced herself to have a full meal.

That really something Kat was against. The food was great and Kat ate it happily. She didn't feel overly full and there really shouldn't have been an issue. Still it felt like a waste in her mind. The years at the orphanage had hammered into her the idea that food shouldn't be wasted. It was a subtle thing. Gramps would never stop kids from taking too much food, but they were watched, and occasionally made to finish their meals next time they sat down to eat if they went really overboard.

So Kat was just picking at her food and enjoying the fact her tail was wrapped around Lily as she ate and let her thoughts wander. *This just feels wrong. I know Vivian has plenty of money and such a small amount of food wouldn't even register as an expense but I feel like I'm doing something I shouldn't here. It's not even like I'm not eating it either. The food is great. Why am I struggling to much with this?*

Kat didn't find any answers within herself and let the question drop. There was a temptation to ask Lily but she felt like it wasn't that important, and the chance her girlfriend new the answer surely wasn't that high. So she held the question in.

Keeping that question locked up however, did mean that she wasn't properly prepared when Lily had a question for her. "Shall I stay the night Kat? Or head back home? Actually that's not really what I'm asking. If I did head home it wouldn't be to sleep. I would be accepting the race change then and there."

Kat knew the answer she wanted to give instantly. She wanted Lily to stay. *Is that the answer I should give though? I'm not sure when I'll be summoned, it might even be during the night and maybe she should see her parents before she heads off to the hub.*

Kat opened her mouth to answer but before she could a flaming pentagram appeared beneath her feet. *Well shit I guess that answers that question.* "Well then. I suppose I have to head off then" said Kat awkwardly. She really wanted to kiss Lily before she left but she was also in front of everyone.

"Yeah" said Lily with a frown and Kat could see in her girlfriend's eyes that she was having the same internal struggle.

"Just kiss already" said Vivian causing the pair to jump in place and look over at her with confusion and tinges of hope. "Oh what? You think we don't know? It's fine just kiss or whatever and then give us all hugs"

Lily and Kat both awkwardly approached each other after this and gave each other a light peck on the lips. Kat didn't exactly enjoy the feeling and for Lily, while it was nice enough, she knew a good hug would've been better. So she glared at Vivian a slightly as Kat went around and hugged everyone and gave Sylvie a light kiss on the forehead.

When Kat walked back to her pentagram Lily lunged at her, wrapping her arms around Kat and burying her face into Kat's neck. "Boooo, give each other a real kiss" said Vivian running commentary in the background. Callisto lightly slapped the back of Vivian's head but it did nothing to remove Vivian's smile.

Kat and Lily let out a sigh and gave each other another tight hug before kissing lightly again. It wasn't quite what they wanted, but that was fine. They'd have eternity to get it right soon.

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