D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 599

Chapter 599: Deep Thoughts and Weak Runes

Chapter 599: Deep Thoughts and Weak Runes

Kat felt oddly nostalgic when the colours exploded around her. Despite it only being a short time since she last used the transportation system it felt like a lifetime. *From some perspectives it actually is. I'm a completely different person now then I was a week ago. I didn't really think my perspective could change so fast but it really has. A few words was all it took.

Ok that's not entirely fair because there was a lot building behind this. Lily knew she liked my… what romantically? Sexually? I dunno what to call it but she was clearly interested in me for a long time. How I never noticed… well I guess if she's really been interested that long she'd never need to act differently to me because she was always… I don't want to say in love. That feels a bit reductive… interested in falling in love perhaps.

I wonder when I noticed. Was this also building on my end? I wonder how much everyone I got to know in the Hub had to do with things. I can see now looking back they were practically hitting me over the head with the fact I was in love with the girl… but did that actually help? I don't know. I was figuring things out right?

No that's a lie. If Lily hadn't forced the issue I'd have ended up staying friends with her for the next decade. I wonder if I would have realised and then used excuses or if I'd have just not noticed. Two different but equally likely things. Though… if it came out that Lily liked women… I wonder if THAT would have forced me to act.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. I suppose it isn't something I need to dwell on but it's an interesting thought at least… now why is this taking so long?* Kat looked at the colourful fire and smiled despite the question. It was always lovely to see the flames during transport. It felt like she could stare at them forever and always see new patterns and colours. Still, the time for this particular jump seemed excessive.

*So… guess I just keep thinking? Maybe it's a sign? Anyone, more introspection I guess. I know that one of my main issues would have been the fact I don't find anyone sexually attractive, not even Lily. I probably would have used that as an excuse… but I don't know if I really understood the difference before so maybe not? I just knew I didn't feel like doing lewd things with anyone. It at least made sex ed less awkward. josei

Anyway, ignore that. What would you have done if Lily didn't bring things up? Oh no. What would I have done if Lily ever actually moved on without admitting her feelings?* A possessive feeling welled up within her, and her blood started to boil as if her demonic energy was threatening to break out and set the world on fire.

Yeah… bad things probably. Kat let out a slight shiver. *Then again… I would also always put her happiness first… but the first sign she was sad I would have gone to town on whoever it was. Which is… not healthy at all. There are ups and downs in all relationships and I would have been the stalwart best friend Lily's known for years who heard about the bad stuff first.*

Then despite that being a natural part of relationships I would have absolutely destroyed whoever hurt her. Kat couldn't help the grin she gave at the thought. A part of her was saying not to indulge in the thought but the much larger part of her fought back with the fact it would never happen now so relishing in the idea of punishing anyone who hurt Lily was a fine image.

What Kat didn't know was that during this purple veins appeared around her horns, wings and the edge of her tail while her eyes glowed deep purple. The funny thing about this transformation was that it was purely cosmetic. Despite Kat's normally calm demon her demonic energy wasn't actually influencing her at all. She had always been careful with the kids at the orphanage because they were all under her care. She was also able to allow herself to be bullied at school in Lily's place because it was simply easier.

If push really came to shove though, and she was pushed a little too far Kat had always been prepared to exact terrible punishment on those who hurt those close to who. Sylvie and Lily both could easily have elicited this response in the past, but now Kat had much more power. Before the law was a bit of a worry but now, if she really wanted to go wild nothing could stop her. Not something she'd ever do of course, but fun to imagine of course.

Kat breathed out a sigh of purple flame and let her plans leave her mind. *That was fun. A bit weird, but nice. I'm glad I admitted to myself I would obliterate anyone that broke Lily's heart. Man it is going to be a scary time when Sylvie wants to start dating. I'll need to get Lily on board to make sure I don't go too far.*

Of course, Kat was unaware that at this point Lily saw Sylvie as her little sister as well. If she planned to be with Kat forever Sylvie was obviously coming along for the ride, at least for the first century, and the girl was adorable and worth protecting. So unlike Kat's thoughts, Lily would be on board and leveraging her considerable intellect to research the most painful way to destroy anyone who hurt their little sister.

A few more moments passed and just as Kat was about to think up another topic to pass the time the flames died down and Kat found herself in a small room that might have once been a closet. The faint lines on the wall where shelves may have once been helped support that notion, and the fact that the room was not quite as wide as her wingspan and only twice as long. The strange thing was the fact that the walls were not blank. They had glowing runes for days that lined practically every available surface. Kat's eyes lingered on them briefly but didn't feel threatened. Weather that was just ignorance was something she'd have to find out.

Standing in the doorway was clearly Major, the blue hair and face the spitting image of her mother and grandmother gave that away easily enough. It was the look as well though, the clear steady gaze that held Kat's own. The fact that despite the scarring across her face the she looked beautiful and stood with perfect poise. "Hi Major," said Kat cheerfully.

Major's expression turned to a frown. "Hello Kat. I thank you for helping free me from my mind, but you have been spending too much time around Minor. She may have abandoned a proper name but I would request that you address me as Shizuka" stated the fox girl.

"Right…" said Kat uncertainly. "Where is Minor exactly and what's with the runes?"

"She's watching at the moment" said Shizuka, "she can see everything I do if she really wants. Currently she is upset about going along with Grandmother's plan. Despite my misgivings I believe it is worth going along with it.

"Grandmother wished to know if her skill with runes was sufficient to hinder you." Shizuka gestured to the walls around the room which seemed slightly more ominous now. "Minor is not happy with this and is, for the first time, fighting me for control. I'm actually quite happy with this development. She never seems to have her own desires and this was as much for her as it is for Grandma. I apologise Kat but feel no remorse for these actions"

"Ok…?" said Kat uncertain. "Is the tutor real?"

"Yes completely. If you manage to get through the runes you can… well she isn't here yet but you will be able to meet her when she arrives. The runes aren't even really for you, just demons in general. Grandma worries you know. Aw well." stated Shizuka with a shrug. "I personally hope you don't die in this attempt. I think it unlikely of course, but Minor would be sad."

*Holy shit Shizuka's kind of cutthroat aint she.* Kat waved her hands around and didn't feel any resistance. "So do I just walk out?" asked Kat

"Yes." Said Shizuka. "If you can."

Kat stepped forward. She felt nothing. She took another step forward and the runes glowed more brightly. But nothing happened. Kat started walking and reached the door. Nothing stopped her. Kat gave a confused look and a raised eyebrow to Shizuka who had paled slightly and stepped away from the door opening the path for Kat. Frowning but willing to accept the gesture Kat took the last few steps out of the door, and felt nothing. "Was there a point to that?" asked Kat

"You…" Shizuka's voice wobbled. "You just walked through the most heavily warded room in the complex… without so much as a blink… I can't believe it… how?"

*Personally, my moneys on the runes not recognising me because I lack mana but who knows!*

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