D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 600

Chapter 600: Sharp Words

Chapter 600: Sharp Words

Shizuka reigned in her shock and turned around but she was still a bit pale as she led Kat through the house. Or perhaps estate was a better word. They occasionally dipped into outside areas and buildings that were mostly separate from the others. *I suppose it depends on what you count as a house I guess. Do walkway connections make it the one house? I think probably not. It's all her home but not the same house.*

Eventually they reached an elaborate sitting room. Enuko was sitting on the floor behind a low table with a teapot and a number of cups on it. Behind her was a large wall scroll with calligraphy on it that took up most of the back wall with a number of vases on a long table below it. They seemed fancy, but Kat new nothing about judging the worth of these kinds of things so just took in their beauty and stood awkwardly in the door. josei

Shizuka had moved off to the side slightly but hadn't sat down yet so Kat remained standing. "Greeting Kat. It is nice to see you unharmed" said Enuko.

*See, that. That right there. Now that she isn't desperately hoping I can help Minor she's gone back to her old ways of not really liking me. Which sure, ok fine. I can accept that. The runes though, that I feel was a bit much. I could have died. Sure D.E.M.O.N.S would have saved me but she doesn't know that. This isn't how you treat friends, or heck people you're indebted to. So why?*

"Is it really?" Kat couldn't help but ask with a slight bite to her tone. "I understand you don't really like me but I thought we'd moved past that somewhat after last time." Kat let out a long sigh. "And look, I could overlook being stuck in a summoning circle for a bit. I don't know that it would have kept me in, but it wouldn't have been too bad. The thing is though, from what was hinted at, those runes were quite deadly and… I just don't understand? I mean… yeah why? Why try for deadly retaliation?"

Enuko sniffed at the question but answered after slowly pouring herself a cup of tea… and not offering one to Kat. It wasn't that she necessary liked tea all that much but it was clear Enuko was trying for something here. Or at least, in Kat's mind it was. "It's nothing personal. I simply have no defence against demons and needed to test out some things. I thank you for your assistance"

*She says that as if she wasn't testing potentially deadline weapons on me.* However, Enuko wasn't actually done speaking. "So how did it feel? Was it a slight annoyance? Was it a major problem you recovered from?"

Kat glanced at Shizuka again who paled and then winced as if she was struck on the side of the head but she steadied herself. Enuko also narrowed her eyes at the interaction but didn't say anything further. *Now. Do I actually answer her? I already answered Shizuka but I'm not even sure I should have done that. I don't particularly want to answer Enuko now that I've seen she's regressed a bit in attitude with me. Then again… I don't want her harassing Shizuka for the answer or worse Minor for it. Dammit. Do I lie? Stupid question I can't lie… but I can maybe phrase it better? Yeah… I'm bad at that and there is no way I can get it past an old Kitsune who's at least a century old.*

"Nothing. It didn't work" said Kat honestly but with a frown. She didn't think she could get away with lying and at this point didn't want to antagonise Enuko for no reason.

Enuko on the other hand seemed genuinely surprised at the answer and when Kat saw that she didn't really know how to feel when she saw that expression. Part of her found a slight glee in proving her wrong, but most of her was worried about the fact Enuko thought Kat would get hurt trying to leave the room.

*How do I even respond to this? I mean I guess I wait for her to say something but…* Kat's attention was stolen by Shizuka who flinched in pain a second time. She looked more prepared for it and only moved her head slightly but based on the pained expression on her face it wasn't the best. *I bet that's Minor voicing her issue with trying to hurt me… but I don't want her to stand up for me. She's likely in a much more dangerous position then I am already.*

"Nothing at all in that room reacted to you?" asked Enuko.

"I mean it glowed a bit more I think but nope. Nothing. Nada. Like walking through a room with glowing lights. The closest thing I took to damage was glare from the walls glowing," stated Kat as clearly as she could to ensure the truth was very obvious.

"Well I'm glad you're ok, but we did need to test those defences. I suppose I'll have to go back to the drawing board," said Enuko in response.

*I don't think I've ever wished for others to be unable to lie as much as I do right now. Like really? Really you're glad I'm ok? You seem genuine enough in that… but like where is the line? You clearly thought it was worth harming me, and while I'm sure Enuko knows about my regeneration… I don't really know how to take this? Maybe just ask? Politely?*

"Are you actually glad? I mean, this is just a guess but I doubt you run your other guests through potential death traps. Which, look. If I'm honest I probably would have agreed to test out for you if you'd asked politely and given a good reason for it… but you forced me to try. This is after I arrived specifically for lessons promised to me. Which… just seems really rude to me," said Kat.

She wanted to work up a bit more anger at it all actually. Enuko wasn't trying to kill her exactly, but it was a known outcome that wasn't a major concern, or at least that how it seemed. But it just didn't feel real. The room did nothing at all as far as she could tell and that fact made it hard to summon up real care.

*Why is it that I can take what is probably an unhealthy amount of glee in imagining the ways I'd horrible maim people who hurt Lily even slightly but finding out I only avoided death or injury because I was lucky and I just… I just don't really care outside of the rudeness factor. I think I'd care more if she slapped or insulted me honestly. Where's the anger?*

"Minor" said Enuko with clear distaste for the name but care in her eyes, "would be sad if something were to happen to you and I don't like to see her sad."

*Clearly the idea isn't so bad because the attempt was made.* "Fine. What would you like me to do now? I assume my teacher isn't here yet?" asked Kat

"Indeed" said Enuko. "I suppose you may spend some time with Shizuka. I will see you later," and then in a flash she was gone. Kat was actually able to follow the movement despite its speed but she didn't bother once Enuko left her eyeline.

Kat turned to face Shizuka who paled once again. "I am very sorry for that. It was at Grandmother's request as I said. I do not know what h-" a sharp spike of pain interrupted Shizuka's words. She growled at it in response. "I thought you didn't want a body Minor. Why is it a big deal now?"

An orange wave flashed across Shizuka's blue hair but Shizuka didn't react to it. Kat narrowed her eyes. *What's going on here.* "Fine then" said Shizuka out of the blue and suddenly her demeanour changed along with her appearance. Minor was in charge now.

"I'm so sorry Kat" said Minor, "I wouldn't have let them summon you if I'd known. I swear I didn't know. Also, Shizuka's being rude about it. She knows exactly what the issue is. Grandma hates two things equally. The first is demons, and the second is mind magic used against her. She had to learn about it to protect herself and she really isn't a fan. You are a demon that can enter peoples minds. Even if you're my friend and it's more than likely she helped you get that ability, she still hates it.

"In fact, she might be projecting a lot of anger she has at herself for essentially giving away that power to someone else and taking it out on you. Not sure about that one. Oh and Shizuka you know damn well why I wanted the body now. It's because my friend was being insulted in front of me, and then you tried to lie to her about it. I don't want a body, but I want my only friend lied to LESS"

The body then started to stumble as the red colour retreated starting at the tips of her tails before moving up to the hair on her head. It took almost no time for it to all turn blue again and now Shizuka had a frown on her face.

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