D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 615 - 615 My New Body And Me Part 1

Chapter 615 - 615 My New Body And Me Part 1

Chapter 615 - 615 My New Body And Me Part 1

Lily couldn't help but stare at what was going to be her new body for a while. It was hard to just take it all in. The body was so similar to her own and yet also very different. A part of her, the part that she was ashamed to admit found her new body sexually attractive, wanted to believe that this body looked nothing like her old one. It was a lie though. For every difference there was ten similarities, even if those differences truly stood out. Lily wanted to burn ever inch of her knew self into her mind, to perhaps understand a few things about herself… or something.

She didn't know where to start, the top the body, maybe the sides. There was so much to stare at in front of her, but in the end she decided to start at her feet, as they were unremarkable at least in her mind. Things had been fixed up, whereas Lily currently had uneven toes with the second to last toe next to her big toe was actually shorter then the two next to it, and on the other side was the same size as it's neighbour on her new body it was a perfect arc.

Her nails had also changed, at least on her feet. She might not have decided to go with claws on her feet but she could tell that her knew nails were much sharper. They were still a soft pink but where they drifted off into white they tapered off into a sharp point instead of a flat line. Lily made a note to be careful when wearing socks in the future. Other than that though, it really wasn't all that exceptional.

*Feet just aren't my thing. I mean… they're just feet in my mind. I guess it's nice to have symmetrical feet and even toes that aren't all wonky but Kat… actually I have no idea. I was thinking that Kat didn't have awkward toes before her transformation but I can't even remember. I don't even know now. If I can't remember KAT'S toes… well… I feel like that says everything it needs to really.*

Then Lily moved onto her new legs. The first thing she noticed was actually the lack of freckles. *That makes sense. Kat lost her freckles during the transformation though she was lucky and didn't have too many before. I have freckles everywhere… though I guess I don't or won't anymore. I can't say I mind. People say that freckles can be cute but it's not like I had many on my face. I mostly just had a few here and there but they were just all over my body. Even some right around… that area… and I have no idea how they got there. It's not like I'm bathing suit material… though… maybe when I was a kid?*

Lily shook her head and moved on. It would be an interesting test to see if she developed new freckles over time with this body in front of her. If they would end up in the same places or if she was now free of them entirely. So Lily focused on the legs proper. She noticed that the hairs on her new legs were thin and basically see through. They were also quite short and Lily felt herself appreciating the change.

*Hopefully they stay like that. Shaving isn't something I ever cared too much about because I kept my legs mostly covered but… if I ever go… well let's not jump straight to that. It'd just be nice to feel Kat run her feet or hands along my legs and I think it's nicer when I have less hair there alright?*

Lily wasn't sure why she was justifying this to herself, but it felt necessary with a second body being shown off to her. With that out of the way she moved on to examining her legs properly, especially the thighs. Lily noted that the new body actually had a bit of muscle development. Nothing too extreme, but for a thigh girl like herself, quite noticeable when she was looking. In the end though, they were nothing to write home about, not in Lily's mind anyway.

She just couldn't help but compare her own thighs to Kat and despite the slight bulk the new muscles brought to her legs they were rather stick like in Lily's mind. She didn't mind being thin, and was quite happy with it on her own body as a matter of fact… but that wasn't her preference. She couldn't sink her hands into her thighs. Anyone resting their head on her lap would just encounter a thin layer of skin and muscle before hitting onto bone. For someone who looked to the thighs for sexual attraction, she gave herself a solid 6/10. Points for the muscles, points for not being just fat, and nice enough shape, but so lacking in definition and the slight thickness that made them truly worth noting.

*In the end though, it's not so different to my actual thighs just a bit more muscle. Which to be fair, makes a lot of sense. It's still ME after all. It also doesn't really matter if I'm not turned on by my own thighs. That'd be really weird. Then again… I wonder if I'd still have a thing for thighs if I had thighs like Kat? Now I feel the need to find other Lesbians to check with. If you have a trait does it make it less desirable on others?*

Lily then looked slightly further up before instantly moving on. She did not have the desire to stare overly much at her own genitals. Appreciating her new body was one thing. Appreciating that particular area, especially while it was a picture in front of her, felt rather uncomfortable and she glanced further upward instantly.

This was where both the least, and most had changed. Lily knew she didn't exercise… at all really so her stomach… while it wasn't fat by any means was a little flabby. It just sort of was, and while Lily didn't exactly find it an pleasant thing to have, it didn't bother her. Now though, she saw her new body had a taught stomach that was giving her the strange desire to eat food off of. Lily had no idea where that thought came from and promptly tried to shove it away only for the image of Kat licking chocolate off her stomach to pop up instead and send a shiver down her spin.

*NO. Bad Lily. Why am I like this? I mean sure it'd be nice… but also kinda weird. Food is just… it's just a thing… but Kat's tongue… mmmmmmm. Yeah I can go along with that. Wait NO. Stop. Do not have… well actually all things considered this is a more normal sexual fantasy. I'm not thinking of using this body, I'm thinking of Kat enjoying it while I'm in it. Does that make this more acceptable? Nevermind. I approve of the stomach and… I think I really want to keep it looking like that.*

Lily then moved her eyes up to her chest and was surprised at what she saw. It was a large pair of perky breasts and Lily found herself surprised by the size. Why did they give me chest padding? "They're the same dear" said Nobody from the side.

Lily whipped her eyes over. "What?" asked Lily incredulously. josei

"We didn't change those. Exactly the same as your current set," said Nobody firmly.

Lily gazed down at her chest and back up to the chest on the new body. I… I never really noticed… Lily knew she was larger then Kat, quite reasonably sized in fact. Just shy of huge really and avoided the back pain that came from having breasts no sane woman would truly desire. Still they were quite large on her small frame, it seemed to be where all her fat had gone throughout her life. It just never really sunk in to Lily.

*I didn't realise I was that much bigger than Kat. I mean, Kat has great breasts, I wouldn't trade them for anything except her perfect thighs but I have both of those now so that's fine. But… I just… they never felt small before. Then again I guess mine never felt big either. I don't think they're like… Sue sized or anything but I'm happy with that.*

Lily let her eyes drift to the side after that realisation to find her arms and grinned. She'd gained a small helping of muscle there as well and stopped her looking like a stick figure. She was actually happier about this change then the ones on her legs because that slight bit of muscle really made all the difference to her arms. Her fingers looked delicate now and no longer had the slight callousing from forever holding books on the ends of her fingers. They did seem to curl just ever so slightly and her nails had the same sharpness as her toenails but that was fine. Lily thought it was one of the better improvements.

*Just the face left… oh… wait no… face and all of the back. Shit. How long have I been staring at 'myself' for?*

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