D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 616 - 616 My New Body And Me Part 2

Chapter 616 - 616 My New Body And Me Part 2

Chapter 616 - 616 My New Body And Me Part 2

The answer was about ten minutes. Lily had spent ten minutes taking in everything below the shoulders on the FRONT of her body. Lily debated if she should ask Nobody to turn her over and then get back to the face, but decided not to worry about that. She could do it later. Now it was time for shoulders.

Which, were a lot like her feet in that they were just shoulders really. They seemed like the only part of her body that hadn't been changed at all. The angle they fell at was even the same as far as Lily could see. They didn't really have that dip around the colour bone that Kat had that Lily enjoyed burying her face in and while she'd heard some people describe the way a neck and shoulders connected, Lily just saw it as… well as a neck, which also seemed unchanged except for the missing freckles of course.

The big shock came when Lily finally locked eyes with 'herself', It drove her breath away. The eyes, which she'd get to later, seemed to make everything else sharper. Her rounded oval shape face now felt like it had edges to it she'd never seen. Lily felt it gave her a cleaner, more defined appearance even if a more thorough glance revealed not all that much had changed. Which was a little odd considering her ears weren't on the side of her head anymore but that's how she felt, it was the eyes that gave so much more character to her face.

Which, speaking of them, where stunning. Lily felt herself unconsciously licking her lips as she stared into them. Lily felt calling them 'orange' was a grave disservice to what she saw. Her knew eyes shone brightly like the last rays of the setting sun, or the cracked orange stone at the tip of the Grand Canyon. There even seemed to be little flakes of gold dotting her news eyes, catching the light beautifully as she moved from side to side to look at her new eyes from every angle.

*I love it. I don't… I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't even care if Kat likes this or not I LOVE this. I mean, I'm sure she will as well but… I never thought my eyes could be beautiful, not like Kat's and especially not like Kat's when hers glow. That… that seemed like a special magical thing I could never possess. Yet… yet here it is. Here they are and I am so unbelievably happy. I do not know what I would have done had I missed the chance to have these. They are wonderful.

They also change my face so much in other ways. It… feels embarrassing to say… but I feel like they also make me look a bit more like Kat. She has sharp eyes and sharp features even with her round face. Huh… I guess it really is the eyes that make or break a face isn't it? I… I'll never be that plain bookworm again will I? Well that's not true, with sunglasses on I might be… but… I think this has helped push me over the edge into beautiful. It's all in the eyes.*

Of course, had Kat been asked, she would have happily called Lily beautiful before with eyes like chocolate diamonds. Perhaps an exaggeration, perhaps not, but it was clear Lily's knew set of eyes were something else, something otherworldly, and something she was very happy to have.

So it took a strange amount of effort to pull her gaze from them to move on to her other features. Next was her nose, which… well it was her nose, the same as always unchanged by the transformation. Not overly big, not overly small really, bit it fit well on her face. The pieces around it though… they had shifted. josei

She had whiskers now! Lily was also happy to report that they didn't make her look weird at all. They were thin silver streaks that reached just ever so slightly past the edges of her face. Lily had some reservations before this thinking they might look strange or silly, but they worked well on her face, and softened it slightly against the harshness of her eyes. Combining that with her thin lips currently curled into a slight smile Lily decided, she her face as a whole, was quite cute.

*Wait. Cute, beautiful eyes, rather nice proportions… strong desire to give myself a hug and I haven't even looked at the ears yet… I'm cute. Not quite sexy-cute but nearly or maybe that's just because I can still see this body as myself… is… is this how Kat feels about me? Does Kat think I'm cute? I mean it would make sense.

It's more of a happy bubble feeling mixed with a desire to protect, and I know Kat's desire to protect me is rather large. It certainly isn't the intense burning or the glassy eye inducing intoxication I can experience looking at Kat but… if she feels about me the way I sort of feel about my new body… I think this can work. I can be happy with this. Now though… onto the important part.*

Lily raised her eyes up to her head, ignoring the hair for now and focusing on her new ears. Lily could already imagine them twitching every which way and intensified the feeling of cuteness. Her ears were perfect triangles, bending outwards slightly with smooth black fur, or was it hair, covering them. The ears had a small tuft of black fur in them that Lily knew had some purpose.

*Yeah Kat's going to go nuts when she sees me like this. I'm a little disappointing about being stuck in cat form for a while, now. I can't wait to see Kat react to me like this. It might not be sexual, but I bet she won't be able to keep her hands from petting me all the time. I want this. If I didn't before, I do now. I want this yesterday.*

Lily looked over her hair and couldn't help but by a little disappointed. It was a nice smooth black now that caught the light slightly. How a projection caught the light, she wasn't sure, now that she really thought about it, but decided the technology was probably just that good. It wasn't the colour change that she was disappointed in, it was the fact it was still quite bushy. Having fresh new hair seemed to have changed nothing in that area. It still seemed to puff up around her head and bunch together somewhat.

*Well I have no complaints about the colour… and even if I had a slight hope it would fix the bushiness Kat actually likes it. So, I can be ok with how my new hair has turned out.* "Can you um… flip… me? Her? It? over please?" asked Lily and nobody easily complied.

Now, with Lily's new body lying down she'd already seen enough of the thighs and stood by her judgement. Nothing more needed to be said. The bottom of her feet looked almost like they had pads with the faint colour difference between areas, but Lily didn't make a note of that. The next major thing she looked at was her but.

Lily couldn't help but feel disappointed by that as well. Unlike other areas that had gained a bit of muscle, this had as well, but it hardly helped matters. She was not blessed in the rear like she was in the chest. Lily wasn't an ass girl, so it didn't feel like the end of the world, but it was completely unremarkable in her mind.

Her tail though, Lily was very happy with. The same black fur that looked so soft to touch. It also had the faintest hint of purple so dark it blended with the black, but Lily could tell and she was quite pleased but the slight colour change, bringing her closer to Kat. The tail itself was decently long, about as long as her arm, which was quite short compared to Kat's own tail but Lily didn't really want her own to be that long. It got the full stamp of approval.

With that done, she'd seen basically everything. There were no surprises further up her back, and the back of her hair was just as much of a mess as it was at the front. Overall though Lily was happy with her new body.

*Even if I didn't get magic out of the deal this body would be worth it. I've even lost a lot of my hesitation about what could happen to my old one. This new one is just… better. It's not perfect but that's its own kind of charm. I love my eyes, and my cute little ears even if they aren't really that little… anyway… I love the tail, the hint of purple is something I didn't know that I needed. Max points for the eyes which… I was thinking the ears and tail would be my best feature at the end of this. I was wrong. The eyes sell it all so well. The whiskers are pretty cute as well, not weird at all which I was worried about.. Looks good, no FANTASTIC.*

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