D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 622 - 622 A Cat On Kat’s Lap

Chapter 622 - 622 A Cat On Kat’s Lap

Chapter 622 - 622 A Cat On Kat’s Lap

We return to Kat's perspective. We pick up just after chapter 621. No time has passed

*Kat's thoughts*

[Lily's thoughts]

D.E.M.O.N.S messages


Kat smiled down at Lily who was radiating happiness. Despite Lily's desire to 'figure out' how Kat was sharing emotions she was in fact already doing it. In Kat's mind there was the equivalent of two doors. One allowed Lily's thoughts and feelings to flow in, while the other allowed Kat's thoughts and feelings to flow out. For Kat, she could already feel the happiness Lily was generating as it washed into her mind.

Unlike Lily who couldn't safely look at the room, Kat could. It was a strange sight for some, but for Kat it reminded her of the fire she saw when she travelled only this time it was trapped in the floor. It shifted around carefully, but whenever Kat blinked the patterns all shifted drastically, as if it was slowing itself down just to be observed. Kat added credit to that theory because the it was ALWAYS when she blinked. Not when anyone else did, so she knew at least part of the appearance was something only she could see.

*The question is then… do I see this as those flames because it's what my mind equates them to? Or does the floor actually look like those flames and I just see my own patterns in them. I wish I could ask Lily for her thoughts… actually… I wonder if we can also share memories and not just internal commentary?*

Before Kat could test the idea out though, Nobody said, "Can I get you to both leave the room? Kat do you want to take Lily?"

Kat nodded and scooped Lily up in her arms and Lily started purring again as soon as she was in place. Kat could feel the contentment rolling off Lily. It was an interesting feeling. Lily's emotions weren't the same as Kat's, or more accurately she didn't interact with them the same way as she did her own. It was simply the nature of the bond. Kat wasn't experiencing the emotions alongside Lily she was getting a sensation of gifted emotion.

In this case, what Kat felt wasn't contentment or calm, it was like a warm blanket was wrapping around her mind with slight hints of fresh air accompanying it. The blanket didn't stay still either, it carefully roamed her mind shifting around and brushing against things almost like it was tenderly stroking her. It was a very interesting experience.

Subconsciously Kat started to run her fingers through Lily's fir and the sensation intensified. *Hmm. Might need to be careful with this. It feels nice certainly but it is also distracting. I don't want to close that door in my mind though. Not when the bond is so new. That would feel like sacrilege. I don't really think I want to get used to this sensation… I wonder if Lily has the same level of control as I do… that could be it. Not sure how I'd teach it though. The doors are just… there.*

When the three exited the room Slethnoth inputted a command into the console and the window into the ritual room slammed shut. Kat and Lily both flinched in sync at the noise, something that caught Nobody and Nira's eyes. Slethnoth… well… it was always hard to tell with them. Still, the girls were led over to a corner and another command was entered and three seats appeared, one for each demon, as everyone expected Lily to simply stay on Kat's lap. josei

As they sat down, Lily hardly twitched, she simply accepter her new place as she was moved from Kat's arms to her legs, something that nearly caused Kat to blush. The feeling of contentment in Lily practically double instantly and there was an undercurrent of a second flavour. To Kat's mind it was both spicy and soothing, as if you'd just drunk a glass of ice water after a hot meal, though more effective then in reality.

"It seems the binding has helped immensely," said Slethnoth 'turning' to face everyone else. "Lily soul has stabilisation is currently sitting at 85%. Still lower then I'd like in ideal circumstances but it is climbing now. Slowly of course, and Lily likely won't reach one hundred percent before the month is out, but it IS increasing, something that was missing before. I have hope that things will settle down and no issues will occur."

Nobody took over at this point before anyone else could speak up. "Her body is currently fine. From my observations the muscles were not quite developed to the point we were aiming for and I am unsure what has caused it. It may be purely a placebo affect but I am unsure at this time. Other than that she is a healthy young Memphis.

"Her immune system reads as fine, her bones and ligaments contain no issues, I've noticed that she hasn't picked up the ability to sense electrical pulses but that's normal. It normally comes in over the first week or two so nothing to worry about there. Based on the run through the obstacle course we had her do, her reaction time is actually lagging behind a decent amount however I suspect her mind has not properly caught up to its new speed. I foresee no problems in that area long term but it will need to be monitored. Now Kat do you have any questions?"

"Shouldn't you be asking Lily that?" questioned Kat and received a burst of happiness from the bundle of fir in her lap.

"Well… yes or no questions are quite limiting…" Nobody started but didn't get into it properly when she noticed Kat's very confused face. "What?"

"I can hear Lily's thoughts and she can hear mine. Was that not something you intended to happen?" asked Kat. [Nope. It wasn't]

Nobody, obviously not able to hear Lily's response also answered, "No. It was a hope of course, that with a more developed soul and mind there would be additional benefits to the bond." Nobody liked her lips, "In that case, Lily, is there anything you feel like bringing up? Any pain at all?"

[I still have some lingering soreness from flying but I doubt that really counts… hmm… I don't think so?]

Kat had to stifle a laugh. Despite the words Lily transmitted the rest of her thoughts were easy to pick up. Lily was much more interested in the fact she was snuggling against Kat's thighs then any potential issues she might be experiencing. Kat found it amusing that her knowledge obsessed, fr- girlfriend was giving up the chance at more information just to enjoy the sensation of her thighs.

*I may never properly understand Lily's love for me, but the mental connection really does help. I can't believe just resting on my lap is such a pleasure for her. I mean, it's adorable and I like it as well, but the enjoyment coming from Lily's end makes my own feel so shallow. I wonder if I can ever understand. Anyway…*

*Lily, are you sure you don't have any questions? You can enjoy my thighs whenever you want.* Crashing waves of embarrassment flowed through the connection. It felt like trying to sit in a slightly too warm bath while a feast of your favourite food was nearby. Kat didn't really understand how that made any sense.

Still, it did get Lily to think properly about a few questions… after a brief flash of longing and acceptance for the fact she could do this in the future. [Let's see… my eyes are much better now. I didn't really think it would be such an improvement… though that isn't a problem… hmm… actually wait. How do I use magic? I have the affinities now right? How do I get that going?]

Kat relayed the question to Nobody who was about to answer before being cut off by Slethnoth. "She doesn't. Not yet anyway. Magic is an art that calls on the soul. I don't believe it is particularly safe to learn magic until she is completely stable. Once Lily gains the use of her humanoid form, then it should be safe for Lily to start learning."

Irritation rolled of Lily invading Kat's mind again. It felt like being in the eye of a cyclone. Everything was whirling around her and the need to get out was strong, just as the futility of being unable to move was there as well. [Dammit. I can't believe I can't get start-] before Lily could sink too far into annoyance Kat started to scratch behind Lily's ears again and she melted into Kat's lap purrfectly content.

*It's silly how effective this is.* Kat thought to herself as the happiness radiated off of Lily. So many feelings flowed through the connection because of this action and none of them were negative. Kat could not believe how quickly it had changed Lily's mind. *I wonder if I should be concerned about this. Just a couple of scratches and she's not just no longer annoyed, she's very happy with everything..* Unbeknownst to Kat, the reaction was largely due to it being her specifically doing the scratching.

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