D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 623 - 623 Get A Room

Chapter 623 - 623 Get A Room

Chapter 623 - 623 Get A Room

Nobody clapped twice to get everyone's attention on her. It even managed to call up Lily's attention. "With that done, we don't really have any more questions for you. We'll be showing you both a room, or two rooms if you want, for a day. We'll examine you both tomorrow and then you'll be free to go if there are no issues. We will also be calling you both back if any problems appear or when Lily manages a humanoid form. Unless you have questions for us?"


"No" said Kat.

"Good to hear. Please follow me then," said Nira. Kat stood up and transferred Lily to her shoulder. Lily wanted to pout at not being held but decided this was good practice. It wasn't too bad but as Kat moved Lily bounced slightly. She needed to make sure her legs moved alongside Kat's to stay in place rather then bouncing around.

Nobody and Slethnoth waved them out of the room and Kat waved back. Lily just gave them a nod. After that it was a relatively quick trip to the elevator then to the dorm floor. They actually saw a few other demons along the way but didn't take too much note of them as they were clearly going places. Eventually, Nira stopped outside a room labelled 666.

"Really?" asked Kat gesturing at the door number.

Nira shrugged, "I don't actually know what you see. They are enchanted to show people different gags. I'm surprised it works with your True Sight actually."

Kat looked closely at the door. *Hmm, I think it doesn't. I think this might actually be room 666. Lily what do you see?*

[It was room 13 for me until you said it was actually 666 then it changed in my view.]

Interesting. Kat pointed the discrepancy out and Nira tapped a finger to her cheek. "Well… I'm not sure if that means it doesn't work properly on Kat, or that sharing the knowledge between you both made it change to 666 in Lily's mind because she'd prefer to match you. Anyway it's not really relevant."

Nira pushed open the door to a rather spacious room. There was a king single sized bed against the wall with a Kat bed on a side table set at the end that took up the right side of the room. Kat rolled her eyes a little at the fact they thought there was even a small chance Lily would sleep anywhere other than next to her.

The rest of the room was actually quite stocked. There was a holographic screen in the middle of a bookshelf. Kat didn't recognise any of the titles but wasn't surprised by that fact. There was a desk set up against the back wall with a silver bar that likely produced a screen as well and several drawers. The there was also a handle on the far left side of the left wall when you were looking at it. Kat wasn't sure what that was for.

[I bet it's a pull out closet]

Kat found her face twitching slightly at that. *I didn't realise I'd said that… well not out loud but let it go to Lily. Maybe I just radiated confusion looking at it? Something to be more careful about.*

"If you two need anything you should be able to call me from the desk. I won't be here instantly as I'll be going over the data from Lily's change with Nobody and Slethnoth or doing a bit of work here. Still I'll be around if you need me. Feel free to use whatever is in the room, though take care of it. Or don't? I'm not sure if damages would be covered in whatever weird package you brought for this operation. NORMALLY you'd be charged so… keep it in mind?" Nira shrugged at the end and waved the pair goodbye.

Kat let herself drop onto the bed, jolting Lily slightly despite waiting for the movement. She instantly took the chance to move once Kat was sitting down, to Kat's legs of course. Lily curled herself up into a ball and just started enjoying the feeling.

*Now that it's just us do you have any concerns? Anything you want to tell me? Ask me? Would you rather I chat out loud or over mind for this? Anything you want to catch me up on?*

[I'm fine. I mean… I might start noticing weird things later but for now this is all quite novel. Nothing feels like a problem. My body feels really responsive, my mind is working fine, my eyes are spectacular. I… er… no. You're my girlfriend. I can admit I have a weird fetish for your legs and that I enjoy laying here immensely. It's so much better then a normal lap pillow because I can just lay here. I don't even need to move to talk.

[So for now at least, everything is great though… the talking thing. It's a little annoying I have no real way to talk to people is to get you to repeat things for me but I don't mind it for me so much as I mind that it'll become annoying for you. Oh, and I want to know how you sent that wave of emotion. That was… very nice.]

*Um… don't you realise you've already been doing that?*

[Wait I have?]

*Yeah you have, pretty much always. Wait… do you have those doors in your mind?*

[What doors?]

*Oh dear…* Kat sucked in a deep breath. *Ok how do I explain this… wait can I just…* Kat tried to find the 'idea' of the doors, or the memory of 'finding' them in her mind and shoving that down the connection. When it got sucked into the door to Lily's mind.

[Woah. Ok that's… that's weird. I think we can send memories to each other Kat… and… yeah I see what you mean. I don't have doors in my head though, or anything that could be considered equivalent. I wonder why? Is it because I'm subordinate in this bond? Is it because my soul is weaker? Is it just because you're more powerful then me? You're essentially perfect recall? There is so many things it could be…]

Kat 'watched' as Lily's mind started to whirl around trying to work out all the variables that could possibly cause the bond to develop this way. For Kat it was astonishing how fast Lily's thought process was. Kat knew she could speed her own mind up with demonic energy and she'd never thought herself slow, but seeing the endless stream of ideas and conclusions Lily was shifting through made her feel like her mind was drastically under utilised and much slower.

Of course, this wasn't really the case. Kat could push her mind just as fast as Lily when the situation called for it or close enough to not matter. With demonic energy she could of course push herself further but it was the passion that was missing. Lily's mind was usually working at full capacity when she found and interesting question. Kat's mind simply didn't. Perhaps it could be trained to though…

[Wait…] Lily's spinning thoughts suddenly halted [Does that mean you've been feeling my emotions this whole time?] josei

*Sort of? It's hard to explain it really. Your emotions aren't mine and sharing them with me doesn't make me feel them alongside you… it… hmm… it's not really something that can be described properly. Let me try and… *

Kat sent her calm through the link. Then she started to think about things that made her angry, mostly times Lily was hurt, and pushed that down the link. Then she thought of Gramps and pushed her love for him down the link before finally focusing on how she thought about Lily and sending that last.

Kat could sort of see the echo of what she'd done coming off Lily's mind. It was strange to 'watch' and she was really disconnected from the sensation. Perhaps it's to prevent feedback loops?

That snapped Lily out of the sensations. She instinctively pushed them down and returned to the now. [Yeah that… that can't really be described properly. What… um… what was that last one though?] Kat could feel Lily's curiosity as well as something underneath that.

*That was my feelings for you.*

[Oh] Kat wondered about that 'oh' thinking it was a strange response. She didn't really know how to react to it. It seemed so… lacking. There was hardly any emotion behind it. For a second. Then it was everywhere.

Kat felt it as her girlfriend unintentionally started shoving the equivalent feelings back. Kat was hit with everything Lily felt about her and it was an indescribable experience. Kat knew somehow that it was completely different to the way she felt about Lily, but no less strong. It burned like fire, was soothing like a cool breeze, was fast like a jet plane yet slow like a gentle stream.. Kat tried to make sense of all the conflicted sensations that somehow fit so well together.

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